Persistent Physics Explosion On All People In Every Scene


New member
So I am trying to build a scene and notice my characters are said to be having physics explosion. So, I try to fix it, try to get help on Discord (which I did), I went through all the fixes...The people are not shaking and only touching the ground, but there is more. I restart, check integrity, I repair core, next I start checking other scenes; all the scenes are the same, working, no jiggling people, but all are said to be having physics explosion. I've restarted multiple times, repair multiple times, but no luck. I worry my intention to create scenes may not be possible if I can't sort this out...Or maybe it is fine and I can still do things, but other people helping me suggest I start a thread so the higher ups can look into it. I can share system config. Hopefully someone knows something or experienced this?
Download a new copy of VaM and try seeing if the new copy works without any explosions.
Firstly, thank you, a legend, for trying to help with a thoughtful way to examine the issue. I did install VaM again, twice more actually. One the m.2 array and another on the HDD array. Every person atom is said to be in physics explosion (still no shaking like they are in physics explosion).

I can't help but notice this was not the situation before I updated my nvidia driver and did latest windows update, but I did not notice this issue until two days ago (and I did my driver update a week or so ago).

Edit: I tried regressing to 2 past drivers and I don't see a recent older physics driver. It does not seem to be related to nvidia. Physics explosion is still happening on all characters.

Another creator is also helping, and their advise was very clever, it could have helped diagnose exactly what was causing the problem, but still didn't work.:
One thing I do recommend is temporarily moving all your VARs into a different folder external to VaM and download only the necessary dependencies for the scene you are working on. This way you can determine whether it is a package causing it.
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I think what is known is that a brand new version of VAM doesn't do that so the issue then is something with your PC.

Did you change/upgrade anything recently? It could be your graphics card, hard drive, CPU or RAM possibly. You might also check your core temp on your GPU and PC an make sure fans are clean/working.

Check your error log, the errors are at the end that may indicate what the problem is:

Someone had something somewhat similar and it was an issue with their RAM and possibly overclocking that they turned off/downclocked...

Also you say the models are not shaking/exploding/flying around, so maybe share a screenshot of what the issue is then just to clarify because it could be something else.
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Where is the problem? Everything looks OK in the Video.
As long as the Slider doesn't turn red under physics explosion recovery, then there is no Explosion.
Thanks for setting my mind at ease. I suspected it is fine. I'm sort of working on my 1st scene, timeline animation, with no previous experience, and was worried this statement about physics explosion in that tab would make animation a problem. I figured it would make sense to demonstrate using your's and Vamessential's scenes for that poignancy.
The day you're gonna have an explosion, you'll know it lol. Trust me. 😂
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