For me this scene is now, with version 5.2, worth a 5/5 rating.
It was not before, let me explain why:
I would have not rated it good in the early versions (So I did not rate at all), simply because technically it was a mess. Primary reason being the bad dependencies. I also run into the problem that it did not run properly in edit mode which is now fixed.
I think doing quality control by testing the scene in a clean VAM-installation before uploading would have helped to catch many problems. Considering that thousand of people download this and potentially run into issues or download unnecessary dependencies, messing up their VAM-installation, that's very bad and always a big red flag for me.
Now I hope I do not come across like an asshole for being very critical. The scene itself is indeed very well animated. Unlike other creators who have scenes on the Hub with 100+ dependencies, completely broken because they lack the skills/knowledge to fix their mess, you (ascorad) fixed it over time and it became a "Must Have".
So at the end - Good work and Thank You!
I guess a reason why it's so popular, is because it combines a lot of elements that people like in VR:
-It's POV and has a good camera perspective for immersion.
-The animation is in sync to the music with eye candy effects.
-It's interactive allowing you control. (unlike watching 'fixed' mocap where some interaction is just lost)