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Textures Epi.RenVR_RMX_Skins_and_Textures 2022-12-24

This looks absolutely adorable, it's hard to overstate this work! Thank you so much!

However, why the hell did lalaland3321 give it one star and ruin the rating? I can't look at this, it's disgusting. No respect for other people's work! Please contact tech support to remove this undeserved review!
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  • Deleted member
  • 5.00 star(s)
  • Version: 2022-12-24
awesome! thanks for sharing them!
Thank you for the kind words :)
Upvote 0
Some of the best skins i ever seen.

(I forgot to rate this also...)
Thank you for the review. . It takes a long time to make your content and a second to give it one star :')
Upvote 0
Stop rushing updates. Take your time and do it right.
Contact our customer service for a full refund.
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HooooooooU . . . NooooooooU . . . ! This is Magnificient . . . ! 5/5 *

Explorers in further regions of experience, demons to some, angels to otherS
Upvote 0
Very nice! Thank you!
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They look good in the screenshots, but I can't find them in VAM. I've put the VAR into the AddonPackages folder, and even extracted it all out into the normal subsequent folders and I can't get them to show up in the skin selections screen. What am I doing wrong?
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omg gtfo
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