There are 350 stroke states now!! (New in v3)
Based on the original 70 stroke states, I made 4 more versions of each at 4 new speeds; two faster, and two slower than the original. Each speed change is 20% more or less than the original so you have an 80% spread between the slowest and the fastest versions. This gives you big range of speeds to enjoy and you can command her to change her speed with two new commands and buttons.
“Slower” makes her slow down all of her stroke states by a single 20% step until you say…
“Faster”, then she speeds up by a single 20% step for all of her stroke states.
What this means is that if you tell her to go faster, her current stroke state will smoothly speed up it’s average speed by 20%, and it’s variations of speed will also speed up by 20%. Then as the randomizations continue, the next state she switches to will also be 20% faster than it’s original state. If you use another command, like “just the tip” she will switch to teasing the tip, but all her states will be also 20% faster than their original state. Saying faster again will speed her another 20%.
If you command “Slower”, her current state and all subsequent states will be 20% slower than whatever speed you had invoked. Saying slower again will slow her down another 20%, and so on.
Think of the speed control system as a ladder with five steps that you can climb up or down by one step at a time like this:
Step 2 = +40% of original speed
Step 1 = +20% of original speed
Step 0 = original speed
Step -1 = -20% of original speed
Step -2 = -40% of original speed
The speed system gives you a huge range to enjoy and makes edging much easier to do. If you reach the edge and tell her “I’m close” so she stops, when she starts up again she will be stroking at the original speed. The same goes for “I’m cumming”; she will drain you with a randomly selected intense stroke state at it’s original speed.
“Do that” makes her keep doing the stroke state that she is currently doing (New in v3).
Use this for when you feel her doing something you really like, and you want her to keep doing it. The random timer (20-70 seconds) will be reset and extend the time she keeps doing the stroke you like each time you say it, so keep saying it every so often if you want to keep doing the same thing. You can also command her to go faster or slower and that will also reset the timer and make her speed change.