v24 New Features // Tab organized sections. Fixed left right lock.
This took forever for two reasons:
One, I had to figure it out, i couldn't wrap my brain around it.
With the tabs in place, there will now be a method to add custom morphs to be affected by open/close.
Mons/Bendover/Additional Labia Customization morphs to be added next as well.
Two, my motherboard/CPU took a huge shit.

but you're gonna laugh, i sold my classic 68 sports car so i could swing new parts.

lol ... smh.
// This weekend should have MONS/BEND OVER CONTROL FIXERS MORPHS/ OTHER FIXER MORPHS on a separate tab.
// v23
New features, Full Left / Right Sync for Labia bits. Smoothing on the open close.
// TO DO: Add left/right detection, weight left and right morphs more naturally like, close left more when left leg is closer to middle, etc...
// LFE Autogen Detection -- assist LFE autogen on ins/outs
// Interface update ... read more unity UI stuff to make more efficient