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  • Hey Cheesy, could you please remind me of your Discord again? Can't seem to find it on your page here.
    Plus, if you have a patreon page, so I can donate whenever I can. Your work is amazing and it's all free. My opinion is to keep it all free, but sell some highly customized models (I see you have that skill as well, love the muscle structure you've designed), as a way for us to fund your effort whenever (and if) we can - sort of like selling merch. Just an idea. Some side-cash is always good I think.
    Thanks for your offer, but I don't have a patreon and I don't plan on opening one up. I do this for fun, not for the money :)
    Hello, i found out that PoseMe breaks if there PetaZwega's Ryan look is in the scene. Just load his appearance and reload plugin. Judging by error stack, it is something to do with Gaze initialization. By the way, great plugins, thanks.
    Hi. Your Ryan (or anoher person in the scene) is probably disabled while (re)loading BL.
    Hello, I'm inquiring about the "CheesyFX ReadMylips" plugin. How can I disable the heart and lips effects used in the "Orgasm Now" option? Thank u
    Hi. Go to ahegao, there are plenty of settings.
    Sorry for the stupid question but where do I open ahegao? I don't see it under session, scene, or character plugins. I'd also like to disable the floating lips but can't find ahego, readmylips, or even bodylanguage. Yeah, I am new to this. Thanks in advance for any assistance.
    BodyLanguage is on the girl. ReadMyLips is a module of BodyLanguage and Ahegao is a tab inside ReadMyLips.
    Honestly, I'm speechless after seeing all of your projects. It's an honour to have you in the VAM community, sir. Thank you for your work and double thank you for it being free.
    Thank you so much for your kind words! :)
    Feel free to join my discord to stay in touch and keep you updated what's next to come (it's a lot right now)
    Reply for Heeladjust2 "Go everywhere"?
    The feet twist sideways and forwards in all directions away from the center of where the character stands.
    After uncheck marking the plugin and then saving, reloading the scene, and then enabling it again, it will work.
    Disabling and then enabling while the scene is loaded doesn't stop the collision from happening.
    Sorry, I never experienced something like that with my plugin. It sounds more like you are using the original HeelAdjust from prestigitis, which had fundamental flaws on scene load and so on.
    Please explain in detail how I can reproduce this.
    Ah thanks had the one from prestigitis loaded.. this one works amazingly for loading. I'll let you know if i do somehow break things though.
    hi first of all, thx for ur awesome plugins. I really am enjoying them.
    I have one issue to mention with regards to 'body language'.
    In the 'readmylips', i have placed many triggers in the stimulation triggers, orgasm value triggerse then the problem occurred when i load the scene again.
    It did not load the triggers i have placed in them. i have saved multiple times however, it just did not load any triggers inside...empty.
    The plugin saves the parameters such as gain, regression...etc.
    May i request this fix?
    i'm sorry if i have posted in a wrong place
    thank you
    Thanks for the ping. Should be fixed with the new version.
    thank you :) um.... stimulation trigger now saves the triggers when the scene is loaded but the same problem still remains for the orgasm triggers. it still does not save. otherwise i love using this plugins, it definitely saves my time to setup stuffs!
    I'll fix it with the next version. Meanwhile you can use the OnOrgasmStart trigger. This one is saved for sure.
    hi, you are making a cool plugin.
    Do you have an idea to make a plug-in for clothes that deforms the skin in places where the elastic is pressed?
    Maybe this can be done using a map (like a sim texture map for simulating fabric in virtamate) which will set the location and force of pressure on the skin, and the morph will be created automatically based on data from this Sim texture map.

    Hi, and sorry for the late answer. I would love something like that, too. But I fear this is out of my scope for now. Also, the morph had to be created automatically based on the clothing item itself. If you draw a pressure map by hand you could very well create the whole morph... This would be even easier, since you don't had to iterate checking how the map translates to mophing. I'm not sure though if the mesh resolution is high enough for it to look good. I definitely won't look nearly as good as in your picture, since you only have like 1-2 edgle loops to shape the bulge.

    Everlaster did some research on that, maybe you should ask him.
    any chance that you could show where you got your model in your posts from?
    I started with ddaamm Estel and modified the body and textures. The face is the original.
    I have opened up a discord server where I will primarily post update notes and vids regarding my new plugin in development. But we can talk about my other plugins aswell or even exchange presets. Feel free to join if you're interested!
    Cheesy's Den
    Any way to add soft physics to the willy through one of these types of amazing plugins you're creating, similar to the breast and glute physics? The shoes collider plugin greatly enhances the usability of the program for us shoe and foot lovers..and a more plyable weiner would be awesome for trample and footjob scenes..and much more realistic..
    lol..totally agree for the most part....but in any state, hard or relaxed the model stays rigid like a table leg and cant compress....and as a person who partakes in various scenarios of said activities IRL even in the hardest state they still do 'squash' to a degree..lol..so awkward typing that out lmfao But thanks for the input and the awesome plugins! Looking forward to future creations!
    Yes, it's possible, but it's a pain. A while ago I added physics to the vaginal canal. https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/experimental-soft-physics-for-inner-vagina.34351/

    Adding a new physics mesh isn't that bad, but configuring it to work properly is a chore.

    I've got a couple of projects in the works, so I'm not going to have time to pick this up in the near future. If any others plugin makers are willing to give it a go I'd be happy to share what I've learned though.
    Ok gotcha! Just messaged you about this before i seen this reply so disregard that. Thanks for your reply!
    Hey, i think a banger plugin idea would be to make one that could cause proper bulging of a part of a female (stomach or throat for example) that is actually precise instead of using preset morphs of an area that are just not fitting for certain sizes. idk if you want to do that, or if it's even doable. but i just thought why not ask you atleast :D worst thing is that you say no, and best thing would be an insane plugin im sure many people would enjoy xP

    there are currently some plugins like, varghoss.bellybulger/throatbulger, dynms1337.bulgersim or saking55.autobulger, but they are all not really precise in terms of penis size and insertion depths and so on

    well, that's it from me, i hope you can help, but it's totally fine if you won't :3

    have a nice day :D
    ahhh all good :D take your time x)
    im just glad to hear that you're working on it ^^ you have incredible plugins
    Thanks :) Right now I'm not really working on it because I was massively distracted with ShakeIt and HeelAdjust2. It's an old project but I hope to get back to it soon.
    all good ;)
    Techpriest, can I bother you to make a plugin that will let us noclip select colliders?

    Essentially, I want for example, collider A to collide with collider B but not collider C or D, while retaining normal collisions otherwise. This is my big item on the VAM wishlist for a while now.
    Any, really. Though I was thinking more items than people. Basically, I want to create items out of shapes VAM already provides, but can't do much with them.
    You're welcome :)
    Please leave a review and reaction if you like it!
    As soon as I get to play with it, I will. Will probably make a screencap of it in action.
    Performance drops a lot in v22.
    Performance was good until v20
    Thanks for the feedback. v21 did nothing that could impact fps by a large amount; v22 even less. v23 does, because it has to check for collisions happening. I tried to do it in the most efficient way, but it has to be done nonetheless. Could you please be more specific? What scene setup are you talking about? Do you have collisions all over the place with the legs? In my test scene I cannot see a significant fps drop.
    not gunna lie OniEkohvius and Mczippy models started teaching me plugins cant wait for you're model
    was drunk when i posted the review drunk now:)
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