Prevent hotkey chaos in VAM 2

Sally Whitemane

Well-known member
Featured Contributor
I was wondering if we could come up with better default key bindings before VAM 2 releases?
Maybe the mods could do some research and ask user on the Hub what are their most used custom keys and their purpose?
Then pass the results or suggestions to MeshedVR.

Suggestions I use and think could be defaults:
Right now in VaM 1, I personally use F4 a lot to posses a person.
I use this so much that I create a copy of every scene I like and load my custom embody profile where F4 is already defined for that, just to have it always on F4.
Every scene creator places the key to posses a person else, sometimes another function-key, sometimes on a letter.
Okay Embody is not native VaM. But for a native 'posses the head' function I think there should be a hotkey. Addons/Plugins can then replace that posses-functionality with their own and 'override' this hotkey. It could be F1 for person 1, F2 for person 2, etc... too.

Acid-Bubbles Keybindings-Session-Plugin is a good starting point to find commonly used hotkeys.
Add: Clone current Atom - Insert
Remove: Selected Atom - Delete
Settings: Toggle Performance Monitor - F9
Packages: Rescan Addon Packages - F5
For Animation Control I use arrow keys left=reset, up=toggle freeze, right=play, down=stop
Avoid numpad because all the "hipsters" these days buy keyboard without it?!
Another setting I change all the time is the FOV with Ctrl + Up/Down via my own 'SallyUIscale4k'-Plugin.
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