Main UI

Information about the main user interface

User Preferences

Information about the User Preferences tab in the Main UI

Scene Animation

Information about the Scene Animation tab in the Main UI
Main UI Breakdown The “Main UI” is where you can save and load files, change preferences, and access global scene parameters. “Play Mode” on the Base_UI Hides all scene editing tabs from the Main UI. This mode is used for experiencing completed scenes. “Edit Mode” on the Base_UI displays all of VaM’s editing features in the Main UI. This is where a content creator will spend most of their time while building scenes. "File (Open/Save)" Opens the File dialog window. “User Preferences” Opens the User Preferences Window with several subtabs available to tweak performance, VR settings, miscellaneous settings and Security. Please follow the provided links for more information on each subtab: ”Performance” The Performance Tab...
File (Open/Save) ”New Scene” loads the “default.json” file located inside your VaM install “\Saves\scene\MeshedVR” folder. If you want to load your own default scene you can place your own file named “default.json” inside the root “\Saves\scene” folder. Overwriting the original MeshedVR file is not recommended because it may be overwritten when repairing or updating the VaM install. ”New Empty Scene” Creates a new scene containing only a “PlayerNavigationPanel” and a “WindowCamera” ”Open Package Manager” Opens the Add-On Package Manager. A convenient way to manage the custom content you have created locally or downloaded from the VaMHub. ”Load” Opens the “Select Scene To Load” window. The scene when loaded will be in “Play”...
Main UI - User Preferences Performance Tab Performance 2 Tab Navigation Tab VR 1 Tab VR 2 Tab Misc Tab Security Tab
Navigation The Navigation tab is mostly for VR players and has little effect or difficult to use effectively when playing on Desktop. These buttons are used specifically for possession. “Possessing” Is one of the core features of VaM animation. A powerful way to animate your characters with motion capture in VR. By default only 5 atom nodes on the Person atom are possessable: Head, Left Hand, Right Hand, Left Foot and Right Foot. However all of VaM’s Atom nodes are able to be animated with Possession. By going to the Atom’s “Control” tab you can toggle it to make it “Possessable” This will allow it to show up as possessable when going into possession mode. A Person Atom hand node in Normal mode and when...
Select The Select Panel is used to view and select from any of the components within your scene. It is also accessed from the Base UI “Select” button. The Left hand side “Atom” panel lists all the nodes within your scene. “Filter” Write the name of your target to quickly locate it within complex scenes. The numbers to the Right show the amount of atoms shown / total number of atoms in your scene. The Right hand side “Control” panel lists everything inside the selected atom that is available to select. “Filter” Write the name of your atoms sub parts to quickly locate it within the atom. The numbers to the Right show the amount of targets shown / total number of sub targets in...
Scene Lighting Scene lighting is taken from the HDRI backgrounds included with VaM. There are 29 available choices accessed from the ”Global Illumination Sky” dropdown menu. The lighting from this only affects atoms built into VaM. it will not affect geometry brought in with an assetbundle. “Global Illumination Master Intensity” Affects the intensity of the HDRI illuminations on the atoms inside the scene. This will not affect geometry brought in with an asset bundle. ”Global Illumination Diffuse Intensity” Affects the intensity of the HDRI diffuse lighting on the atoms inside the scene. This will not affect geometry brought in with an asset bundle. "Global Illumination Specular...
Scene Add Atom Atoms are the persons, objects, environments, and tool set offered in VaM. Atoms in a scene often show as a green squares in Edit Mode, but some atoms have other shapes, like a person (person shape) or a subscene atom (flag). These lists are not editable, you cannot add, remove or rename items in the lists. If you have a Creator key, you can add as many atoms of any kind as you want in a scene. This panel is where you can add any of our built in environments, props, and many other atoms. Category A general listing categories to make finding the atom you want to add easier. Atom Lists the atoms available within the chosen category. In this example “Environments” are shown. ”Select Atom On Add” Toggling...
Scene Animation Scene Animation refers specifically to animations on Person Atom Controls or Atom Controls captured within your scene or driven by the scene animation timeline. This is separate from the Built-In animations available on the Person Atom, any script driven animations like AcidbubblesTimeline or plugin driven BVH animations. As a rule of thumb, any elements or animations in your scene that are being run by the play controls from this panel will be affected by changing settings within the Scene Animation panel and tabs. This timeline interface is common to all three Scene Animation sub panels. “Control", “Edit” and “Triggers”. ”Control” Please see the “Control” page for documentation. ”Edit” Please see the “Edit“...
Scene Miscellaneous ”World Scale” This is very useful while playing in VR scaling you much larger or smaller than the assets in your scene. It defaults at 1 scale which is 1 to 1 with the VaM atoms. You can shrink to .01 or grow to 10X using the slider. The effect is not as noticeable while working on desktop and appears to be the same function as “Player Height Adj”. It is not and it is recommended to keep it default to avoid confusion when publishing for a VR player. This is the same option as available in the Base UI “Click for more Options panel” “Gravity (m/s^2)” Gravity Meters per Second Squared. Default for Earth gravity in VaM is Y -9.81. Using these options you can change the gravity to be anything you like from any...
Scene Audio The Scene Audio Control panel is where you add any audio files that you want to have access to in your scenes. To load an Audio file using an address the format should be similar to this: C:/Virt-A-Mate/Custom/Sounds/Test/015.wav ”URL” Here is where you can add an audio file using a local or html address to an audio file. The address of the last audio file loaded will also be displayed here. ”Browse…” This will open a standard vam loading screen so that you can browse to local audio files on your computer. ”Load” this button will add an audio entry to the list specified by the “URL” location. ”Paste From Clipboard” This will paste the audio file location stored on your clipboard into...
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