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TLDR – I think VAM can be used as a story telling tool, as in actually create original content that could be shared publicly, outside the platform, aka, YouTube, etc. Essentially taking the every day Joe competing with Hollywood to the next level. (Also, the Boys Season 3 teaser was my inspiration for this teaser, make sure you watch all the way to the end.)

Embedded video below, for full 4k download the .mkv attached.

Cast Lighting 3.png


Long version;

I think that VAM can be a tool to create 3D CGI content to tell episodic stories or perhaps movies that can be shared outside the community. Essentially the YouTube concept but in 3D CGI storytelling. So, even though I am NOT artistic AT ALL, I decided to try and create a Proof of Concept (PoC) to show that this could be done. Everything you see in this teaser trailer was created from within VAM using community provided tools (which are so insanely numerous to mention) and all dialogue (although there is very little of it in this teaser) was generated using Azure’s free AI text to speech technology. Anyone can do what I did here (and I’m sure better) with the tools at hand with no additional expenses.

To help aid in this concept, I’ve created a ‘Succubus Universe’ world building concept. This concept straddles the line of what I propose with the original purpose of VAM. So, let’s call it a Cinemax style universe. 😊 My hope is that community creators will each create their own characters and storylines with others to share. Essentially an open source shared universe.

Here’s the basic background/concept and then some basic universe rules;

Succubae all come from a city in Ancient Greece when a disease swept through the city, killing all the men while giving the women ‘abilities.’ (Thus there are only female Succubae.) Succubae feed on the sexual energy released by others around them during arousal/sex, especially orgasm. (They simply need to be near, not necessarily involved, like a magnet drawing the energy in.) To help entice their ‘victims’ they release very powerful pheromones that work on both sexes. No harm is done to their ‘victims’ other than a risk of powerful obsession by the ‘victim’ with their succubae, leading them to do destructive things. As such, over the centuries the Succubae have tried to hide their existence and created governing bodies to try and control some of their more unruly elements. (Secret societies) Throughout history Succubae have influenced major historical players, mostly catastrophically. Whenever one of their own becomes too famous they ‘fake’ their death and move/change identities, etc. (An example could be that Marilyn Monroe was a succubus.)

Throughout history, many Succubae became elite assassins. With their abilities and resilience (not to mention centuries of life experience) they became very good at what they do. Not all did, and not all continued to. Virtually all Succubae are very wealthy due to their time on Earth.

The advantages of this world building is it gives you thousands of years to play with in your settings/character building. Your characters could have been famous people in history, influenced powerful rulers, etc. All the way back to Ancient Greece to as far in the future as you wish. As you can see in my PoC trailer, I decided to imagine a more cyberpunk style future with Succubae in it. Also, other mythological characters can be used in this universe as well, as you saw with my usage of Death.

Some basic rules for the universe;

  • Succubae don’t age after peak adulthood (19-21 range), as long as they are feeding somewhat regularly. (We could discuss the interval, but I would say minimum once a year.)
  • If they fail (or refuse) to feed for a prolonged period of time they begin to become more like normal humans, until they feed again.
  • Succubae can die if beheaded, theoretically die of old age if they never feed
  • If they are not beheaded, they can die from their wounds, but can be brought back if exposed to sexual energy within a reasonable time period. (I’m NOT saying necrophilia here.)
  • Succubae cannot get pregnant
  • (With the rare exception of having not fed for long enough to become more ‘human’ and get pregnant within that narrow window. This was discovered on accident and was only known to happen once historically.)
  • Succubae are stronger and faster than normal humans. They aren’t Captain Marvel though, let’s keep it somewhat based in reality.
  • Succubae’s eyes glow when they are absorbing energy. They can also glow on demand, or glow reflecting powerful emotions. The only time they can’t suppress their eyes glowing is when absorbing energy. (The color can change depending on mood.)
  • Succubae have persuasive abilities with humans with their pheromones. Ability to convince someone to do something, convince them that something is a dream, influence them to make a decision, forget something, etc. Again, let’s not get too insane here.
  • Succubae can temporarily make people think they look like someone else.
  • Other than a single birth, no Succubae have been created since that original event in Ancient Greece.
So that’s a basic framework on the Universe building. Now some basic framework on the community creating content for it (should someone decide to.)

  • First come, first served as far as character names from mythology and major historical events. Let’s try not to step on each other’s toes.
  • If another content creator wishes to do cross story-lines, then all the more power to you. If you want to use someone else’s character in your story, please get their permission first.
  • Use any sort of ‘intro’ that you like in your videos, but do something in it to note that it is part of the ‘Succubus Universe’.
In any case, hopefully this gets some traction here. If no one is interested, I get it. All I can say is, hey, I tried 😊

Thanks, if you took the time to read this long! Looking forward to hearing everyone's thoughts on this concept.
Bob Nothing
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  1. Origin Story

    So, I've come up with the origin story of the Succubae. During the Greek mythology era, Zeus...
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