Question What's your workflow for changing clothing textures?


New member
So, extreme newby here, I tried to learn alone how to change clothing textures and found a workflow but it's far from perfect and I'm 100% sure there must be a better way of doing it.

What I did was opening the default decal in photoshop, changing the base color and putting a text were I thought the center of the shirt was, loading my custom made decal on VaM to see how it looked, turns out it was not centered so I repeated the previous steps 2 times until I was happy with it.

Took me a lot of time for something very simple. So I was wondering if you pros have a better workflow? A plugin, script or app I don't know yet where you paint over the clothes rendered in 3d and see directly your changes would be amazing but maybe I'm dreaming too much?
All of the custom clothing is laid out slightly differently. It all depends on how the uv's are unwrapped, and some can be weird. You can save a uv template texture (the two buttons on the top right of the Clothing/customize/texture tab save it and open the file location.)
That may help you visualize things better.
Another useful method is to use a gradient grid texture like this to help you visualize the layout. Slap it in the diffuse slot, take a screenshot, and then open the grid in a program like photoshop of gimp and draw your decal over the grid in a new layer in the right spot and then hide the background to save an alpha png to use as a decal. unfortunately, without the original mesh the clothing is made from you can't do any 3d painting. There's no plugin, Just trial and error. If the texture you make is just a little off size or position, you can use the "tile x/tile y" and "offset x/offset y" to scale and move it around, but it needs to be in the right orientation with the uv unwrap.

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