Fix if the person has multiple scalps.
  • On load, the plugin will zero out all morphs containing "BL_" in their uid to get rid of all the morphs from older versions you may have stored with your scene. This is especially useful if you use the auto update feature of my plugin suite.
  • Added a slider in RML/Expressions to limit the number of expressions that are activated at the same time. Maybe this helps surpressing the stuck morphs. Tell me if it does!
  • The plugin will now remove itself when you switch from female to male. This is necessary because if you use my suite and want to add a male to the scene it will add BL at first, cause the default geneder is female. Then you had to remove BL manually after you switched gender.
    Any settings get lost upon switching to male.
Hotfix. This file management is driving me crazy...
Forgot to have the "Input Cap" parameter introduced in v38 stored and loaded with the scene.

Here is a simple example how it can be used:

  • Touch- watch and cumulative slap triggers now have an "Input Cap" parameter. This enables you to cap e.g. the time or watch counter. Use it if you want to drive let's say an expression based on how long you touched a region.
    • Use the value trigger
    • Set "Input To" and "Input Cap" to e.g. 5s.
    • The expression will be max after 5s and smoothly fade back to 0 once you stop touching
    • Previously the counter went up indefinitely, so you had to wait till it got down to 5s again until the expression started to vanish.
    • Pro tip: If you set the cap above "Input To" (e.g. 8s) the expression starts to fade precisely 3s after you stopped touching, regardless how long you had been touching the region beforehand.
    • Thanks @AppetiteVisual for the idea :)
  • v37 introduced an error when auto-loading a presets with a different voice. Fixed.
  • In RML/Expressions there now is a toggle to only allow built in expression morphs. This essentially brings you back to v36. Use this if you get heavily distorted faces (see v37 post), The expressions will be very limited with this, especially the pain morphs.
Fixes and smaller things:
  • Trigger edit UI not showing correctly after a scene load
  • Voices are fixed. A lot of them did not play at certain levels.
  • In the RML/Voice tab there is a new "Silence Threshold" slider. Increase this if you use a voice that goes wild on lvl0 and you want her to be silent.
  • Ahegao chest shaking now also features some randomized torques. The overall force is lowered.
  • Ahegao tongue has a scale slider. Be careful, it might clip.

Sorry guys, it seems that the custom expression morphs did not work for you at all in the latest few versions. I'm not sure if they've ever worked, lol. This was due to the fact that I always have to make sure the plugin recognises my local files as well as files packed in the var, and, well, I have overseen a small but important step.
But don't be too exited yet: There is a bug I was not able to fix whithin months. It is due to some VaM internals. The veterans among you may be familiar with "melting faces". This is quite similar. In short:
  • The played expressions will stick to the character by a small amount while ReadMyLips is running (with expressions enabled)
  • The only way to get back to normal is to wait for VaM to reset "bad" morphs every once in a while (Meshed added 10min timer for that). The issue is probably caused by rounding errors.
  • Reloading a look or resetting all morphs won't do the trick. The faulty morphs aren't shown in the UI or anywhere else. Don't waste time searching for them.
  • For me the effect is very negligible, but for others it is more pronounced. Just see for yourself how much it affects you.
To more exiting things: Emote particles! :D
  • I added particle systems that spawn emotes around the head to reflect what she's thinking. Maybe like that :):
  • In the RML/Ahegao tab there is an option to toggle of or edit the system.
  • There are 3 separate particle systems for different types of events.
    1. Stimulation Emotes: This continuously spawns a small amount of emotes indicating how high the stimulation is, starting from 0.5 by default. (default texture: lip bite)
    2. Orgasm Emotes: This spawns a bunch of other emotes at once as she cums, followed by some more for a short duration. (default: hearts)
    3. Orgasm Fade Emotes: This spawns a number of emotes as soon as an orgasm ends. The number represents the amount of multi orgasms reached. (default: kisses)
  • For each system you have a lot of options. You can colorize them freely, choose the texture to use and even reparent them to the vagina instead of the head. Go to RML/Ahegao>"Configure Emotes" to do so.
  • The systems are also triggerable from outside if you want to abuse them for other things. But keep in mind:
    Nr1 only plays continuously (the trigger is actually a toggle)
    Nr2 plays a burst and some follow ups
    Nr3 only plays a single burst.
  • If you want to contibute with some additional texture options hit me up. There are some things to consider.
  • Thanks to @yvngfap and @CpPotatoe for contributing to the texture options!
  • The recolorization is slow for multi-colored textures because I have to modify them pixel by pixel based on a mask file (teeth don't really need color...).
I expect some bugs cause of the sheer amount of new parameters introduced with this system. Please report them. Thanks :)
  • Expressions: Another sanity check. Lower lid lift is monitored and capped. There's a slider to adjust the limit, but keep it as high as possible. I'm really happy with the expressions now :) Please try the defaults if you toned them down before.
  • Multi orgasms are monitored and can feed triggers like the global orgasm count does. This gets reset to 0 once the orgasm fade time is over.
  • There is an option to show a screen overlay on orgasm, showing the current values. This is very basic for now but I plan to spice things up!

Idle expressions:

  • Nipple stiffening on deep throat. The stimulation is based on the depth, starting at 0.1.
  • Fixed a bug reagarding mesh colliders.
  • Improved stimulation behavior:
    Every frame the stim gain is internally increased by an amount proportional to the current change rate of the stimulation. This means:
    1. If you have a steady pace and keep the stim at roughly the same level, the gain will increase, but very slowly. This way you can also achieve an orgasm in scenes with modest, constant fucking. But you'll have to wait.
    2. But if the pace is not steady and her stimulation increases and decreases again and again, you can get her off way faster. The dynamic stim gain will rise faster the more the stim goes up and down.
    I think this comes close to real life behavior. If you fuck for 10min with no variation it gets boring. But if you change things up, alternating between slow and fast, it can be way more exciting!
    And as a bonus: If you bring her close and slow down again multiple times, the dynamic stim gain will be so high when you actually reach the orgasm that she may have a double, or even tripple orgasm! So take your time preparing things!
    The dynamic values for stim gain and regression are displayed in the Stimulation UI. Think of the dynamic stim gain as a measurement how long and exciting the fucking was till the last orgasm. It gets reset to "Stimulation Gain" as soon as an orgasm has been completed (orgasm time + orgasm fade time). If you built up the stim gain and continue fucking during the "Orgasm Time (10s)", the increased stim gain may overwhelm the increased regression that comes with the orgasm, leading to another one.

    Based on that I'm thinking of an indicator how strong the orgasm was. The strengths of effects like shaking could also depend on that.
A bit of buid up followed by a qaudruple orgasm! Keep in mind that you need rough fucking and a huge dick for that!

Added and reworked a lot of things:

  1. Expressions:
    • Ahegao mode and new tab under ReadMyLips:
      • Randomized eye roll (up and inwards)
      • Eye shaking
      • Tongue morphing (subtle, to prevent clipping)
      • Configurable shaking for female & all males penetrating during orgasm
      • Triggerable action and button to force an orgasm
      • Triggerable action and button to reset the orgasm count (to ignore the increased stim regression that comes with each unrecovered orgasm)
    • Regular expressions:
      • Found a way to eliminate all goofy upper lip lifting. :) There is a slider to set the upper border. Keep this as high as possible to not unnecessarily restrict expressions.
        Due to that I was able to increase the random burst chance and strenght defaults without provoking nasty looking expressions. Keep in mind that the new defaults are overriden by presets or scene data. Press "FactoryDefaults" to see them in effect.
      • Added a lot of additional expressions by @AshAuryn and @Jackaroo.
      • Reworked the joy/displease system: The pain threshold is gone. Pain and joy is now driven by the change rate in stimulation. At low stim the threshold for pain is low, if she's already warmed up the threshold increases, making her enjoy harder fucking. There are 2 sliders for you to configure how the pain threshold scales with stimulation. If you only want pain, use the respective toggle - the sliders are ignored in this case.
  2. Penetration:
    • Vastly improved penetration detection
    • In v33 the detection was prone to fail on pose sapping or upon loading the plugin while already penetrating.
    • Now there's an algorithm that should very reliably select and lock the intended orifice, even if both holes are triggered by the same penetrator.
      How: It waits till the physics have settled and takes the orifice whose enter trigger has the lower radial distance from the collider triggering it.
    • The enter triggers are slightly repositioned and increased in scale to avoid breaking the connection.
    • DP detection should also work very well (DAP/DVP not, unfortunately)
    • The fatter the dicks are, the better it'll work. Slim dicks can still lead to disconnections on rare occasions. Rotating hips are most problematic. The actual fails I encountered were VERY rare though.
    • If the selection should fail somehow, there is a triggerable action and a button to reset and redetect.
  3. Fixes:
    • Bulger producing a constant bulge if loaded while penetrating and with a preset that sets bulge scale to zero.
    • Fail on load with a preset changing the orifice enter trigger offsets (Pls check if these changes are still beneficial with latest changes)
    • Renamed the expression morphs with a prefix "BL_" to avoid conflicts with other plugins that get their morphs through GetMorphByDisplayName (don't do that, use GetMorphByUid!)
Well, that's all I can remember for now. The next updates will probably come in smaller bits again. :)


Ahegao without shaking and fucking, to see the eye shaking:
  • New: Breathing system that scales with stimulation, not configurable right now, but you can toggle it. It uses the morphs of @MacGruber Life plugin, so you need to have the var.
  • Native VaM Auto Expression feature gets disabled on load
  • Fixes:
    • ReadMyLips preset restore on load
    • ReadMyLips error on pose load
    • WatchMe triggers restore on scene load
Gogo, my planed feature list comes slowly to an end and I want to see more reviews if you like it! :D
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