Lots of VR ready Christmas themed assets, gifts in various colours, cookies and milk, hot chocolate, candycanes, gingerbread bro's, a sledge and Santas throne. Placed around a Little Cabin in a snowy area, with a cozy fireplace. Kind of an assetpack, kind of an environment - Thanks and Credit to Dragontales, Romolas and Nostage3 for the Skybox, Snow Area and the Vamifier. Not sure why hazmhox is linked as dependency/credit, but that guy always deserves some credit for all the awesome stuff hes done. Happy holidays!
We all know that Life can be hard. Nothing is as hard as this Snowmans Carrot though. Go and find out if it has collision!
additional Sketchfab Credits:
Luukas: Cabin
We all know that Life can be hard. Nothing is as hard as this Snowmans Carrot though. Go and find out if it has collision!
additional Sketchfab Credits:
Luukas: Cabin