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    Details about the security patch can be found here.

Thumb stick scrolling in VAM VR


Well-known member
It is time-consuming and frustrating to constantly press and hold the scroll bar in VR to find the right file. It would be nice to implement a thumb stick Y-axis (up and down) scrolling on VR controllers to scroll different menus such as HUB, Open scene, all scenes browser, etc. ( wherever there is a scroll bar). In my view, Thumb stick scrolling should be active only when the controller points to or hover-over the selected menu.
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I too would love to see thumb-stick scrolling implemented. But for the time beeing, you can also click on an empty area in many scollable browser lists and initiate a ballistic scrolling by moving the VR controller up or down.
I too would love to see thumb-stick scrolling implemented. But for the time beeing, you can also click on an empty area in many scollable browser lists and initiate a ballistic scrolling by moving the VR controller up or down.
Yes. I do exactly the same. But it would still be great to be able to scroll without any workarounds.
Yes please!!! I use thumbstick scrolling constantly on the desktop in VR and then forgot it doesn't work in VAM
If you want to use the thumbsticks for scrolling, then you can do it by remapping your controls in SteamVR. Note that when you do it this way, the thumbstick movement is still active, so you move around while scrolling (unless you disable thumbstick movement entirely).

It sounds like you might have an Oculus though. If that's the case, then it might be a good suggestion to add as an option for the Oculus side of things. You could force it to run under Steam (OpenVR mode), but I hear that the performance isn't as good. I could be wrong though.
Great tip, I tried this and scrolling through long lists is much better now in VR, even if my position moves too.
But the position movement can be disabled in VaM menu under User Preferences->Navigation->Disable All Navigation.
Probably this action can be bound to a controller button via one of the hotkey plugins, so one could easily block moving while using the joystick to scroll through lists.
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SteamVR remapping worked great when I was using SteamVR/ALVR. But now I'm using Oculus Link (due to passthrough build of ALVR crashing very often) and thumbstick scrolling doesn't work anymore. Any ideas?
SteamVR remapping worked great when I was using SteamVR/ALVR. But now I'm using Oculus Link (due to passthrough build of ALVR crashing very often) and thumbstick scrolling doesn't work anymore. Any ideas?

"GrabScrolling" - point your funly laserbeam at the background canvas of the window (ie between the symbols), grab, move the beam up/down.
Requires a little practise - I recommend resting the elbow against smth solid and only moving the wrist. Most effective while you're sitting/lounging in bed.

Other than that, no ideas. Quest1 thumbscrolling doesn't work in VaM. The "grabscrolling" idea was recommended by MeshedVR as a substitute.
Hi all. Agree this would be a HUGE quality of life improvement for VR users. Every single time I have to interact with a UI window I try to scroll using the analogue stick on my Quest controllers, only to remember it doesn't work. Makes me sad. Please somebody save us!
I tried the Oculus remapping, but I'm confused as to what the 'thumb rest' button does.
When the thumb is on the button (but not clicked), is it registered as a touch or what?
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