Succubus Universe Teaser Trailer

Other Succubus Universe Teaser Trailer

Bob Nothing

Well-known member
Bob Nothing submitted a new resource:

Succubus Universe Teaser Trailer - A teaser trailer PoC for using VAM as a story telling tool.

TLDR – I think VAM can be used as a story telling tool, as in actually create original content that could be shared publicly, outside the platform, aka, YouTube, etc. Essentially taking the every day Joe competing with Hollywood to the next level. (Also, the Boys Season 3 teaser was my inspiration for this teaser, make sure you watch all the way to the end.)

Embedded video below, for full 4k download the .mkv attached.

Succubus Universe...

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This looks interesting, since its all made in VAM do you think you'd ever release the scenes so we could experience the story in vr? :)
This was really good stuff. I'm curious whether you're still working on each scene piece by piece from this trailer or if you made the trailer specifically to showcase what you believe is possible? I think VAM is good for short form work that's a collection of scenes, but I'm not sure if it's better for complex human interactions in animation than other applications, even though it might have a slightly less steep learning curve. What I mean is there's a lot of standing around and subtle movements to transition between scenes you'd expect in a full length project, plus simple things like walking which often gets tricky. I share your belief in VAM's potential to give people without a ton of skills the opportunity to create narratives so I commend you for giving this a shot. Also, where did you get the fight scene animation? Was it MoCap?
A city's worth of immortal, insanely hot, superpowered women that feed on snu-snu? :cool:

Obvious implications:
* The catholic church is obviously a generation-spanning social-engineering meme to weaken the Succubi by starving them as best possible without erasing the human race in the process.

* Equally, European music based on the Ionic scale is the result on an early attempt at battling the sex-crazed, superpowerd women eternally messing in the politics of the powerful Greek city states, exhorting humans to "Make Love, not War!"

(Some christian monks were said to shun the use of the tritone - ubiquitous in Jazz, Blues, Rock etc - as it was believed to be the devils interval, giving monks naughty thoughts during midday meditation).

* The porn industry's rapid growth is obviously encouraged, nurtured and controlled by Succubi. However, lately they've found they might have gotten more than they bargained for:

* With the emergence of streaming HD pron, Succibi have found themselves confronted with an embarrasing obesity epidemic, and they're rapidly running out of locations removed from the immediate proximity of aroused humans.

"For centuries, we've been preocupied with securing our bare survival, always devising schemes to get humans to have more than merely reproductive sex. Remember all the 'fun' we had getting Aphrodite's goddamn Kamasutra into circulation?

Now it's like trying to STOP drinking from a goddamn waterhose! Do those people have other hobbies?

Persephone, "Addresses to the High Council", Antarctica, 2015"
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Nitpick: The plural is Succubi. I'd reserve the address Succubae to those particularly fond of my good person, and only after asking permission so as not to cause offense ... ?
This looks interesting, since its all made in VAM do you think you'd ever release the scenes so we could experience the story in vr? :)
Apologies, the hub never notified me that people had responded in this thread and I stupidly never thought to look! (Been busy.) So, I have no problem releasing the scenes in VR, other than 2 issues. One, the great thing about 'film making' vs releasing a scene in VR is that in film making all I care about is what the camera can see, and for as long as the camera needs to see it. So, the scenes in VR would probably feel incomplete or short. Second, I'm sure I'm using lots of paid content items in the scenes and it would be a nightmare to figure out what I can/can't release in that manner.
This was really good stuff. I'm curious whether you're still working on each scene piece by piece from this trailer or if you made the trailer specifically to showcase what you believe is possible? I think VAM is good for short form work that's a collection of scenes, but I'm not sure if it's better for complex human interactions in animation than other applications, even though it might have a slightly less steep learning curve. What I mean is there's a lot of standing around and subtle movements to transition between scenes you'd expect in a full length project, plus simple things like walking which often gets tricky. I share your belief in VAM's potential to give people without a ton of skills the opportunity to create narratives so I commend you for giving this a shot. Also, where did you get the fight scene animation? Was it MoCap?
Again, apologies for the horrifically late delay. I had no idea anyone had every responded. I really should have just checked sooner. So, the scenes I made for the trailer were designed specifically just for the shots that I needed for the trailer. That said, I actually do plan on making a full 30 minute long 'episode' and hopefully more of a full designed story line. It's just work/family life takes a lot of time :) So, agreed, there is a lot of complexity with pulling off a full narrative project using VaM, but there are some things that make it easier. Basically design your scenes around "what you have." So, there are mocaps that can be used to get realistic walking, then cut camera angle to another scene once you no longer need the motion. The great thing is, all that matters is what the camera can see (not everything like in VR) and you can just design your scenes around what you have to work with. It may not be hollywood level, but it will certainly be better than what I could ever do outside of VaM. There's custom AI voices and text to speech which helps a ton with dialogue, etc. Also, a lot can be corrected with scene transitions using video editing software like PowerDirector.
A city's worth of immortal, insanely hot, superpowered women that feed on snu-snu? :cool:

Obvious implications:
* The catholic church is obviously a generation-spanning social-engineering meme to weaken the Succubi by starving them as best possible without erasing the human race in the process.

* Equally, European music based on the Ionic scale is the result on an early attempt at battling the sex-crazed, superpowerd women eternally messing in the politics of the powerful Greek city states, exhorting humans to "Make Love, not War!"

(Some christian monks were said to shun the use of the tritone - ubiquitous in Jazz, Blues, Rock etc - as it was believed to be the devils interval, giving monks naughty thoughts during midday meditation).

* The porn industry's rapid growth is obviously encouraged, nurtured and controlled by Succubi. However, lately they've found they might have gotten more than they bargained for:

* With the emergence of streaming HD pron, Succibi have found themselves confronted with an embarrasing obesity epidemic, and they're rapidly running out of locations removed from the immediate proximity of aroused humans.

"For centuries, we've been preocupied with securing our bare survival, always devising schemes to get humans to have more than merely reproductive sex. Remember all the 'fun' we had getting Aphrodite's goddamn Kamasutra into circulation?

Now it's like trying to STOP drinking from a goddamn waterhose! Do those people have other hobbies?

Persephone, "Addresses to the High Council", Antarctica, 2015"
Also, apologies to you as well. I had no idea there were comments in here :) That said, I love all the thoughts you have. Great stuff! Seriously, love the world building! I hope you'll take some time and create some scenes. I need to get to work on my first 30 minute episode of the storyline that I teased in the trailer. I've got my AnnaK voice all generated, so I need to get to work! I really hope you create some content with your thoughts!
Bob Nothing updated Succubus Universe Teaser Trailer with a new update entry:

Origin Story

So, I've come up with the origin story of the Succubae. During the Greek mythology era, Zeus, as he was known to do, came and visited their village. There he came across Persephone, whom he then attempted to seduce. Persephone, having been recently married, resisted and denied his advances, eventually quite forcefully, tell him of her recent marriage and loyalty to her husband. He in turn became more aggressive at which point two other women (Aphrodite being one of them) came to her aid...

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Bob Nothing updated Succubus Universe Teaser Trailer with a new update entry:

Remastered Trailer

Hi everyone, I've improved in my VaMming skills a bit so I'm going to try taking a crack at making some episodes in the Succubus universe, starting with a 'teaser' episode where Death comes to visit Persephone during the middle ages. That said, I decided to completely remaster the trailer with updated looks, lighting, rendered via the VR_Render plugin for 4k 60FPS full quality goodness. A 1080p version of the trailer is embedded in the resource as well as a direct link to download the full...

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