Five Night At Freddy's character and asset pack.

Looks Five Night At Freddy's character and asset pack.

Great work!
Thank you.
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Every day we stray further from god and I for one am proud to be involved. Awesome unique work
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Great job!
I was waiting for furry.
By the way, can you move your line of sight?
what do you mean by move your line of sight ?
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Xlnt work!
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Great models. absolutely beautiful. 2 things i would do differently. 1) These are Animatronics from a horror game. Being SEXUALIZED Animatronics, I would make them a bit more Candy like in appearance. Including the naughity bits. which leads to my second addition. 2) why are there no nipples. Yes, i realize the Pieces are Cloth, but really, Sexualized animatronics need nipples.
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great work! Do you plan a Futa variant?
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Been looking for months for something like this, incredible work. Only problem is there's no nipples. Still incredible work 11/10
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