I really like this update. There has been a lot going on internally, but the new features are in short:
  • Full implementation of VAMMoan voices (except perpetual orgasm).
  • Stimulation system now has some actual meaning:
    • Expressions scale with stimulation
    • Orgasm system (please see main post, there's a lot to it)
    • stim triggers and orgasm triggers
  • Idle expressions
See Overview/ReadMyLips for more info about orgasms!

Idle expressions:

Sorry, left a statement that caused an error if you did not have "AptSofa" in your scene...
Because I needed this:

  • Previously all self slaps were disabled to not interfere with walks etc.
  • Now the model can slap herself with her hands (toggle in SlapMe)
  • If any object slaps her pussy, a nice wet pussy slap is played. It is rater sensitive, it reacts on rubbings too.
  • On load up the plugin disables slap collisions with most comon furniture and cuas.
    • If you want collision to happen on any of them, you have to reenable it in the SlapMe settings.
    • Sometimes environment collision plays well with the animations of @andifang, where girls tend to stumble a lot (enable the cua)
    • On scene load your exclude settings are restored and the auto exclude is ignored. (At least it is intended that way, haven't checked tbh)
  • Pro tip: You can have your model slapping others without the need of a second instance of the plugin. The hand will play the sound in this case. If both have the plugin there a two separate slaps being played.
  • Gogo, I wana see more reviews if you like this! :D
  • My discord
  • Regular slaps sometimes played the wrong files, leading to slaps with way to low volume.
  • Slap pitch calculation improved: If you slap right onto the surface the pitch is low. If you hit with an anlge (graze shot) the pitch will be high. The tissue can vibrate much better in this case because there's no hand imediately stopping it from doing so.
  • Regular slaps are filtered out better during sex (balls clashing etc)
  • New option in SlapMe to disable slappings on the feet. Very useful for mocaps and in conjunction with HeelAdjust2 (and harlis), since the shoe colliders are actually part of the feet and therefore produced slappings on regulat steps. It is off by default, but feel free to enable it if you want to create a fetish scene involving foot slapping ;)
  • SlapMe options should be stored with the scene.
This will hopefully be that last update I need to release the debut scene of my girl.

  • Broken UI fixed
  • Blowjob sounds. Rudimentary implementation based on speed and depth, but I plan to separate the clips into gaging etc.
  • Expressions greately improved (in my oppinion):
    • They are somethimes kept a bit longer and transiton/variate smoother than before
    • Random bursts are played while a penetration is happening, regardless of depth and speed. This leads to some idle expressions aswell as "boosting" the expression during normal gameplay.
      You can adjust their probability aswell as their strenght, but don't go overboard!
    • Be aware: Sometimes she may be a bit over-smiling. That's beacause of the many smile morphs that may incidentally overlap.
    • "Expression Change Chance": If you lower this, she will keep her current expression longer. This may lead to exxageration, cause incoming stimuli are more like being added to the already active morphs.
      If you ramp this up too much she may look like she had an epilleptical seizur.
  • See the overview for new examples of the expressions (coming soon under ReadMyLips).
  • Fix: Vag was broken
  • FillMeUp: To sliders added per orifice:
    • "Depth Stimulation Threshold" is the threshold at which stimuli are invoked while penetrating
    • "Sensitivity" let's you scale how sensitive one orifice is compared to the others, yielding either less or more stimulation while penetrated. Example: If you want your girl to enjoy vag sex but react displeased to anal, ramp up the sensitivity of the anus, so that she exceeds the pain threshold (in ReadMyLips).
  • UI improvements. The moan settings are now in ReadMyLips/Voice
ALERT!: ReadMyLips UI is broken after you return from the trigger settings in FillMeUp. Expect another update soon.
Lot's of stuff has been going on since the last update. I hope I get it straight.
  • SlapMe:
    • The toggles of the moans have been replaced with probability sliders. In addition to that the moans won't play if the head audio source is currently playing. Keep in mind that this means if you have things like VAMMoan or Life' breathing running you won't hear any of my moans.
    • You can choose any number of atoms that should not produce slaps with the model. Useful for sitting and lying poses.
  • FillMeUp:
    • In/out anus morphing added, including a slider to adjust the scale.
    • Squishes added based on the sounds of @hazmhox's VAMMoan. They are driven by the speed and depth.
    • (Sex)slap registration has been greatly improved by also making the soft physics mesh of the glutes register touches. Breast physics mesh my follow if needed.
    • All new bulge function. The old one had a fundamental flaw. You have to redo your settings as the parameters have changed.
  • New module ReadMyLips:
    • I tried to create a one stop solution for playing expressions based on the action of the scene. All relevant settings to expressions can be found in this module.
    • See the main post for more inf
Saving and loading is still not implemented. This is all too WIP for that. Names and location of the parameters may change.
New module "SlapMe":
  • Full body slapping
  • Pronounced sex slaps (dildo and person)
  • Reactions:
    • Subtile expressions (joy and displease by @ascorad)
    • Moans (VAMMoan)
    • Blinking
Please see the main post for more details!

To do:
  • Save/reload/presets
  • trigger functionality
Just a quick fix to not break Naturalis/TittyMagic calibration detection.
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