• Hi Guest!

    Please be aware that we have released another critical security patch for VaM. We strongly recommend updating to version using the VaM_Updater found in your installation folder.

    Details about the security patch can be found here.

VAM with Pimax 8K X - game starts in vr mode but hmd show only VAM Waiting


Active member
Hi, could you guys help me with running vam on pimax. I have Pimax 8K X , with 3090 and 2base stations and valve index controlers.. i have no problem with other games. but if i run vam via luncher and then choose VR run. The game starts and is shown on monitor but ih HMD i just see picture with VAM logo and then infinite waiting alghough on monitor i see normal game manu with scene chooser. Also it connect both valve indes. (in background SteamVR is shown.

If i add game to Pimax Experience and run it from here. Game run, show in HMD, i see starting menu where you choose between Play and Edit, but thre is also Waiting red rotating hourglass and i cant do nothing. altough on monitor i also lower VAM menu.

Pleas help :) i bought whole new PC and headset to play with VAM :)
I had no luck running directly from PE. On boot from PE screen start Steam VR then click lower left button to open desktop then double click the link to start VAM, that method works 10 out of 10 times. I had created a shortcut on the Steam VR dashboard which worked most of the time but would occasionally hang, Steam updated a day or so ago and now shortcut is gone and forgot how I did that .. lol. Haven't taken the time to look at it yet.
Could you past some picture, i do not know which button you are tallking about. if i run Steam VR from PE it open VR Room. and there is no button to open file directly from disk.

PS: Which file should i run ? Vam launcher or Vam exe ? or vam vr . bat ?
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And which button you were talking about ? in vr mode in HMD or in 2D mode monitor in that small SteamVR window on bottom of the screen.

I install VAM second time on C:\GAMES\VAM and rund it from launcher and it goes full 3D (and i was happy ) but as i close it and run i 2d and download few scenes then clsoe and want to open again in 3d then it do not work again same as before. :<
There is a problem that VaM behaves incorrectly when started via VaM.exe in Pimax Experience. (Reason is most probably that the working directory is not set correctly), so I just wrote a litte batch "Vam (PE).bat" and start that via Pimax Experience:

cd \games\VR\MeshedVR\Release 1.20

of couse you have to adapt this to your VaM install drive & path.
Hmm, i do not know if its bug. The problem was with Rendering Scaling in VAM if i set it to 2(i use it in 2d mode) then VAM imediately go out of VR. i downed it to 1.5 and it was ok for 2 days. Now it broke once again and work only if i set it to 1.0. Strange but still looks amazing :)
Render scaling doesn't do anything in 2d so you should leave at 1 if that is what works in VR. 2d (monitor) render resolution is controlled by what resolution you chose to run VaM in and your monitor resolution. You can run VaM (Config).bat to configure the desktop resolution.

Render scaling is for VR only. It determines the render resolution for the render texture used for VR. This setting is directly going to an internal Unity VR setting that is then used by the VR system (SteamVR or Oculus). It is likely for the pimax that a 2X render texture is simply too large and can't be handled by the GPU itself. Unity might have a bug here or it might be quietly outputting an error to the log file.
It was strange couse at first it was good if i set it to 1.5 then days layter it stop working and only 1 work. I cant remember if i changed 2D monitor then from 1080p to 1440p. So maybe bigger default monitor couse problem.
I had created a shortcut on the Steam VR dashboard which worked most of the time but would occasionally hang, Steam updated a day or so ago and now short
There is a problem that VaM behaves incorrectly when started via VaM.exe in Pimax Experience. (Reason is most probably that the working directory is not set correctly), so I just wrote a litte batch "Vam (PE).bat" and start that via Pimax Experience:

cd \games\VR\MeshedVR\Release 1.20

of couse you have to adapt this to your VaM install drive & path.
Any updated method?????
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