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i need to write a second review, just because you have added this "magic button" for custom models. THIS is how you do it! Since i am a consumer and i dont want to spend hours aligning custom models to every single animation, your scene is a real showcase. I love this feature - i tested it randomly with 5 of my favorite appearances with every single animation in your scene, and it was nearly perfect. The only animation i had to adjust a litte bit with 2 out of the 5 appearances was bj1. Every other animation worked out of the box. Everything i wrote in my first review is still valid. Can't wait to see your next scene. Great work and thanks alot!
Thank you so much for the updated review! I know a lot of users like to use their own looks, me being one of them, so I want to make scenes that are self-explanatory, easy to use, and replay-able. It makes me so happy to hear your review! Good news, I plan to add the “magic button” in all my upcoming scenes, hopefully with some improvements! Thank you again for the kind words! <3
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Supremely wonderful. The scene that was considered to the side to use. I will do my best to create such a wonderful scene.
Thank you so much for the kind review! A lot of other creators inspired me to make quality scenes and put my all in to them, there’s some really good creators out there and I hope to be one of them one day. Thank you so much for the kind review! <3
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Man this scene is fantastic, and with each update it's got better and better! Can't wait to see what you come up with for your next scene, Zinigo
Thank you so much for the kind words in your review! I’m also very excited to release my next scene. I’ve learned a lot since posting this scene and can’t wait to share! :)
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Amazing work! Very straightforward scene with easy customization thanks! The handjob and blowjob occasionaly don't sync but other than that a great scene!
Thank you for the review! :)

Sorry to hear you're having some issues with the HJ and BJ though! I tried to do thorough testing, but I know things can happen sometimes with different looks/settings. If you'd like, please reach out to me in the discussion section. If you can let me know which poses specifically are giving you issues I'd be happy to look into it and get it fixed!
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Thanks for AA scene and also for these improvements , and for sharing !!!
Thank you for the kind words! :)
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Excellent scene, very impressive in that it has no glitches and works so smoothly.
Thank you! Glad you're enjoying it!
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Absolutely great!
Thank you for the review! :)
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Dropping in to give you crazy props for this scene. It's killer and I couldn't recommend it more. Really great work!

Some of the things that really stood out to me personally:
-The animation variety
-How clean it runs (even when trying to break it)
-The atmosphere is fantastic
-That menu. Just damn

I hope to see a lot more from you my friend. You've got a lot of fans already and they're well deserved!
Thank you for the kind words and review! Means a lot coming from you!
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Wow so many best practices and now getting better and better.
Please consoder adding some idle or dancing poses to build up expectations. thanks
Thank you! I’ve learned a lot since I first started this scene, so I’m slowly going back and improving some stuff! As for the dancing/idle animations, dancing might be a little out of my skill level for the moment. But I do have some ideas I’m working on in 4.0 to help “warm” things up!
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I really like combo HJ/BJ addition. Thank you for that. The animations are great and I appreciate the versatility as well. This has scene has become one of my favorites.
Thank you for the review! That’s so awesome to hear it’s one of your favorites!

Sounds like you’re going to love the next 4.0 update. It’s a little ways off, but almost all of the positions will have added versatility and slight gestures to give it that sense of realism. I’m really excited to get it released once it’s polished! Depending on feedback, I may add more HJ/BJ combos as well!
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The sexiest part of this scene is how thoroughly all of the atoms, plugins, triggers, etc. are labeled. Huge W dude.
Yeah.. Im a software engineer so naming conventions are very important. Helps with the work flow! 😂

Thanks for the review, hope you're enjoying the scene!
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Thank you for not making us pay for this! It would be worth it if you did. Top notch scene!
Thank you for the review! I’m glad you like it. :)
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(Made an account just to rate this scene.)

3.5/5 - Solid scene.

Here are some suggestions:

1) Many scenes on VAM have not been able to replicate this, but please, PLEASE consider adding more movement and emotion on the receiver. It's a pet-peeve of mine when plugins/assets for a male's sexual gratification exist and a ton of creators always forgo it and prioritize their female subjects. I get it; VAM is full of great female looks and models, but I would really like for you to focus on male subjects as well. So, moaning, facial expressions resembling pleasure (struggling to last, ecstasy, etc.) would be really nice!

2) Add a 'Day' mode. Evening is nice, however, night is a bit lackluster because the lighting isn't strong enough. The table lamp and spotlight simply aren't enough, but do a decent job of capturing that sensual feel, which was probably your intention.

3) Extended/more detailed animations. Much like the emotion and movement of the male subjects I wrote about earlier, clitoral stimulation and kissing is a big, fat FUCKING W in my book. A ton of your animations in this scene can allow for these sort of details to work. For example, the first animation when you load up the scene shows the female subject stroking the male subject, you can add some minor details such as licking or kissing the tip, moving closer for a tit job, etc. Another example, the newly added table lamp doggy position is the perfect position for clitoral stimulation and kissing.

4) Progressive sweat and pre-cum. You should consider adding sweat depending on the length of a session or simply the speed of an animation and have the sweat and pre-cum stay on a character. You already have an option to load/clean up cum, might as well try it out with sweat and pre-cum.

5) *Personal request*: Not important, but why not add a little storyline? Similar to the premise of a TushyRAW/BLACKEDRAW scene. That would really set the mood for this scene. Jumping from one location (i.e. a bar or club) and moving to the room that is used in this scene (You could fade out and into this room, or you can make it spicy by adding a make-out session between the two subjects).

P.S: I understand I'm laying out a ton of ideas for you, which inevitably means a ton of work, but take your time. This is already a solid scene with the potential to be one of the best on VAM! Already a great first impression with this scene, can't wait to see your future work!
Thank you for the feed back! I really appreciate it! :)

I won't lie, some of those things are currently over my current skill. However I am learning more everyday thanks to the community and experimenting and I'm axcited to put what I'm learning to use in the near future!

Some notes on your feedback:

As for male emotion, I completely understand and agree with you. Too many scenes focus on the female and lack emotion on the male model which could help provide that sense of intimacy (Which I really wanted given the "theme" of this scene. However, I don't think it would fit in this scene as PoV is never meant to be broken. That being said, I do have a scene that I am working with where adding more life and emotion to the male would do wonders. So I appreciate the suggestion and will try to implement it in the upcoming scene.

So I did play around with the idea of a Day mode, however there were some lighting issues with the environment asset that was used (In the original post of said asset I believe the author mentioned this) so I stuck with the default evening mode, and added a night to get that feel of coming back to her place after a date that went well. I could however look into adding the ability to adjust the lights. Creating the menu and toggle states would require a bit of work, but could be worth it!

As for the extended animations, I agree completely. I'm pretty new at animations and timeline, so I wanted to keep things short (less prone to breaking) while I learned the ropes and how animations should "feel" and look. Again though, everyday I get a little bit better. So I'm hoping to improve here as it is definitely my weakest point in scene building.

For the last few suggestions I would love to add that to the scene, and even played around with starting in a bar, however it would greatly bloat the dependency size as most bar/club assets can be quite big. I even experimented by creating walls, floors and custom textures to handcraft an environment but wasn't happy with the outcome. For the progressive sweat, that is a really good idea I might have to implement. In the new scene I'm working on I do have effects similar, such as mascara bleeding over time and saliva slowly gathering on hands, mouth, genitals, ect. I'm really happy with how it's turning out and can't wait to get it released.

Again, I really appreciate the feedback. A lot of these ideas and suggestions are really great and I'll do my best about implementing what I can!
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This scene is ridiculously good. No matter how you look on it: Creatively, animation- or style-wise, technically... I just love it!
Thank you for the kind words! I still think I've got a lot to learn but it makes me so happy people are enjoying my scenes! :)
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thanks for creating and sharing great scenes
Thank you for the review! I don't know about them being 'great', but I do try! :)
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Absolutely flawless first release I have ever seen. Everything works great, zero bug, nice clean dependencies.
Kudos for your first release sir.
Thank you, that means a lot coming from you! I really appreciate the review!
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Glad you're sharing the stuff you made, it's great :)
Glad to be sharing, didn’t think my stuff would be so positively received, but I’m very grateful! Thanks again for the help, without you this would have just been another scene to never see that daylight. 😅
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Outstanding work!!! 5*
Thank you! Hope you enjoyed it!
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Superb work!
Thanks for the review, I appreciate it!
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5+ stars! This scene is awesome in VR! Even the passenger head bobbing (which I usually hate because it makes me dizzy) works because it forces you to move in rhythm. The girl is gorgeous. Never a fan of tattoos but that's obviously a personal preference and easy to fix. Can't wait to see what else you add.
Thank you! I was really surprised how well the model turned out, not to mention the scene. 😅

In future updates I do plan to make the model more customizable such as removing tattoos, piercings, hair color and some other options. I release now not everyone likes goth girls like I do. 😂
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