
Paid Plugins BrowserAssist

  • Option to bulk delete multiple resources. This feature needs to be enabled in the plugin UI first. When enabled, an additional 'Delete All' button will become available on the Action tab when multiple resources are selected. Requires the SymLinks bat file to be run (see warnings and instructions on VAMHub pages).
  • Includes functionality to provide an integration with UIAssist (and potentially other plugins in the future).
Bug fix release that addresses two issues:
  • CombiTag deletion and renames were not always being persisted between plugin reloads
  • Change the Creator names sort order to alphabetical was not being persisted between plugin reloads
New Features:
  • PATREONS ONLY: Filtering by multiple tag combinations can now be applied on the main resource Browser.
BA Tag Filters2.jpg
  • Creators filter now sorts the list of creators by the quantity of resources so the most prolific creators are listed first. An option in the Plugin Settings UI allows switching back to alphabetical order. Some performance improvements to this drop down were also implemented.
Bug fixes:
  • In VR, BA now handles World scale adjustments so it doesnt impact the Browser Assist UI.
  • Further refinements to the Symbolic Links batch files. This now avoids a recursive folder structure. Run the CreateSymLinks.bat file after running the new version of BA to apply the changes.
New Features:
  • Existing tags can now be renamed and deleted from the Plugin UI
  • Tags can be configured as 'Hide' tags - any resources marked with that tag will be treated as if they are hidden.
  • New Comb-tags feature. Combi-Tags apply themselves to resources based on a combination of other tags, allowing automatic tagging of resources based on user specified criteria. Combi-tags can also reference other combi-tags allowing nested logic criteria to be specified.
  • Extensive help is now embedded into the plugin UI giving guidance on the various setting configurations.
Bug fixes:
  • Updated the CreateSymLinks batch file to work when right clicking to 'Run as Administrator'

Please report any issues on my Discord page here:
New Features:
  • Additional Order/Sort by filter options. Sort by New or Update dates and reverse date order. Note that (due to VAM security constraint) for local (non VAR packaged resources) the New and Updated dates are always the same. For packaged resources, an Updated date is the date that a new version of a VAR package was detected by BA.
  • Last Resource Page navigation button added
  • Separate 'Number of Resources per page' settings for VR & Desktop modes
  • Usability improvement in the Tags window in VR to add a larger area for grab scrolling
  • Improved the logic for the default target atom selection and added an option to specify whether to default to male or female person atoms.
  • Added a pause to the end of the Create/Delete Sym links batch files. This allows any error messages to be visible before the cmd window closes.
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed a UI glitch that occasionally resulted in the Action & Tags tabs from drawing over each other
  • Forced the Tags filter drop down to always sort alphabetically.
New Local Folder Features:
  • Local resources (i.e. non VAR packaged) can now be filtered by a specific folder. Optionally you can include resources in sub-folders or not.
  • Popup tree browser allows easy navigation and selection of folders. Options allow renaming, deleting, moving and creating of folders. (Requires the SymLinks bat file to be run first - see hub for instructions).
  • Selected local resources can be moved between folders.
New resource info tab allows:
  • Renaming of local resource files
  • Assigning an alias to resources, which acts as a rename for packaged resources
  • Change the thumbnail image of local resources - using a screenshot or previously saved image
  • Create custom thumbnails for Packaged resources
  • Make persistent free text notes about each resource
Additionally the resource page and scrollbar in the main browser window remember their positions when switching between resources.

Its highly recommended that you use the new BrowserAssist features for moving and renaming local resources rather than the Windows File Explorer. Any tag data related to local resources is lost if a resource is renamed/moved using Windows File Explorer. Moving resources using BrowserAssist ensures that all the tag and other meta data associated with a resource is maintained.
Bug fix that addresses and issue with v1.5.0 preventing local resources in sub folders being visible in the browser.
I'm suspending this release at the moment, due to a bug someone reported in the upgrade process. I'm not certain what the impact of this might be and I want to avoid people losing their saved tags etc. I'll update when I know more.

For now the VAR is not available on my Patreon. Please avoid using the .11 VAR for now, if you have already downloaded it.
New Features:
  • Browser Assist UI is more tightly embedded to the VAM UI (this can be disabled in the Plugin Settings UI). As well as being launched from the VAM UI, Browser Assist now moves with the VAM UI and appears and disappears as different VAM UI windows are selected.
  • Improved plugin load speeds. A complete rework of the plugin data structure and startup sequence has been implemented to reduce the plugin startup speed. In some cases this may be 5 times quicker than previously experienced.
Please report any issues on my Discord page here:
New features:
  • Load a random resource from the resource browser results
  • Load a random resource from the current resource selections
  • Delete local resource files (subject to enabling sym-links using the CreateBASymLinks.bat)
  • Delete VAR packages - requires to rerun 'CreateBASymLinks.bat' from Saves\PluginData\JayJayWon\BrowserAssist after running the new BrowserAssist VAR in VAM to allow access to AddonPackages folder.
  • New Target Atom option to create new Person Atoms at the same time as loading a person preset.
  • New tab to allow positioning of new and existing atoms. Positioning can be in absolute world space, or relative to another atom, vr controller, vr headset or desktop viewpoint.
  • Additional Plugin UI settings to configure the default position for new atoms created in Browser Assist.
  • Additional button on the Creators filter to quickly reset the Creator choice to the default value.


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