I like:
+clear instructions
+clever workaround for VaM restrictions with the users consent and warning about security risks with easy to use batch-script
+resizable icons
+ability to keep the browser open and look at a scene at the same time
+rescan button directly where it's needed
+seems faster than the default browser
+compact, does not waste screen space
+user defined tags
don't like:
-a unavoidable security risk IF the symbolic links are used to be able to *hide* and *favorite* scenes. May become a problem if it's popular widely used Plugin. Worst case: troll-Plugin deletes all your data in the Custom-, Saves- or AddonPackagesFilePrefs- folders. Annoying, but doing anything outside of these folders should not be possible. Using this is optional. You can still *hide* and *favorite* via the standard browser to be safe.