• Hello Guest!

    We have recently updated our Site Policies regarding the use of Non Commercial content within Paid Content posts. Please read the new policy here.

    An offical announcement about this new policy can be read on our Discord.

    ~The VaMHub Moderation Team
  • Hello Guest!

    We posted an announcment regarding upcoming changes to Paid Content submissions.

    Please see this thread for more information.

Added some sliders to modify Henry's dick: length, girth and a different style than the regular one. Also added two Subscene versions and made small adjustments to the body sliders (look at that fat gut!), Henry's face and skin color.

Customize Henry to your liking, make him lanky, thick, muscular or a complete hunk!

In addition to the appearance and scene I also added a SubScene version which makes it possible to load the look + the sliders into any existing scene you want and adjust the look to your liking. For an instruction on how to do this either check out the Hub page or read the instructions part in the var file. Enjoy!

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