Question Solution for "glitched fingers" of person ?


Not first time i catch strange behavior, when during some adjustments in scene, hand (fingers) of person become mangled\broken pose (with some fingers movements).
And this is still stay even without crossing with any other person\object.
I tried to change it seems all what possible in r_hand settings lol (reset etc), but it not helps.
I think i miss something. Maybe there is some more radical hard reset for hand\any body part ?

(Need note i observed this behavior exactly with hand\fingers only, no one time with other parts. Some bug maybe ?)
Honestly don’t want to re-load model because of such a small moment.
I know exactly what you mean and this can have 3 different reasons (afaik)

reason 1. a random pose change that nobody knows, where it comes from. You can fix this by either delete this person and add a new one or move all the pose morphs for this hand to max/min and then reset (even if it looks like it's in default state).

reason 2. a morph that used to be a pose. because it is a morph, it doesn't reset when you reset the pose of this character. if this is the case, you can find the active morph in the morph tab and reset it.

reason 3. "baked" poses. I am pretty sure you are not talking about this one, but i want to mention it anyways. Especially the low-effort asian looks have this pretty often. all morphs get merged into three new morphs (head,body,gen) and there was a "reason 2" in it. In this case you are pretty much screwed. all you can do is change every finger into a somewhat normal pose and merge it into a new morph to fix this shit.

I am sorry if this isn't the answer that you was looking for, but it's all i can do for you ^^'
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