I did some spec comparisons of the two Kinect models, the people behind KinecttoVR are talking out of their rear recommending the V1!
V2 kinect has a far better colour cam, 25 tracked points instead of 20, 6 person tracking instead of 2 etc. It also has 2 meters more range on depth tracking (important for bigger rooms) and a wider FoV (important for smaller rooms!).
As for their objection about foot rotation flickering? It doesn't seem to happen on the example apps, so clearly it's something they have done wrong.
The only real valid point they have is in regards to USB3 not being equal. I have 2 PCs and both Kinects. Both machines have USB3 but the KinectV2 only works on one of the PCs, so worst case you might need to buy a PCIe USB3 card to use the Kinect V2.
Having witnessed now amazing the Kinect full body tracking is with both versions of the server and both the original and improved script, I can only recommend it.
I also appreciate it not making overlaid Vive Trackers not appear in your game (how do you make them invisible?) and it's a lot easier to setup in VaM than the SteamVR extra trackers (the amazing Embody plugin makes that a lot easier btw, check it out).