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I´m a user of VAM for like 1.5 years now... And i have to fill the gaps around my knowledge with the interface etc...

I have been talking with acidbubbles and made a few tests for him. But he dosent have the time to help further with new plugins...
And i fully understand him :)

Have in mind that a plugin might already been made, because like many others then i dont know the full table of plugins in VAM...

But i still the day today have alot of issues regarding saving my work...
And i have like 5 different installations of VAM to help me with the focus areas like:

(made for VR) (Made for models) (Made for testing) (made for VAMHUB) and so on...
And at the moment i started to save my work and publish the videos i edit finish...


Plugins regarding saving ... So i have a issue saving the models i make in a easy but also working fachion. Because i make mostly models. But i never learned how to save a fully model...
And thats a big wish because i also need to move my finished models with everything on it to a different VAM installations.. So i have a wish for you guys...
To make a extremly simple plugin to save everything on the model...
textures, physics, apperences, skin, color setups (in iris nails etc), morphs, hair, clothing, plugins used. pose, audio used, enviroment, animation. pluginpresets, plugin saves, overview of special scales and special info overall...
And then in the end pack it into a single file and maybe add a custom save folder to use so no need to copy paste in windows after...

And is it even possible to do somethings like that with a 1 click solution somehow?
Because i dont know what i need to save when "as already written" i wanna move a model from 1 installation to another on my computer...

and the 2nd and also very important plugin wish would be a easy way to save my own changes to a scene with multiple scenes in it and sub scenes...
Because all the ppl i spoke to didnt know how to save the own durings into the multiscenes and make the save persist in the future....
like overwrite the original scene and make it persist for ever... And if its possible to do that with a easy plugin solution...
So i could run the plugin on auto when i open vam like the session or scene plugin runs by it self when i open the client...

Is it possible?

Thanks for taking your time to read this :)
Some thoughts regarding the first one - making models:

If you're doing many slider adjustments for all kinds of morphs from different VARs, check out this plugin:
This should reduce the amount of dependencies for morphs and you can package it reasonably well from your Models VAM folder.

Save as scene or preset?
If you save it as a scene and package it to a VAR, the meta.json inside will give you a list of what dependencies it needs. If the list is messy it can still help you with what you can copy over to a clean VAM folder to repackage it better.
Appearance presets also show you what your model needs, but this will only be about some of the model's info. Use that list in a similar way to the meta.json so that you can package it as a VAR in a cleaner VAM.
I've never used a general preset, likely no advantage over the two above, but maybe it's useful to you if you need plugin info but not things outside the person atom.

You don't want to package everything, refer dependencies as much as possible. If you make 3 models that use the same hairstyle from Roac for example, you don't want to package 3 copies of it, you instead should refer to Roac's var for that hairstyle. Your scene or appearance preset will keep the changes of that hairstyle you made to each model, but not include the hairstyle itself. This is why VARs exist, to not have to package the same things over and over, and having 200 copies of the same thing.
In the end you want a nice and clean VAR with a scene (you mention stuff outside the person atom) and for convenience a appearance preset (to reuse the model in other scenes). This you can do with the Package Manager and a clean VAM where you copied over your dependencies to do the packaging. It's not a 1 click solution, but it's pretty quick to do once you try it. The plugin for morph merging will likely help a lot combining all kinds of morphs into one.

I didn't quite understand the second plugin request, can you rewrite the difficulties found and purpose?
Ive been looking into that plugin, but didnt quite understand it. Anyways... Thanks for your reply :) And i more or less dont mind if its saved as a scene or preset. But more or less... If i could get 1 file so all models i make could be saved as 1... And then i can change the model to another installation that is totally independant from the other installation - so all the morphs skins etc are in many cases not installed on the other installation i have.

You can also put it like this: when im done with a model and i put my own made textures on a model then i wanna save the model in 1 file, so i can put it in a directory for all the models im done with... So 1 directory with a pickture i can take and then 1 save file to cover all the models need to look the same in a new installation in 10 years :)

The 2nd plugin:

If you for an example take MeshedVR libary1 scene. Which is a part of the client it self...

So lets say you made changes to the female... Morphs, new hair and new skin...

And you wanna save the model so shes with all the new stuff i change in all the scenes...?

Or maybe thats not a plugin wish, maybe i just dont know it yet... But i tryed many things and didnt find the solution yet...
Just to clear this up, a scene is a JSON file with information about what's in the entire scene, a appearance preset is also a JSON file but with information for the atom person you created it from.
The VAR packaging process reads the scene or preset you include, creates a list of dependencies based on that reading of the scene/preset, and spits out a VAR file with the included files and list.

Here's your two options to be able to have the same looking model in any VAM:
  1. As a compressed file (zip, rar, whatever) - you extract all the files you need to your VAM
  2. As a VAR - VAR file and you download the dependencies
Number 1 is a bad way to doing things unless you really don't care about making a mess and have countless copies of the same thing. And if you make changes you need to copy all that again to the other places.

Number 2 is not without its faults, so do check the guides I linked to on this post and the previous. Assuming you make a well packaged VAR, you have the VAR file and you download the dependencies you need. These dependencies may be shared with other VARs, so you may already have them for something else. If you copy your VAR to another VAM, downloading the dependencies will show you the same thing. If you have non-hub dependencies it's up to you to move those.

You don't need to use the plugin to merge morphs. It's useful if you use morphs from a lot of different VARs or extracted morphs (red and blue colored morphs), so that you don't have all of these stated in the dependencies list when packaged as a VAR, instead it's one custom morph file. If you're into model making I suggest you to spend some time to figure it out as it may save you a lot of work and trouble.
Number 2 is what almost every creator does, some better than others, for all kinds of free and pay assets. For those sharing looks many use the stated plugin to keep it low in dependencies, others create morph packs instead, but ideally you want to use as much as possible the built-in morphs (grey) over referenced morphs (red).

You second plugin request is the same as the above, you're talking about making a VAR package.
I almost sounds like you should be using the old vac system. That's how content used to be distributed before vars were a thing.

All the assets in your scene will be saved in a single file. When you open is (with "load scene"),it then unpack itself into its own directory. Note that none of the clothing, textures, cua's etc in the vac will be added to your Vam instalation when you load the vac. They will be referenced from the newly made directory only. If you want to keep those assets, you'll need to move the files manually. Except morphs, which, as I recall, are added to your collection when you open the vac.

If this is just for your own use, it might meet your needs. But you shouldn't share content like this as it leads to massive duplication of resources.

To try it out, got to "main UI " (the top left toolbar button), "File(open/save)", "Save legacy package (vac)"
Okay thanks to both of ya... i will try it out... Made a new installation and good time to try it out now
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