Going, Going, Gone

Plugins Going, Going, Gone

Of all the find Waldo plugins i´ve tried, this works best, for my needs. Thank you very much.
Happy to hear that. Thanks.
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It works! Reliably! It plays well with others! Love being able to fade-in a character. The cut-off seems well managed and (imo) is unnoticeable if using a little distraction trickery. Thank you! :)
Thanks for the review :-)
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Well... actually, this really works! Thanks! ;)
Thanks - I like it, too, when things work ;-)
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It's much easier because there's no need to prepare cloth for alpha textures. thank you.
However, even if you prepare a gradation for alpha, the transparency will suddenly change to about 50% at the threshold. Is it possible to somehow make this 256 grade?
Thanks for the feedback :-)
No, sorry, the shader replacements use a cutoff threshold - there is no gradation possible....
...except maybe by using a little trick: dithering - take your gradated image and run a dithering filter over it - if the texture resolution is high enough, the dithering might not be too apparent.
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Glad you decided to come back to this plugin. Really good stuff. Render queues are fun to play with.
No worries. Yes they are ... when they are not annoying the hell out of you ;-)
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11/11 ELF!
Thanks :-)
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Awesome! This provides nice intel about how far that monster cock actually reaches up the belly. And, even more importantly, helps me a lot while debuging/improving the penetration detection in BodyLanguage. Now I don't have to look from inside a leg to see what's going on...
Thanks! :)
Now that's one kind of usage for this plugin I have NOT thought about. Been doing the "inside the leg" debugging/positioning a lot, too.
Upvote 1
Thanks for creating this!
You're welcome :-)
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Perfect! I’ve struggled with getting this working with the existing plugins but this one worked perfectly, the single slider to vanish the whole person was so easy.
Easy to use and works perfect, great work.
Glad it works for you. Thanks for the feedback and review.
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Good UI, this hides everything including the tongue. You did miss the gloss texture for the eyeballs.
I am aware of this bug, but I don't know which shader parameter would take care of that... *clackediclackediclack...*, Oh, OK, now I know. Bugfix available :-) Thanks for the nudge.
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This review box cannot contain the amount of stars for this effort, this creative genius, this push through resilience of a mega nuke bomb drop of a release which seemingly no one else was capable of doing - you sir, are a Master
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