
Plugins VAMTweaks


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hazmhox submitted a new resource:

VAMTweaks - Tweak several settings of VaM.

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VAMTweaks is a plugin dedicated to tweak VaM settings. At the moment, there are only shadow settings, but I prefered to use a broader name for the plugin if some new...

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Since you've already got a handle on session plugin creation, here are a few suggestions (or maybe just a wish list) of other features I'd love to see. Some of this stuff I've considered trying to implement myself, some of it is just random thoughts:

1. Swap left/right hand controls...or somehow combine motion controls when in VR for one-handed mode? You know, for people with disabilities and stuff. Yeah, that's the ticket.

2.*Force* enable colliders for VR hands. This always seems to randomly get disabled when switching between desktop and VR modes, and it's annoying AF.

3. Auto-load appearances/plugins on scene load. Basically, what UI Assist does in terms of "click a button, load a preset with suppressed player height/clothing loads", but automagically whenever I open a scene. In a perfect world, it would enumerate *all* person atoms, maybe let me set a "primary" male/female appearance, then a secondary for other characters. If you wanted to be super-badass, figure out what "other" morphs affect player height, and allow those to be tuned for optimal alignments.

4. Automagically update plugins to "latest" in scenes, based on user inputs. I've already written my own personal dotnet application that will go through all scenes and var files, then "update" dependencies based on a textfile I created with addons that I always find myself updating. For example, if it finds a json file that mentions HazmHox.vammoan.10, it'll automatically replace the .10 with .latest, ensuring I'm always using the latest version. So, having a version of this that runs from within VAM might be cool. Specify a list of addons to auto-update on scene load, then do the deed. Only downside I see to doing it in-app versus as I am now is that the package manager will still grumble about missing v 39 of Timeline, whereas editing the var/scene files directly reduces the overall number of deps needed...

5. Some way of quickly binding/unbinding a VR tracker to a specific target w. physics link. If there's a way to do this with Timeline or a UI Button, I have yet to figure it out.

6. A universal timeline pause/reset button.

7. Better scene loading? I really despise having to click "allow" for every new script that runs, ever. And when using VR, it's kinda odd how the blue loading box is always "off to the left", and you just have to sit there and stare at nothingness till everything catches up.

I'm honestly not sure how many of these are doable, or if any of them are interesting to you, but when I saw you'd started a "tweaks" plugin, I figured I'd at least toss out a few suggestions. Maybe we'll see some of these features in Vam 2...who knows? Either way, keep up the awesome work. :p
Hey man. great work as always. I have no idea if it's possible, but something I would like to see as a tweak for shadows is being able to control the shadows of clothes separately.

Sometimes they are just too much ^^

Hey man. great work as always. I have no idea if it's possible, but something I would like to see as a tweak for shadows is being able to control the shadows of clothes separately.

Sometimes they are just too much ^^

Hey! I think that the only potential tweak that could be possible is to disable shadows on clothes. But reducing them is not possible. At least, I've never seen an engine do that. You either have shadows or not.
And I'm not even sure I could grab the clothes to disable them.
I can't promise anything but I'll take a look.


Since you've already got a handle on session plugin creation, here are a few suggestions (or maybe just a wish list) of other features I'd love to see. Some of this stuff I've considered trying to implement myself, some of it is just random thoughts:

As you say at the end, not a lot of that is doable :p
To give you an example : we don't have access to controller modifications. For a reason we cannot explain (we tried with a few coders from the community), we can't bypass the native features of the controllers.

Further than that... the plugin is not a "fix potential UX and bugs from the game". It is more a potential "engine tweaks" plugin.

Sorry to disappoint :(
@hazmhox Is there any way to increase shadow quality when range is greatly increased even if it comes at the cost of performance? Usually once you start pushing the range out further the shadow quality seems to degrade significantly.
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