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    Details about the security patch can be found here.

Vam dev.. please add a delete button.

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New member
My simple wish would to be able to download vars ... have a look... and delete the var from the scene browser if its not satisfactory. So basic, simple and intuitive.

I would sell my kids and give you the proceeds for that feature (I don't have kids so please don't swat me).
I might be missing something but deleting from the package manager is ok for one package... but not practical with thousands of scenes. you need to view the scenes in the scene browser... then open the scene and wait for it to load..... then fire up the package manager wait for it to load ... then delete ... and wait for it to delete ... rinse and repeat 1000s of times . this would take months. I have reinstalled a second copy of VAM and copied over the VARs I like and am rebuidling from scratch... its a kind of a shame having to do this in 2022 because of lack of delete button. The frustrating part is that the button exists for your own scenes and works just fine.... so some of the code is there...
A delete button per scene on the scene browser or in the package manager would be the same workflow, unless you could select more than 1, which you can't on any. Not sure why you need to load a scene unless it's to remember what it is like, but this loading is the slowest part of the process for you then, and no delete button would help anyway.
Deleting in VAM is doable with a few VARs, but from 10 onwards the best place is using a file manager for maximum flexibility. A suggestion is to use ALT+TAB to check the VAR's name in the Scene Browser and delete it with a file manager, easy.

If you have a lot of VARs in your AddonsPackages you might want to look at some programs here that manage these, show thumbnails of the scenes like the Scene Browser does, etc. I opted for a manual approach and created subfolders in AddonsPackages like Looks, Plugins, Clothes, and moved the respective VARs into those. To VAM this makes no difference, but now I know what is what, new VARs get downloaded to the file-free (subfolders only) AddonsPackages, and there I can decide if I want to keep them - and move to the subfolders - or if I can delete.

Back to the delete button topic, own scenes can be deleted easily because they're just 1 file, but a VAR can have scenes and a lot more in it. Deleting only a scene from inside a VAR is likely a much more difficult implementation, and would then change the benefit for the VAR referencing and version control. If you remove or add something to xxx.mypackage.1.var then the Hub's xxx.mypackage.1.var is not the same as yours. If this is a dependency of another package and you removed something in it that is needed for the other, then there's errors and problems.
A VAR can have several scenes, it's for you a lot more work to get them all than deleting the VAR. Another suggestion, there's a hide button, this will help you tidy the Scene Browser without changing the VAR, if you want to keep it that is.

In a nutshell, it's not as simple as just adding a delete button.
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My problem is kinda solved (new scratch install and less moronic download habits) but what I wished for was to be able to download from the hub, have a look at the scene and then if I decide the scene is not for me clic a delete button. Just delete the ugly VAR file I've just downloaded. Retroactively for mass cleanup use the scene browser to quickly view and identify scenes I dont like and be able to delete the VAR file on the spot. Any integrity consideration does not matter since right now the alternative is to go in Windows file explorer and outright delete the var without any consideration for integrity... so any dependency is still screwed up... damage done (if any) ...offending scene/var gone... mission accomplished.

I'm pretty black and white about the vars I want to delete. Essentially if any of the scenes inside the var contains stuff I dont like I want the VAR deleted. I dont care if it has multiple scenes or dependencies or if others items depend on it. It's got to go.

I've checked other var management tools on the hub but unfortunately they don't adresse the "quickly view and delete" need I have. I'm sure they solve other needs for other people.

I could try my hand at coding my own tool. Scan *.var files ... and then create a preview grid with scene preview jpgs inside the var files... select the ones I dont like and delete the var. Thats all I need(ed) essentially.

Thanks for all the answers.
I use BrowerAssist paid version (dunno if its a paid vs free thing), when viewing scenes... big red button in lower right corner...


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I use BrowerAssist paid version (dunno if its a paid vs free thing), when viewing scenes... big red button in lower right corner...
I Have the latest version now, is the delete button removed ? It's nowhere to be found
I Have the latest version now, is the delete button removed ? It's nowhere to be found
look for this 'CreateBASymLinks' in vam root---saves--- scripts---jayjay--browserassist. This process must be done for the script to have that ability.
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