I spent about 5 hours working on a scene in desktop mode and then ended up zooming far out, and I can't seem to zoom back in and I'm currently stuck in the endless abyss.
Normally I could just open the menu and spawn a new atom with the option that switches your focus to it to bring me back to the center of the scene, but I can't open my UI. All that appears is the desktop bar, which I can click on but the buttons don't seem to do anything now, with the exception of the three dots on the right simply expanding the additional options. If I press M, I can hear the audio in my scene animation still playing.
How do I go about at least saving my scene so I don't loose 5 hours of work? I feel like an idiot asking since this probably has an easy fix, but I couldn't find any information skimming through the wiki or on the forum here. Thanks.
Normally I could just open the menu and spawn a new atom with the option that switches your focus to it to bring me back to the center of the scene, but I can't open my UI. All that appears is the desktop bar, which I can click on but the buttons don't seem to do anything now, with the exception of the three dots on the right simply expanding the additional options. If I press M, I can hear the audio in my scene animation still playing.
How do I go about at least saving my scene so I don't loose 5 hours of work? I feel like an idiot asking since this probably has an easy fix, but I couldn't find any information skimming through the wiki or on the forum here. Thanks.