I remember her from long ago, and still think wooow every time I see her, great idea and great character design.
thank you! Im just getting around to updating some of the things i forgot to convert to "hub-hosted" ! Glad you like her :)
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And you have great taste in choosing her!
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Jackaroo never disappoints...ever
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I love all your anime character looks! Do you ever do commissions?
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Jewelry appears to be offset for me when I load into VR, not sure what I'm doing wrong. Lovely look as always
Certain poses may knock the CUA's off a little bit, or it may possibly be the smoothing setting in your main vam, i neglected to mention i keep mine at 0 or 1, and then use tessellation plugin by huntingsuccubus to smooth models edges. Worse comes to worse and it's neither of those, you can readjust them and then save a new CUAmanager preset ( i included one, but you can make a new one) :) Hope that helps!
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