Wiki Article 04. Navigation

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The Navigation tab is mostly for VR players and has little effect or difficult to use effectively when playing on Desktop.

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These buttons are used specifically for possession.

“Possessing” Is one of the core features of VaM animation. A powerful way to animate your characters with motion capture in VR. By default only 5 atom nodes on the Person atom are possessable: Head, Left Hand, Right Hand, Left Foot and Right Foot. However all of VaM’s Atom nodes are able to be animated with Possession. By going to the Atom’s “Control” tab you can toggle it to make it “Possessable”

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This will allow it to show up as possessable when going into possession mode.

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A Person Atom hand node in Normal mode and when ready to be Possessed.

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A Prop Atom node in Normal and when ready to be Possessed.

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”Possess” When clicking this button you are prompted with this message:

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“Move Controllers or Head into spheres to possess.
Press Select when complete, or press Remote Grab to cancel possess mode.”
Please note pressing “escape” on your keyboard will also cancel possess mode.

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”Possess and Align Head” Clicking on this will teleport and align your head to the location of the chosen.

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You will be prompted by this message:

”Press Select to select which controller to move head into, align to, and possess.”

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”2 Stage Possess”

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”Move Controllers or Head into spheres to select nodes to be possessed.
Once all controls are selected, align motion controllers to desired possess from point. Press Select to lock in possess, or press Remote Grab to cancel.”

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”2 Stage Possess Without Clear Of Already Possessed Nodes”

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"Move Controllers or Head into spheres to select nodes to be possessed.
Once all controls are selected, align motion controllers to desired possess from point.
Press Select to lock in possess, or press Remote Grab to cancel.”

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”Stop Possession (Select Which To Stop)”

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”Point at controller you would like to unpossess and press Select to unpossess.
Press Remote Grab to when finished.”
Using this you can selectively stop possession of a possessed node.

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”Stop Head Possession” Clicking this will stop possession on only the possessed Person Atom Head node.

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”Stop All Possession” This will cancel all possession in the scene.

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These buttons are related specifically to scene navigation in VR.

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”Reset Player Position” This will reset your position in VR and your desktop view back to it’s default location within the scene. Approximately X Position 0.2, Y Position 1.5, and Z Position 1.5

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”Teleport” When clicking this button you are given the following prompt. This is VR only and has no effect in desktop mode. This message will prompt you:

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”Aim controller and touch Select to choose where to teleport to.
Press Select to teleport or press Remote Grab to cancel teleport mode.”

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”Free Move” Prompts you with the following message.

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”Use Left Hand Index Controller Thumb Stick and RIght Hand Index Controller Thumb Stick to move freely.
Press Grab to cancel free-move mode” Currently free move is always active with the Index controllers.
Vive controllers are toggled on/off with this option. The Trigger button on the controller is used to cancel the prompt on Index or disable free move on the Vive.

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”Free Move Follow Floor” When you are in VR and moving around using free move mode (joysticks on most controllers as a default) and the surface below the player is a PlayerNavigationPanel or a room that contains navigation colliders, the player will move up and down based on the height of the floor. This is like how and FPS would work. If you have this off, the player will not be artificially moved in the vertical.

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”Navigate Lock Height” only works in VR, locking you to your current “Player height Adjust” Y axis setting. This has no effect while playing on the desktop.
It is also accessed in the
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“Click for more options” navigation options in the Base UI

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”Player Height Adjust” sets your VR view or Desktop monitor camera height in the world. This does not change your personal scale at all and simply moves you up and down the Y axis.
It is also accessed in the
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“Click for more options” navigation options in the Base UI
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