• Hi Guest!

    Please be aware that we have released another critical security patch for VaM. We strongly recommend updating to version using the VaM_Updater found in your installation folder.

    Details about the security patch can be found here.
I hope you like this one as much as I do. Let me know!

Now you can choose between different cam modes:
  1. None: camera is not restored
  2. Snap: camera snaps to the target position. Default in VR
  3. Exponential: Really smooth. My favourite! Default in desktop.
  4. Linear: Maybe obsolete, but can be useful in VR.
Smooth transitions:
  • You can break the transition at any time by pressing right or middle mouse or WASD buttons.
  • The view will transition smoothly to the target from wherever you were looking at.
  • The transition speed is adjustable.
  • It should work in VR, but there is no way to interrupt the transition. And your (minor) head movements will most likely prolong it infinitely if you choose Exponential. Linear stops after a set amount of time. If you're brave, please try and tell me if you blew up :)

  • Hand poses are (re)stored with the pose, as long as you use pose morphs to set them up.
  • The camera is saved with each pose and can be restored on pose load (like spawn points). The cam properties are taken as soon as you take the screenshot. They will be exactly like that on restore only if the main HUD is hidden.
  • Early version of idle movements. You can only toggle them on or off for now. No settings. If you don't like them, keep them off :)
    Idles are tied to PoseMe. Create a pose and toggle them on to see them. The settings will be individual for each pose in the future.
  • Cam restore and idles are off by default.
  • Update existing poses to make use of the hand poses and cam restore.
  • Fixes:
    • Forces not getting restored
    • Harmless error message if you load up a scene containing BL v50 without any poses stored
Cam restore:


I think with the addition of the forces everyone can create appealing scenes. What's missing was some kind of posing tool to further ease up the workflow. So I made this new module.
Please use only one instance of PoseMe per scene!! Keep the ones in other BL instances untouched!
  1. General pose features
    • Poses manage all actors in the scene at once (persons and dildos).
    • Actors stored with the poses but not present in the scene will be ignored.
    • All other actors are stored relative to the containing atom (female).
    • You can decide later on if you want the root to be restored (position and rotation in world space) or if the root of the containing atom should stay in place. Then all other actors will be aligned relative to that.
    • Poses restore the precise shape of the dildo to make sure it does what it is supposed to.
    • You can decide if the head rotation should be restored with the pose. This is useful if you use MacGruber Gaze and don't want the head to snap with the new pose, only to be driven back to you afterwards.
    • Poses can store and restore the current force settings from FMU.
    • You can change atom names while editing, but on load the atom names have to match the names in the pose.
  2. Scene creation
    • On reload of the plugin the pose setup from the last loaded or saved scene json are restored.
    • Poses have a distinct order.
    • You can change the order on the fly.
    • Poses are stored within the scene json. You don't have to deal with loose files, but...
    • You can store poses to a personal library and load them later on in other scenes.
    • Each pose has an onPoseEnter and an onPoseExit trigger. While this whole Pose+Force system is meant to replace timeline for simple scenes, you can use this to e.g. start an idle animation if it's not a fucking pose. Just don't store the pose within timeline.
      The triggers are stored within the pose if you export it. Make sure you have the dependencies ready while loading it. It won't throw an error though if you haven't, so no need to create triggering and non triggering poses separately.
    • Scene progression (poses) can be driven by external triggers, but i highly recommend...
  3. Automatic scene navigation UI
    • For each pose a 2D UI button is generated. No VR-support for now!
    • Buttons can either be plain grey or feature a screenshot of the pose.
    • Buttons are automatically layed out to a grid, which is highly configurable.
    • The grid dynamically adjusts to your window dimensions.
Fix: Male orgasm triggers not restoring.

Edit: Please hold off from creating extended libraries for now. I might have to inject the type/gender of the actor into the pose file to be able to map it accordingly if the names differ compared to the scene they are loaded in.

Credits for the poses used in the demo: @klphgz. Man I just love your poses! :love:

Head rotation using @MacGruber Gaze:

Restoring dildo shape (old UI):

  • AltFuta plugin holder now gains load during any kind of stimulation change (previously only dick stimulation)
  • ReadMyLips.Stimulation is now registered as requested. But keep in mind that this is meant to be calculated internally. I registered it for you to be able to read out the value with VUML or similar. If you set it externally you take responsibility for any misbehaviours or things breaking.
  • Removed the dependency from MacGruber.Life by copying the two breathing morphs that were used. Credits: @MacGruber
  • FIxed foreskin toggle not preventing dynamic morphs from being applied.
  • Fixed toggling current penetrators breaking things (Atom "on" toggle). Please do NOT toggle the plugin holder.
I worked very hard to deliver you another biggie! Please let me know if you like it :D
  1. Stimulation system and orgasmsfor males, AltFutas and dildos (simply called "males" in the following)
    • Go to ReadMyLips->Male/AltFuta or Dildo to inspect and change settings
    • Stimulation increases while interacting with the plugin holder
    • Stimulation increases faster the longer the sex continues (same as "Dynamic Stim Gain"; the color of the stimulation bar indicates it)
    • While stim is going up and down, the male gains "Load".
    • Stim = 1 leads to an orgasm of the male:
      • During orgasm the load is consumed by multiple shots. They are heavily randomized (strength, temporal distance, appearance of the clothes). The shots continue until the load is consumed (<1). Stronger shots consume more load.
      • Dildos can shoot particles and they are twitching with each shot.
      • Male persons and AltFutas can fire particles and/or cum clothes. They also thrust with each shot, based on it's strength.
      • If the orgasm happens inside, only particles are played. But they won't shoot though her body, instead, they'll drip out of the orifice penetrated.
    • All of the above applies to the plugin holder as well if she's an AltFuta. All the stim gains through the penis are routed to the regular stimulation in this case. Any orgasm - induced through penis or not - will cause her to shoot her load.
    • Any penis can only be stimulated by a person with BodyLanguage on it! This means the plugin holder can only stimulate the penis by masturbating (hands, cleavage or mouth (or ass, if you happen to manage that ;))) or by another female/AltFuta with BL.
    • While female stimulation still depends on depth and stretch, all male stimulations are measured relative to the penetrators lenght. Fully in means full stim gain. In short: size does matter for her but not for him.
    • For hand and tit jobs the depth is inverted: It's 1 at the tip and 0 at the base. So rubbing the tip leads to max stim gains.
    • There are various actions for you to trigger externally. There are also HotKeys to orgasm all males ("Q") and to clean up the mess ("Y"). These can be changed in the UI.
    • Each male has an "OnOrgasm"-trigger.
  2. Improved hand job:
    • Grabbing greatly improved. She won't give away her toy that easily!
      • There is an (improved) force pressing the penis against her palm
      • If the hand gets too close to the tip moving outwards, the thrust force is reduced to hold it in place.
      • The finger bend target depends on the distance from the palm to the surface of the penis, trying to prevent closing too early and making room to get back in once it happens to slip through.
      • Tip: you can move the hand controller to change general depth and directions.
    • Dynamic foreskinbased on my broski @babul's morphs.
      • Toggleable.
      • Foreskin moves more if you stroke around the tip.
      • Foreskin holds the state where the hand left it.
    • Squish sounds now depend on where you stroke. The tip produces louder sounds while the volume decreases towards the base.
  3. Improved forces:
    • Improved direction calculation
    • Improved behaviour of the "PeriodRatio". Use this to define if the movement should be fast in/slow out or vice versa.
    • Dildos can fuck like males. If they are passive the position spring is drastically increased to hold them in place. It is reduced to default once the male force is enabled.
  4. Fixed inbuilt panties triggering the orifices. They add colliders to the person to block penetration (I guess).
  5. Fixed the morph "AltFuta Vagina Hide" not getting reset by AltFuta upon removal. You can safely add and remove AltFuta while BL is running, just dont switch to male afterwards (AltFuta bug, not mine).
  6. Various other fixes and improvements.
Sorry for the wall of text, but I want you guys to know how much thought was put into this.

Example videos will follow.

  • New Fuckable: Cleavage
    • Automated and heavily randomized tit job animation.
    • Also supports automated male thrusting
    • Depth and speed triggers
    • Squishing sounds (credits: hazmhox VAMMoan)
    • Trigger position is adjustable for your heavily morphed girls. Three (or more) boobed girls are not supported by now.
      EDIT: Well, technically they are, if the number of boobs is even :D
  • Exposed additional parameters regarding the forces. An explanation of the settings will follow as soon I can convince myself.
  • The CTRL+F toggle is stored with the scene, so you can disable the forces before saving, resume static and press CTRL+F to get going.
  • Some more improvements and fixes

I hope you like this as much as I do!
As always: No timeline or other animation or expression plugins are used. There's only BodyLanguage, Naturalis and Glance. The hands are parent linked to the chest, nothing more.

Here is an example how you can use the speed triggers that come with it:

Happy new year everybody!
  • Made the pitch and roll torques during BJ accessible through the UI
  • Smoothed out the exit transitions after pull out while thrusting is enabled.
  • Added corrective torques (pitch and yaw), so that the orifice aligns during penetration. I think this can be a game changer in terms of scene stability! Regardless if you use my thrusters or not. Just see the videos :)
    They can be toggled and the strengths of each direction is adjustable.

  • The plugin now also works with soft body glutes disabled (you won't miss anything in this case).
  • What I forgot to mention with v44: BL now fixes the ugly spikes on the lower back that used to go along with larger penetrations.
  • Some minor UI improvements/explanation and a toggle (ReadMyLips/BJ)
  • Made some changes to the Emotes logic. Maybe that fixes the problems some people experience.
I'm happy that I could finish this up in time! This is the biggest update this plugin has ever received. There really is a lot going on, but I don't have the time do go into detail right now. So these are the main changes:
  1. Forces and automated bahaviours
    • All of these are all heavily randomized, but the bahaviour is configurable
    • Auto handjob (grabbing and thrusting), original hand pose (each limb on each finger) is taken into account and restored on exit
    • Auto mouth opening and slight tongue animation if something comes close (based on distance and approaching speed)
    • Auto BJ
    • Auto thrusting (all orfoces + hands) for the female and the penetrating male, or both at the same time
    • Magnetic orifices and hands: Orifices align and move with the penetrator if it is close, making it actually hard to miss the target. It also looks very cool, like she's begging for it :)
    • All forces are synced in a meaningful way. This can aslo be configured
    • All movement is driven by forces. The controllers are free to animate. You can also just use the magnetic feature and the grabbing and animate the rest by hand. But I wouldn't advise so. You'll never get that level of randomness that can be achieved with my forces.
    • Separate and triggerable presets for all forces (orifices, male/female thrusting). Presets are naturally blended, there will be no snapping
  2. Hands are treated like orifices with the same variables and triggers
  3. Gagging (without sound for now) and throat relaxation system
  4. Blink adjustments on several occasions
  5. Twisted eyes bug fixed after ahegao. Works with any eye setting and Glance.
  6. All module presets can be triggered
  7. VaM "bug" fixed: Nasty spikes on the lower back during big penetrations
  8. A lot of other fixes and additions
Don't use this update with DiviningLipsAndHands. It will conflict by default. Also, I'd recommend not to try it in a finished scene. Just load your girl and bring interesting things close to her. She'll lead the way ;)

  • Use larger dildos for the hands. The grabbing adjusts to the width, but default hand vs default dildo just doesn't look right.
  • You can toggle all forces by pressing CTRL+F, necessary if you watch a scene with animated fucking.

I will be away over Christmas and won't be able to answer questions regarding the (complex) settings. Please head over to my discord and ask the people there.

Merry Christmas and have fun :D
The long awaited throat bulging is here! :D
  • The throat is very sensitive to the penetrators width and of course the depth
  • Bulging generally adjusts when you change the scale of the penetrating atom while inside
  • Meshedvr confirmed that the morph drift is indeed caused by rounding errors adding up over time.
  • With the help of @everlaster we found a way to greatly reduce the effect and make it independent of the frame rate (high fps caused larger drifts before).
  • There is a slider called "Morph Update Threshold" in RML/Expressions. Morph changes below this value don't get applied. If you increase it the drift will be less, but the morphing will look snappy if watched closely.
  • The "Custom Morphs" toggle is gone.
  • There is a button and a registerd action to reset the morphs manually if things still get out of hand (like VaM does it every 10 min).
  • Proximity triggers did not get restored on scene load.
  • Orgasm voice was kind of random if it was any other than Isabella.
  • Orgasm moan was played even if the mouth was full.

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