Quite a while back ElkVR created the BVH Player script which is amazing itself, however he left our community and the plugin was never updated. Eventually I decided its ok to share my own personal updated version I have made for myself and this is it here 
The Primary BVH Player component allows you to load in single BVH files and play them back in realtime at varying speed. It also allows you to 'bake' the animation from BVH to VAM's built in scene animation which allows you to 'bake' multiple BVH files one after the other to create longer animations.
One of the issues with using BVH files is that they are not always designed for the Gen2 character and so don't always work well when you load them into VAM. This is where my additions to this script come in.
Under the Features tab are the following :
Custom Physics Weight - allows you to adjust the physical weight of various body parts to effect how motion and momentum effect the animation when applied to a person
Distance Based Playback - meant for lapdances. allows you to choose another person as the target, and the closer the two people come to each other, the slower the animation will play
Attempt to stay on floor - non physics approach to fixing BVH files where the hip is the centerpoint. EG when the person kneels their feet come off the floor and float. This will ensure their feet stay on the floor.
Disable Head and Neck - stops the animation of the head and neck nodes. For E-Motion support but will allow any gaze plugin to control the head.
Under the Joint Hold Controls tab you can enable the script to apply advanced hold mechanics to the person for additional playback options. This option must be ticked for both the Joint Hold and Joint Angle tabs to effect the person
On this tab you can control the overall application of the BVH to the person's physical body. The primary use of this tab is to allow 'rotation only' BVH playback. By lowering position hold to 0 on all body parts while keeping rotation hold, the person will be free to use physics and gravity to determine their position in the world. Resolves the issue with BVH files that are stuck in one location even when walking/dancing etc.
Under the Joint Angle tab you can adjust the final angle applied to each atom of the body so as to fix issues with BVH files that are designed for other models. For example you can use this tab to adjust the foot angle to use an animation with high heels, or adjust the arms so they rest on the hips correctly. (Configure Joints Automatically needs to be enabled for this to effect the animation)
This was done using the 'attempt to stay on floor' function along with baking about 16 BVH files into a single long VAM animation
This is my first try at a VAR on VAMHUB, hopefully it works!
The Primary BVH Player component allows you to load in single BVH files and play them back in realtime at varying speed. It also allows you to 'bake' the animation from BVH to VAM's built in scene animation which allows you to 'bake' multiple BVH files one after the other to create longer animations.
One of the issues with using BVH files is that they are not always designed for the Gen2 character and so don't always work well when you load them into VAM. This is where my additions to this script come in.
Under the Features tab are the following :
Custom Physics Weight - allows you to adjust the physical weight of various body parts to effect how motion and momentum effect the animation when applied to a person
Distance Based Playback - meant for lapdances. allows you to choose another person as the target, and the closer the two people come to each other, the slower the animation will play
Attempt to stay on floor - non physics approach to fixing BVH files where the hip is the centerpoint. EG when the person kneels their feet come off the floor and float. This will ensure their feet stay on the floor.
Disable Head and Neck - stops the animation of the head and neck nodes. For E-Motion support but will allow any gaze plugin to control the head.
Under the Joint Hold Controls tab you can enable the script to apply advanced hold mechanics to the person for additional playback options. This option must be ticked for both the Joint Hold and Joint Angle tabs to effect the person
On this tab you can control the overall application of the BVH to the person's physical body. The primary use of this tab is to allow 'rotation only' BVH playback. By lowering position hold to 0 on all body parts while keeping rotation hold, the person will be free to use physics and gravity to determine their position in the world. Resolves the issue with BVH files that are stuck in one location even when walking/dancing etc.
Under the Joint Angle tab you can adjust the final angle applied to each atom of the body so as to fix issues with BVH files that are designed for other models. For example you can use this tab to adjust the foot angle to use an animation with high heels, or adjust the arms so they rest on the hips correctly. (Configure Joints Automatically needs to be enabled for this to effect the animation)
This is my first try at a VAR on VAMHUB, hopefully it works!