• Hi Guest!

    Please be aware that we have released another critical security patch for VaM. We strongly recommend updating to version using the VaM_Updater found in your installation folder.

    Details about the security patch can be found here.

Request to update UnityEngine to >=2018.3


New member
The current version does not advance gc
The method used
big heap

A paid mmd plug-in is modified from hs2/kks/ai's MMDD plug-in (including VNGE) with version <=1.2 Now the mmdd version has reached 2.8, which contains important optimization for gc, but when I ported it, I found that the unity versions of hs2,kks, and ai were all >=2018.3. I have checked the unity version update description, and in <2018.3, the garbage collection mechanism could not be fully controlled.
This update will resolve the indirect stutch issue with mmd and I will publish my migration project.
Thank you
Charging mmd plug-in on the platform, not just a dance plug-in, presumably you should have seen his relevant code,
This was very bad for the player experience, and other mmd plugins were modified from another old code, and the experience was not very good, I ported the code with gc optimization, but log told me that unity does not support gc optimization, and the reason was the unity version
I wrote a plug-in, based on BepInEx, this plug-in is responsible for loading a c++ dll,dll through the location
GcEnable(),GcDisable(), and then use the c# plugin to call the c++ interface for control
// dllmain.cpp :
#include "pch.h"

// unity-2018.1.7\mono\metadata\gc.c -> mono_gc_init
// gc
DWORD* gc_disabled = nullptr;

typedef void(WINAPI* gcEnableCloseCallType)();
gcEnableCloseCallType pfnGcDisable = nullptr;
gcEnableCloseCallType pfnGcEnable = nullptr;

BOOL gcEnable = true;


.text:00007FF9B6E28E8C ; void gc_enableX()
.text:00007FF9B6E28E8C gc_enableX proc near ; CODE XREF: j_gc_enableX↑j
.text:00007FF9B6E28E8C ; DATA XREF: .pdata:00007FF9B6F9E6E8↓o
.text:00007FF9B6E28E8C 48 83 EC 28 sub rsp, 28h
.text:00007FF9B6E28E90 48 8D 0D 49 8E 16 00 lea rcx, stru_7FF9B6F91CE0 ; lpCriticalSection
.text:00007FF9B6E28E97 FF 15 23 74 03 00 call cs:EnterCriticalSection
.text:00007FF9B6E28E9D FF 0D 59 0D 11 00 dec cs:GC_dont_gc
.text:00007FF9B6E28EA3 48 8D 0D 36 8E 16 00 lea rcx, stru_7FF9B6F91CE0
.text:00007FF9B6E28EAA 48 83 C4 28 add rsp, 28h
.text:00007FF9B6E28EAE 48 FF 25 03 74 03 00 jmp cs:LeaveCriticalSection
.text:00007FF9B6E28EAE gc_enableX endp
.text:00007FF9B6E28EAE ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:00007FF9B6E28EB5 algn_7FF9B6E28EB5: ; DATA XREF: .pdata:00007FF9B6F9E6E8↓o
.text:00007FF9B6E28EB5 CC CC CC align 8
.text:00007FF9B6E28EB8 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
.text:00007FF9B6E28EB8 ; void gc_disabledX()
.text:00007FF9B6E28EB8 gc_disabledX proc near ; CODE XREF: j_gc_disabledX↑j
.text:00007FF9B6E28EB8 ; DATA XREF: .pdata:00007FF9B6F9E6F4↓o
.text:00007FF9B6E28EB8 48 83 EC 28 sub rsp, 28h
.text:00007FF9B6E28EBC 48 8D 0D 1D 8E 16 00 lea rcx, stru_7FF9B6F91CE0 ; lpCriticalSection
.text:00007FF9B6E28EC3 FF 15 F7 73 03 00 call cs:EnterCriticalSection
.text:00007FF9B6E28EC9 FF 05 2D 0D 11 00 inc cs:GC_dont_gc
.text:00007FF9B6E28ECF 48 8D 0D 0A 8E 16 00 lea rcx, stru_7FF9B6F91CE0
.text:00007FF9B6E28ED6 48 83 C4 28 add rsp, 28h
.text:00007FF9B6E28EDA 48 FF 25 D7 73 03 00 jmp cs:LeaveCriticalSection
.text:00007FF9B6E28EDA gc_disabledX endp

.text:00007FF9B6D0897C 75 22 jnz short loc_7FF9B6D089A0
.text:00007FF9B6D0897E loc_7FF9B6D0897E: ; CODE XREF: sub_7FF9B6D088A4+C9↑j
.text:00007FF9B6D0897E ; sub_7FF9B6D088A4+D3↑j
.text:00007FF9B6D0897E 4C 8D 0D 13 E2 15 00 lea r9, aMonoMetadataGc ; "..\\mono\\metadata\\gc.c"
.text:00007FF9B6D08985 4C 8D 05 0C EB 20 00 lea r8, aAssertionShoul ; "* Assertion: should not be reached at %"...
.text:00007FF9B6D0898C BA 04 00 00 00 mov edx, 4
.text:00007FF9B6D08991 33 C9 xor ecx, ecx
.text:00007FF9B6D08993 C7 44 24 20 4A 04 00 00 mov [rsp+38h+var_18], 44Ah
.text:00007FF9B6D0899B E8 C4 87 FC FF call sub_7FF9B6CD1164
.text:00007FF9B6D089A0 loc_7FF9B6D089A0: ; CODE XREF: sub_7FF9B6D088A4+D8↑j
.text:00007FF9B6D089A0 45 33 C9 xor r9d, r9d ; lpName
.text:00007FF9B6D089A3 33 D2 xor edx, edx ; lInitialCount
.text:00007FF9B6D089A5 41 B8 FF FF FF 7F mov r8d, 7FFFFFFFh ; lMaximumCount
.text:00007FF9B6D089AB 33 C9 xor ecx, ecx ; lpSemaphoreAttributes
.text:00007FF9B6D089AD FF 15 55 7A 15 00 call cs:CreateSemaphoreW
.text:00007FF9B6D089B3 48 89 05 0E FD 22 00 mov cs:qword_7FF9B6F386C8, rax
.text:00007FF9B6D089BA E8 B9 AA FF FF call mono_domain_get
.text:00007FF9B6D089BF 48 8D 15 EA FD FF FF lea rdx, sub_7FF9B6D087B0
.text:00007FF9B6D089C6 45 33 C9 xor r9d, r9d
.text:00007FF9B6D089C9 45 33 C0 xor r8d, r8d
.text:00007FF9B6D089CC 48 8B C8 mov rcx, rax
.text:00007FF9B6D089CF E8 60 B7 06 00 call sub_7FF9B6D74134
.text:00007FF9B6D089D4 48 89 05 BD FC 22 00 mov cs:qword_7FF9B6F38698, rax
.text:00007FF9B6D089DB EB 0A jmp short loc_7FF9B6D089E7
.text:00007FF9B6D089DD ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:00007FF9B6D089DD loc_7FF9B6D089DD: ; CODE XREF: sub_7FF9B6D088A4+5D↑j
.text:00007FF9B6D089DD ; sub_7FF9B6D088A4+72↑j
.text:00007FF9B6D089DD C7 05 E9 FC 22 00 01 00 00 00 mov cs:gc_disabled, 1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////
.text:00007FF9B6D089E7 loc_7FF9B6D089E7: ; CODE XREF: sub_7FF9B6D088A4+137↑j
.text:00007FF9B6D089E7 48 83 C4 38 add rsp, 38h
.text:00007FF9B6D089EB C3 retn
.text:00007FF9B6D089EB sub_7FF9B6D088A4 endp

.data:00007FF9B6F386A0 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ; sub_7FF9B6D077BC+43↑o ...
.data:00007FF9B6F386C8 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? qword_7FF9B6F386C8 dq ? ; DATA XREF: sub_7FF9B6D081AC↑o
.data:00007FF9B6F386C8 ; sub_7FF9B6D087B0:loc_7FF9B6D08800↑o ...
.data:00007FF9B6F386D0 ?? ?? ?? ?? gc_disabled dd ? ; DATA XREF: sub_7FF9B6D081C4+4↑r
.data:00007FF9B6F386D0 ; sub_7FF9B6D088A4:loc_7FF9B6D089DD↑w ...
.data:00007FF9B6F386D4 ?? ?? ?? ?? dword_7FF9B6F386D4 dd ? ; DATA XREF: sub_7FF9B6D08368+B8↑r
.data:00007FF9B6F386D4 ; mono_domain_finalize+86↑r ...
.data:00007FF9B6F386D8 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? qword_7FF9B6F386D8 dq ? ; DATA XREF: sub_7FF9B6D087B0+63↑r
.data:00007FF9B6F386D8 ; sub_7FF9B6D087B0+7A↑r ...

EXTERN_C __declspec(dllexport) BOOL monoPatchInit()
auto monoDll = (BYTE*)GetModuleHandle(L"mono.dll");

if (monoDll == nullptr)
return false;

pfnGcEnable = (gcEnableCloseCallType)(monoDll + 0x158E8C);
pfnGcDisable = (gcEnableCloseCallType)(monoDll + 0x158EB8);

if (*(BYTE*)pfnGcEnable != 0x48 && *(BYTE*)((BYTE*)pfnGcEnable + 4) != 0x48)
return false;

gc_disabled = (DWORD*)(monoDll + 0x2686D0);

gcEnable = true;

return true;

EXTERN_C __declspec(dllexport) BOOL monoSetGCStatus(BOOL bEnable)
if (gc_disabled && pfnGcDisable && pfnGcEnable)
if (bEnable)
if (!gcEnable)
//*gc_disabled = 0;
gcEnable = true;
if (gcEnable)
//*gc_disabled = 1;

gcEnable = false;

return true;

return false;

DWORD ul_reason_for_call,
LPVOID lpReserved
switch (ul_reason_for_call)
return TRUE;
I wrote a plug-in, based on BepInEx, this plug-in is responsible for loading a c++ dll,dll through the location
GcEnable(),GcDisable(), and then use the c# plugin to call the c++ interface for control
// dllmain.cpp :
#include "pch.h"

// unity-2018.1.7\mono\metadata\gc.c -> mono_gc_init
// gc
DWORD* gc_disabled = nullptr;

typedef void(WINAPI* gcEnableCloseCallType)();
gcEnableCloseCallType pfnGcDisable = nullptr;
gcEnableCloseCallType pfnGcEnable = nullptr;

BOOL gcEnable = true;


.text:00007FF9B6E28E8C ; void gc_enableX()
.text:00007FF9B6E28E8C gc_enableX proc near ; CODE XREF: j_gc_enableX↑j
.text:00007FF9B6E28E8C ; DATA XREF: .pdata:00007FF9B6F9E6E8↓o
.text:00007FF9B6E28E8C 48 83 EC 28 sub rsp, 28h
.text:00007FF9B6E28E90 48 8D 0D 49 8E 16 00 lea rcx, stru_7FF9B6F91CE0 ; lpCriticalSection
.text:00007FF9B6E28E97 FF 15 23 74 03 00 call cs:EnterCriticalSection
.text:00007FF9B6E28E9D FF 0D 59 0D 11 00 dec cs:GC_dont_gc
.text:00007FF9B6E28EA3 48 8D 0D 36 8E 16 00 lea rcx, stru_7FF9B6F91CE0
.text:00007FF9B6E28EAA 48 83 C4 28 add rsp, 28h
.text:00007FF9B6E28EAE 48 FF 25 03 74 03 00 jmp cs:LeaveCriticalSection
.text:00007FF9B6E28EAE gc_enableX endp
.text:00007FF9B6E28EAE ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:00007FF9B6E28EB5 algn_7FF9B6E28EB5: ; DATA XREF: .pdata:00007FF9B6F9E6E8↓o
.text:00007FF9B6E28EB5 CC CC CC align 8
.text:00007FF9B6E28EB8 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
.text:00007FF9B6E28EB8 ; void gc_disabledX()
.text:00007FF9B6E28EB8 gc_disabledX proc near ; CODE XREF: j_gc_disabledX↑j
.text:00007FF9B6E28EB8 ; DATA XREF: .pdata:00007FF9B6F9E6F4↓o
.text:00007FF9B6E28EB8 48 83 EC 28 sub rsp, 28h
.text:00007FF9B6E28EBC 48 8D 0D 1D 8E 16 00 lea rcx, stru_7FF9B6F91CE0 ; lpCriticalSection
.text:00007FF9B6E28EC3 FF 15 F7 73 03 00 call cs:EnterCriticalSection
.text:00007FF9B6E28EC9 FF 05 2D 0D 11 00 inc cs:GC_dont_gc
.text:00007FF9B6E28ECF 48 8D 0D 0A 8E 16 00 lea rcx, stru_7FF9B6F91CE0
.text:00007FF9B6E28ED6 48 83 C4 28 add rsp, 28h
.text:00007FF9B6E28EDA 48 FF 25 D7 73 03 00 jmp cs:LeaveCriticalSection
.text:00007FF9B6E28EDA gc_disabledX endp

.text:00007FF9B6D0897C 75 22 jnz short loc_7FF9B6D089A0
.text:00007FF9B6D0897E loc_7FF9B6D0897E: ; CODE XREF: sub_7FF9B6D088A4+C9↑j
.text:00007FF9B6D0897E ; sub_7FF9B6D088A4+D3↑j
.text:00007FF9B6D0897E 4C 8D 0D 13 E2 15 00 lea r9, aMonoMetadataGc ; "..\\mono\\metadata\\gc.c"
.text:00007FF9B6D08985 4C 8D 05 0C EB 20 00 lea r8, aAssertionShoul ; "* Assertion: should not be reached at %"...
.text:00007FF9B6D0898C BA 04 00 00 00 mov edx, 4
.text:00007FF9B6D08991 33 C9 xor ecx, ecx
.text:00007FF9B6D08993 C7 44 24 20 4A 04 00 00 mov [rsp+38h+var_18], 44Ah
.text:00007FF9B6D0899B E8 C4 87 FC FF call sub_7FF9B6CD1164
.text:00007FF9B6D089A0 loc_7FF9B6D089A0: ; CODE XREF: sub_7FF9B6D088A4+D8↑j
.text:00007FF9B6D089A0 45 33 C9 xor r9d, r9d ; lpName
.text:00007FF9B6D089A3 33 D2 xor edx, edx ; lInitialCount
.text:00007FF9B6D089A5 41 B8 FF FF FF 7F mov r8d, 7FFFFFFFh ; lMaximumCount
.text:00007FF9B6D089AB 33 C9 xor ecx, ecx ; lpSemaphoreAttributes
.text:00007FF9B6D089AD FF 15 55 7A 15 00 call cs:CreateSemaphoreW
.text:00007FF9B6D089B3 48 89 05 0E FD 22 00 mov cs:qword_7FF9B6F386C8, rax
.text:00007FF9B6D089BA E8 B9 AA FF FF call mono_domain_get
.text:00007FF9B6D089BF 48 8D 15 EA FD FF FF lea rdx, sub_7FF9B6D087B0
.text:00007FF9B6D089C6 45 33 C9 xor r9d, r9d
.text:00007FF9B6D089C9 45 33 C0 xor r8d, r8d
.text:00007FF9B6D089CC 48 8B C8 mov rcx, rax
.text:00007FF9B6D089CF E8 60 B7 06 00 call sub_7FF9B6D74134
.text:00007FF9B6D089D4 48 89 05 BD FC 22 00 mov cs:qword_7FF9B6F38698, rax
.text:00007FF9B6D089DB EB 0A jmp short loc_7FF9B6D089E7
.text:00007FF9B6D089DD ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:00007FF9B6D089DD loc_7FF9B6D089DD: ; CODE XREF: sub_7FF9B6D088A4+5D↑j
.text:00007FF9B6D089DD ; sub_7FF9B6D088A4+72↑j
.text:00007FF9B6D089DD C7 05 E9 FC 22 00 01 00 00 00 mov cs:gc_disabled, 1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////
.text:00007FF9B6D089E7 loc_7FF9B6D089E7: ; CODE XREF: sub_7FF9B6D088A4+137↑j
.text:00007FF9B6D089E7 48 83 C4 38 add rsp, 38h
.text:00007FF9B6D089EB C3 retn
.text:00007FF9B6D089EB sub_7FF9B6D088A4 endp

.data:00007FF9B6F386A0 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ; sub_7FF9B6D077BC+43↑o ...
.data:00007FF9B6F386C8 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? qword_7FF9B6F386C8 dq ? ; DATA XREF: sub_7FF9B6D081AC↑o
.data:00007FF9B6F386C8 ; sub_7FF9B6D087B0:loc_7FF9B6D08800↑o ...
.data:00007FF9B6F386D0 ?? ?? ?? ?? gc_disabled dd ? ; DATA XREF: sub_7FF9B6D081C4+4↑r
.data:00007FF9B6F386D0 ; sub_7FF9B6D088A4:loc_7FF9B6D089DD↑w ...
.data:00007FF9B6F386D4 ?? ?? ?? ?? dword_7FF9B6F386D4 dd ? ; DATA XREF: sub_7FF9B6D08368+B8↑r
.data:00007FF9B6F386D4 ; mono_domain_finalize+86↑r ...
.data:00007FF9B6F386D8 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? qword_7FF9B6F386D8 dq ? ; DATA XREF: sub_7FF9B6D087B0+63↑r
.data:00007FF9B6F386D8 ; sub_7FF9B6D087B0+7A↑r ...

EXTERN_C __declspec(dllexport) BOOL monoPatchInit()
auto monoDll = (BYTE*)GetModuleHandle(L"mono.dll");

if (monoDll == nullptr)
return false;

pfnGcEnable = (gcEnableCloseCallType)(monoDll + 0x158E8C);
pfnGcDisable = (gcEnableCloseCallType)(monoDll + 0x158EB8);

if (*(BYTE*)pfnGcEnable != 0x48 && *(BYTE*)((BYTE*)pfnGcEnable + 4) != 0x48)
return false;

gc_disabled = (DWORD*)(monoDll + 0x2686D0);

gcEnable = true;

return true;

EXTERN_C __declspec(dllexport) BOOL monoSetGCStatus(BOOL bEnable)
if (gc_disabled && pfnGcDisable && pfnGcEnable)
if (bEnable)
if (!gcEnable)
//*gc_disabled = 0;
gcEnable = true;
if (gcEnable)
//*gc_disabled = 1;

gcEnable = false;

return true;

return false;

DWORD ul_reason_for_call,
LPVOID lpReserved
switch (ul_reason_for_call)
return TRUE;
Can you please share the files, or tell me how to do this work step by step to make me can follow that? I'm not have an ability to write a plugin for vam.
Can you please share the files, or tell me how to do this work step by step to make me can follow that? I'm not have an ability to write a plugin for vam.
This feature is currently built into another of my plugins, and I can do a separate module release, but it will take some time
This feature is currently built into another of my plugins, and I can do a separate module release, but it will take some time
oh that's a good news!I'm really looking forward to it.
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