- Tears (Presets: Just waterline, Flowing Tears)
- Spit (Presets: Spit , Strawberry Jam, Semen)
- Decals for Strawberry Jam Stains: 3x finger, upper legs, genitals, 4x mouth for both genders (no spec map, only color)
both for Male and Female
- activate and find the items in "Clothing"
- Select Presets
- Adjust the Physics and Surface offset after you finish your morphs & pose
- Reset Physics after changing the pose
- Change the material settings to weaken the effect (alpha and specular intensity)
- Tears have two materials: Set Flowing alpha to -1 to make dripping tears vanish
- Decals can be applied from the Materials Textures Tab. Browse in the sidebar to the folder Person/Textures/kemenate/Decals Female or Male. Make sure to put the them in the correct slot and use them on the Base UV sets
- Tears stick too much on eyeball.
- Spit clips
- Physics like to freak out: Try Reset