
Paid Plugins BrowserAssist

Bug fix:
  • Fixed issue that was causing users Tag data to be periodically lost for local resources
  • Fixed issue that resulted in loading SubScenes not creating new SubScene Atoms under certain conditions
New Features:
  • Introduced support for SubScenes as a new resource type.
  • Added the ability to set Tags as 'Preferred Tags' in the PluginUI settings. Preferred tags will be listed at the top of the Tags filter drop downs.
  • Usability improvements to the Tags tab for resources. Includes the ability to expand the tag window area to show more tags without scrolling.
Bug fix:
  • Fixed issue with Desktop Scaling not persisting between BrowserAssist restarts
  • Fixed issue that was causing BrowserAssist to not load if a legacy meta data folder was detected
I'd strongly advise BrowserAssist users to backup their Tags meta data from time to time. See here for details on how to do that.
Bug fix:
  • Fixed issue on startup caused by missing folders under Custom\Atom
  • Introduced additional Preset Resource Types for all non-Person Atoms e.g. CUAs, Lights, Empty, AnimationPatterns etc.
  • Each Resource Type can now be optionally concealed - allowing the removal of any resource types that are not used from the Resource Type dropdowns.
  • Minor improvement to the scrolling of the tags window - it no longer resets every time a resource is selected.
New features:
  • The number of selected resources is now shown on the resource browser window
  • Supports seamless switching between UIAssist & BA when both are attached to the VAM UI (requires UIAssist v2.10).
One additional bug fix which I accidentally introduced in the 1.11.2 release:
  • Fixed the integration with UIAssist which was causing an error in UIAssist when using the option to select resources using a BA browser window.
Please report any issues on Discord here:
Additional bug fixes with the 1.11 release:
  • Fixed an issue with Rescans not working for Local folders
  • Fixed a performance issue that was manifesting in some circumstances (possibly related to the number of Resource thumbnails)
  • Fixed an issue with Preset files that not pre-fixed with 'Preset_' from causing an error on startup
  • Fixed the position of the BA launch icon conflicting with the VAM UI on the initial Top menu
Also added the ability to adjust Desktop Scale using a UIAssist button.
Minor bug fix that only manifested in v1.11.0:
  • Plugin failed to load in fresh VAM installs.
  • Option (in plugin setting) for Tag data (and other meta data) of Packaged resources to be maintained even when the containing VAR is missing. This is intended to support VARManager plugins which remove VARs temporarily and then re-instate them later. Manual deletion of VARs using the BrowserAssist delete function will purge meta data, even if this setting is enabled.
  • BrowserAssist now reads the created and modified dates of files directly which give a mores accurate sorting of files by New and Updated dates. This is particularly useful for non-packaged (i.e. Local) files.
  • VAR Content rescans can be manually triggered from the Info page of each resource or from the Plugin UI under General Settings. This is different to the normal scan performed on startup (or the top right button on the filters). The normal scans do not check for changed VAR content. For the most part VARs are considered to be immutable (i.e. cant change) but its possible for users to unpack VARs and add or remove resources. Where this occurs, a manual content rescan needs to be triggered.
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