Hi again J,
I more or less know what you want. This is how you achieve it:
1. A system: state machine, behavior tree or similar entity which triggers dialog, behavior and action at different stages of the game.
2. A dialog driven system which triggers behavior and action.
These two approach's start at opposite ends and, if you like, work the other way around from each other.
The behavior tree moves the dialog and other action.
The dialog moves the character on from one set of actions or scene to the next.
1. As MacGruber wrote, you can use behavior trees. There are loads of them for sale in the Unity asset Store. Assets like Playmaker incorporate AI behaviors. I've played with one of them which guides a model around a course and it avoids walking into walls. You can set it up in minutes. However, for me there's not enough instructions to do much else, except have your model walk around. You can use Playmaker's dialog designer but it's not very good. I tried to integrate the excellent pro Dialog System for Unity, but it won't work in the same scene as Playmaker. And this
goes on with anything you try to do in Unity. It either won't work, or, worse still you end up with stopped play and 999 red warnings filling up your console. Which is one reason I moved over to VAM.
One of the big complaints with Unity assets is some devs spend years perfecting an asset but pay scant regard to explaining to their customers how to use that asset-- it's as if they are not bothered what happens after someone's bought it. A good example is Synbot, which I refused to even test for the devs for free because of it's lack of any comprehensible documentation.
The other issue with anything like this in Unity, is that the assets and tutorials are mostly geared towards melee: sword fighting, evasion and combat etc., not small-scale , everyday human interactions. So, you are now in the game of adapting the macro to the micro of one-to one interpersonal actions and behaviors.
This asset for Unreal Engine does look quite promising :
VisAI - Companion - Modern AI Framework in Blueprints - UE Marketplace (unrealengine.com) .
However, at $240.00 I'd want a detailed user guide, not a brief generic explanatory video.
So, the idea with behavior trees is to use them to trigger dialog. In this way you can not only mimic a chatbot, but when a a dialog response is triggered also
simultaneously trigger a full range of movement and body language. No doubt you could, for example, pay to use Deep Motion to mo-cap the full body animations.
All of the above is very, very complicated stuff.
2. You use a
dialog driven approach. In this approach you are creating a similar plugin to MacGruber's Speech Recognition. What this (as yet imaginary) plugin does is develop things stage further by using more complex XML, and you'd utilize mo-capped animations triggered by keywords and grammar using MG's Timeline. It would give you the ability to have (weighted) yes-no branching narratives, instead of simple commands that force behavioral compliance from models. In this way, you could hold an almost natural conversation with your character and she, or he , would also
physically respond to that conversation, body language, movement, behavior, as if it's happening in real life.
A final point here: This is a product of research from about six years ago :
https://webspace.science.uu.nl/~yumak001/UUVHC/index.html, and here's a hard to find video:
Note even back then, the team managed to integrate visual/object recognition.
The speech animation asset Rogo Digital Pro has been deprecated because the stupid thing crashed the game after an hour of setting it up, every damn time you tried to use it. Aggh!
Note the animations are clunky, this is what happens when you use a handful Mixamo animations and don't spend even more time experimenting with blending them in the Animator. But this all was state of the art back then, before affordable mo-cap, Final IK baker etc, and nobody much cared.
Nightmare stuff to integrate.
2a. For me the second approach is by far the simplest, stress free and most relevant to small scale, intimate VAM scenes. I've just played with MG's and VRifter's speech recognition. They are far, far easier to use than anything in Unity. What would take me months of trial and error, due to insufficient asset user instructions, can be done in an afternoon in VAM. And, I actually enjoy doing it rather than getting stressed out with Unity.
The well-documented assets that are brilliant, are SALSA , Dialog System for Unity, and RTVoice and Chatbot for Unity. I would avoid everything else for making a 'talking' model. But it's not an easy ride to put them together.
Sometimes we need a specific word to encompass the complexity of our ideas. What is needed is a
simultaneity of speech, movement, gesture and body language.