Every once in a while a plugin comes along that makes you go "What? Fucking WHAT?" and double-check if there's a way to rate it higher than just five stars. This is one of them. Here's what my first experience with it was like:
"Okay, I just added it to the Person atom. Huh... the character looks exactly the same and my framerate hasn't gotten worse. Surely the plugin can't be active, but it says here that it is. On default settings the character doesn't look squishy... okay, let me set the Torso Uniform Sim Strength slider to 0.20 OH MY GOD THE CHARACTER HAS TURNED INTO A BATHTOWEL. THEIR ENTIRE GEOMETRY IS A FUCKING CLOTH SIMULATION. HOW IS MY FRAMERATE STILL GOOD RIGHT NOW. Okay, fine, this is definitely impressive, but surely there can't be a way to make the character squishier AND still preserve their appearance... *fiddles with the sliders a bit* Oh, turns out there is. Okay, but if I load this extremely custom appearance, SURELY something will break... *loads appearance* Nothing broke. All right, but if I load ACTUAL clothes on top of the cloth skin... *loads clothes* They look perfect. Slightly better than without the plugin, in fact. And let me guess, the plugin will also work great on a male character... *loads plugin on male character* Of course it does."
It's incredible. And if anyone wants to know the fun squishy settings that somehow barely alter the character's appearance: load the plugin and change Stiffness to 0.05, Distance Scale to 1.75, Compression Resistance to 0.05, Collision Radius to 0.025, Collision Power to 0.15, and as for the Uniform Sim Strength sliders: change Torso to 0.60, Limbs to 0.75 and all the others to 0.85. You may find these a bit TOO squishy but they're a good starting point for finetuning. Also, to be precise about my testing environment, I am using turtlebackgoofy's latest CPU patch for VaM.
Unfortunately there isn't a way to rate a plugin higher than five stars, but if I could I would. Absolutely astonishing work, Stopper.