• Hi Guest!

    Please be aware that we have released another critical security patch for VaM. We strongly recommend updating to version using the VaM_Updater found in your installation folder.

    Details about the security patch can be found here.
A remnant from testing for MasterVolume caused the global volume to be set to 10 instead of 1. I hope you still have your ears!

Probably yes, because VaM at volume 1 is super quiet. I use 10 as my default in MasterVolume, so I didn't recognize it.

Thanks to @TBD for pointing it out!
As I promised yesterday, an automated feature :) But please do me a favour. Don't klick download yet. I'd like you to test out the new auto-download feature of
Just install this as a session plugin. It downloads the latest BodyLanguage automatically and adds or updates the plugin on any person. Report any errors you get! Thanks!
  • This version makes the female shake on orgasm.
  • The feature is heavily randomized. So if you think It's too much/too subtle, just have a look at the next one. You'll get stronger and lesser ones, having more leg or more torso movements, or both.
  • Depending on the reactions I might make this configurable, but I like it the way it is.
  • The shaking is drven by forces, so it won't mess with timeline or anything. Credits to @meshedvr for the original cycleforce plugin.
So sweet and yet so toxic :alien:

  • Let's you add triggers to any body region that fire based on the time you looked at that region. The system is identical to the one used for the touch triggers.
  • Presets are not of use right now.
  • There are plans to enhance this a lot, but first I'd like to see some basic usage from you guys!
The plugin now has FocusOnMe! as a dependency. You can run it without, but WatchMe requires it to scan the view. There are 3 scenarios possible:
  1. You haven't FOM v13 downloaded yet: Do it manually or go to the WatchMe UI, press "Download FocusOnMe!". This will download the latest version from the hub (I'm especially proud of that feature :)). Let VaM do it's thing -> 2.
  2. You have FOM v13 but not installed: Press "Install FocusOnMe!" in the WatchMe UI. This installs FOM as a session plugin. The UI changes and everything should work. I highly recommend pressing Numpad+ (and F8) to see what FOM is capable of, ideally in a scene without or bad lights. But this isn't necessary to make WatchMe work.
  3. You already have FOM installed: Nothing to worry about, but it should be v13, otherwise the debug toggle won't work.
Why is this necessary, you ask? I can do all of that with native LookAtTriggers you say? No, you can't.
  1. You'd need a HUGE amount of atoms to cover the full body.
  2. Spheres aren't exactly precise. My triggers sit on the actual colliders the model is comprised of.
  3. Native triggers are like x-rays, they do not take obstructions into account. With my system you cannot look at the tits from behind and you cannot look at the ass from the front. Other persons obstruct the view too.
An example, featuring 3 simple triggers and the Naturalis clothing feature.

As you can see in the video, the detection can be a bit finiky in desktop, since the region has to be more or less in the center of the screen. You can adjust the sensitivty in the FocuOnMe/ViewScan UI. In VR it works like a charm though, because you typically rotate your head to have the point of interest right in the center.

Next I'll probably focus more on automated features like the throat, orgasm expressions and orgasm shaking. I don't want to overwhelm you with my triggers ;)
  • False DP detection is impossible.
  • Penetration detection is way more performant.
  • The only case where things might get messed up is when you load a pose where both triggers (vag & anus) are touched at the same time. In this case the result will be indifferent. Otherwise, the first orifice penetrated will exclude the other one.
  • Mesh colliders (CUA dildos) are partially supported. They are a pain in the ass (literally, for the model, and for me). Depending on the CUA depth will "randomly" snap back to zero depending how the colliders are set up. Stretch won't work for pussy and throat.
  • Another thing I've noticed: A lot of scene creators use ColliderEditor to shrink the penis colliders. This leads to low stretch and stim gain for pussy and throat, as it is based on the shape of the colliders for these orifices. So, if you are wondering why your girl won't get off by vag sex, that may be the cause.
    To compensate I've set up a "Stretch Scale" parameter in the settings tab of vag and throat. Set this to be 1 divided by the radius multiplier set for the tip collider (gen3b).
    For the anus there's nothing to worry about! The anus works differently, but it suffers from shrunk colliders too. I'll enable the scale for the anus in the next update, or even better: I'll make it a global setting affecting every orifice at one.
Originally, there was only one of my custom tiggers available for each of the measurements in FillMeUp and ReadMyLips (stimulation, depth, ...). So you could only set up one threshold or range.
But now this limitation is gone! Thanks to @Logan, who reminded me of the importance!
Now you can:
  • Add an arbitrary number of the known trigger systems to the measurements in ReadMyLips and FillMeUp
  • Each of those can have different thresholds and ranges, and of course different things to trigger.
  • They can be duplicated and renamed for QoL reasons.
  • It should also perform slightly better, because by default there aren't any triggers to be updated unless you add them.
  • Most important use case: Trigger different things at different stimulation levels, similar to the level triggers in VAMMoan, but with way more options.
  • Drawback: These changes sadly break existing trigger setups :(

Sorry guys, but with increasing complexity of the plugin the things that can go wrong seem to increase exponentially. Ah, I really should hire me some beta testers.

Gladly you have my plugin suit installed, so you don't have to bother updating anything manually. Just download the new version and you are set.
But wait, 5k downloads don't seem a lot compared to 90k... It seems the majority is prefering the tedious way of things :unsure:
  • Trigger settings did not restore properly.
  • UI fixes (info regarding regions with triggers could get broken on undo etc.)
  • Option to disable pussy slaps, as they can interfere with butt slaps. (TouchMe/Slaps/Pussy Slaps Enabled)
  • Fixed a bug which caused penetration registration to fail
  • Slap and touch triggers do now support AltFutas (penis and testes)
  • Fixed/improved some things regarding moans.
  • Enhanced triggers:
    • Slap and touch triggers now have a copy/paste functionality to copy them between regions
    • Overall enhanced trigger setup and trigger panel UI.
    • Slap triggers now feature two different sets of triggers:
      • Regular: Triggers things based on the last slap intensity
      • Cumulative: Triggers things based on the sum of the latest slaps.
      • This is the same as in the previous version, but now you can have both types of triggers at the same time: A regular one driving caressing animations or speech, and a cumulative one driving e.g. slap marks.
  • A LOT of internal restructuring, greatly enhancing the beauty of the code :) This also makes it very extendable to the features yet to come (watch triggers).
An example vid of the new slap triggers will follow shortly. This is how the UI looks like:
  • Slap triggers:
    • Addable to any body region
    • Based on the intensity of the slap(s)
    • Cooldown available
    • Threshold triggers (exceed, undershot)
    • Value trigger, mainly useful in cumulative mode
    • Cumulative mode:
      • Slap intensities add up to a total value
      • The total value decays by a configurable rate
      • This is specifically useful to drive slap marks. Example: Use the value trigger with some range (like [0, 100]) to map it to the alpha of your texture in DecalMaker [0, 1]. Adjust the decay rate depending how fast you want your decals to fade away.
    • Non cumulative: Use the threshold triggers to drive reactions like animations or speech. Each slap will trigger either the exceeded or undershot trigger based on it's intensity. Use the cooldown to filter out repeated triggering.
  • Slap triggers as well as touch triggers now feature an enabled toggle as well as a reset action.
  • All parameters of the triggers (touch and slap) are registered and accessible via external triggers. The names are somewhat ugly now cause I had to make them unique across all regions for this to work. This sadly breaks existing scene setups as the triggers settings won't load. The links inside the triggers should still be working though.
  • Orgasm:
    • Total duration reduced to 20s (default)
    • The total duration as well as the ratio how this is being split between joy and pain is now configurable. Default: Total 20s. During the first 0.35 * 20s = 7s joy morphs are played, and during the rest (13s) pain morphs are played if you continue.
  • The strength of the nipple erection is now configurable ("Erection Scale").
  • Various fixes regarding touch triggers, especially on the I/O side. The threshold triggers did not work as expected too.

You can add touch triggers to every body region from left pinky to right big toe. All triggering is based on the time the region is touched.
  • General settings:
    • Reset Rate: By default the time touched is not instantly set back to 0 once the collision breaks. Instead, it decays with a rate proportional to this.
      Tip: If you set the rate to 0 the timer will not be reset. It will count the total amount of time the region has been touched so far (cumulative).
    • Instant Reset: Resets the time instantly instead of decaying. "Reset Rate" has no effect in this mode.
  • Threshold event triggers: Trigger something once the time touched exceeds or undershoots a certain threshold.
  • Value trigger: Maps the range [inputFrom, inputTo] to [0, 1] to drive your float triggers. See the overview for more info.
    Tip: If you set both inputs to be equal you get a switch, returning either 0 if the time is lower or 1 if it's higher. If they differ by some amount, the switch will be blended.
To restrict the triggering to certain atoms use the exclusion option in the genaral tab for now. If this is well received (scenes actually using it) I'll consider a condition system per touch trigger (atom, region if it's a person and other inputs like stimulation etc.)

  • All modules now have a preset system. See ShakeIt for an explanation how it works in detail. In short: Save a file called "UserDefaults" and this will get loaded anytime you load the plugin (except on scene load).
    Trigger settings do not get stored with the preset, as they rely on the particular scene you are running. They only get stored with your scene.
  • Added 80 additional morphs from @AshAuryn's asymmetric mouth pack.
  • Some minor UI improvements and improvements under the hood.
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