Question What types of VARs slow down the initial loading times?


New member
So, I use an HDD (sorry, my SSD is too small), and I was wondering if there's a specific type of VARs that slows down the loading time of the menu?

Also, any tips regarding the loading times (apart from "buy an SSD") are appreciated. Thanks!
It's just the larger the file the longer it will take, and the more VARs you have the more it builds up. Scenes are the largest files if you are stuck with HDD try to keep your AddonPackages folder small. If you want to download files for later use just keep them outside of VAM folder.
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It's just the larger the file the longer it will take, and the more VARs you have the more it builds up. Scenes are the largest files if you are stuck with HDD try to keep your AddonPackages folder small. If you want to download files for later use just keep them outside of VAM folder.
Does it like parse through each VAR file on the start? Why? I thought it was just stuff like morphs or scripts
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the answer is out of my league as to why it scans AddonPackages every time i think that's one of the reasons they are working on a sequel to VaM that is easier to run this is a quote from a Dev about it.

Most of the load time is Vam processing information. The actual "reading data from disk" delay is pretty small.

I have done some testing and found that the larger my addonPackages folder, the slower the startup time. This makes sense, as VaM is having to go through every .var file to add clothing, morphs, look, etc to the vam menu system.

It's a major limitation with no obvious solution.
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I mention this in the linked post, but I think the issue is VAM reading each VAR each time (I am also including "processing" when I say read). I think making the read a little smarter would speed things up considerably. But I'm not sure that is possible without a lot of work.

It sucks. I'm going to have to experiment with cuting out everything I don't use, and possibly take the custom morphs/resources out of the VARs, getting rid of the fluff. I also want to test the scenes included in VARs. Once you're using the resource elsewhere, you don't need those, but they're being read each time.
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