Question Scene UI Menu build... What is the best for both VR and desktop users?


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I'm only a desktop user and to build my UI Menu from my scenes, I attach it directly to the Windows Camera using the Headlightlink plugin. For now, it's the most practical I've found to do my scenes despite some small flaws.
But on the last scene I shared, a user who uses a Q2 told me that he couldn't access the UI Menu. Since I'm not a VR user, I don't know how my scenes work for those who use one.
I would really like to make my scenes work for any type of user, so I would love to hear your opinions and advice on which type of UI Menu is easiest to use for both, VR and desktop user?
I think I tried a scene of yours a couple of weeks ago, not sure now, but I do recall one with a fixed UI in the corner so probably it was it.
Using it on a Pico 4 I did not enjoy this fixed UI, I could barely read what the options were as the focus in the corner of the lenses is much worse than closer to the center. If I was using my older Reverb G2 with fresnel lenses like the Quest 2, I probably wouldn't even be able to read anything.
While I like the idea to try out a HUD, I think it's not a reasonable option on a VR headset as the focus point is expected to be close to the center of the lens. There's also a lot of variation between headset lenses, both physically and how it's rendered.

I'll try out one of your scenes today, both in Desktop and VR, to give you a updated impression and comparison.
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Thank you for your feedback @atani... I understand the concern so if I want to keep my menu attached to the camera, it is better that I warn that my scene will only work well in desktop mode or if I want it to work for all, I need to find another way to configure my menu. I will think about this...
In any case, thank you again for your feedback, I was not at all aware of the problem of this menu for VR users.
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You can consider having 2 options for a UI, excluding VR users is not something you want.
After I see the scenes maybe I can suggest some options to explore.
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Thanks I'm always open for suggestion and advice. ;)
Exactly, I don't want to exclude nobody. I have to see if it's possible to open the scene with two options VR or desktop user and how I can build that. If it's not possible I guess I will just let the menu somewhere in the scene if it's a more friendly use for all. I'll just attach it while building the scene because it's been a big help to me.
As a desktop user who never experiment VR, it's hard to see how it works for vr users. Moreover, my desire is above all to make small films (which I do with my button cinecam) and I wonder how this is perceived in VR?
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I tried your latest scene only on desktop for now, but I think I can imagine what it would be like with a headset.

On desktop mode I had some issues with the UI, especially when I chose the POV options which made it go behind the person when on close proximity. This could potentially be handled by changing the buttons render queue, making the UI always be over any atom. I use UIAssist and it's very close to it, but UIAssist renders above it, so not much of a problem in the way I'm using it.

As previously pointed, the corner position using a VR headset is a problem that I don't see being resolved without pinning the UI somewhere. Then again, if it's pinned somewhere for VR, then might as well have it pinned for desktop use, unless you want to maintain multiple viewing options. However, if you're possessing in VR, because the male or female POV changes direction or may have obstacles, pinning the UI would possibly have to be in multiple places so that's it's visible from that person's POV. This would likely have to be with multiple UI copies that show/hide or by using Spawn to have it go to different places and angles.

About VR use:
The best focus with a VR headset is close to the center of the lens. The thing about VR headsets is that if you want to see something in the corner of the eye in focus, you need to move the head, not the eyes. This takes some getting used to, in real life you can just rotate the eyes and it's in focus, but as the lenses don't move together with the eyes you're stuck looking at a blurry corner. Naturally, you also don't want to have a UI blocking the view, so you're a bit stuck having in the scene not stuck to the FOV of a headset.

I don't have easy answers, they're all compromises of some sort. Currently how it is it's not suitable for people using it in VR.
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With MacGruber's Logicbricks you have EventSceneLoad. It lets you do different stuff when the scene loads based on whether or not it's desktop or vr mode

I attach it directly to the Windows Camera using the Headlightlink plugin
When it's VR, you can trigger headlightlink and change it to be attached to one of the vr hands
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Thank you @atani for all your info on VR and to take time to answer, I will think about all that now when I build a scene.

Thanks for your advice @SPQR , I have to take a closer look at what is Logicbricks and how that work, I haven't been interested in it yet.
Trigger headlightlink could be the good way for me, I'm gonna look how I can do that.
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Yes, that brick does allow different triggers to start on scene load depending if it's desktop or VR mode. It's quite simple to use.

I don't think anchoring the UI to a hand is a good idea. If you only use one hand, like I do, you can't click on the buttons if it's on the same hand as your controller.
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Ok so I have to learn how to use logicbricks, I will look closer at that.
Thanks again for you reply guys ;)
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