Answered Morphs from VAR files being addet, but sometimes not.


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you all know this: hundreds of morphs being added by VAR files, those morphs in red, sometimes double and threefold.
But in the last days I have questioned myself about the morphs from some VAR files DON't being added, and I couln't figure out why. There are some scenes that only temporarily add morphs, but at VaM-reboot they are gone.
Is it something simple like one VARS being looks, others are scenes? On a quick search I couln't find out within all my tons of stuff.
For instance: I am missing some full body morphs from those anime-looks downloaded at the hub. On the other hand, I have dozens of "new" morph categories again only from some downloaded scenes in the last months.
Does someone know the regularity behind this?
Go to the VAR in the PackageManager, then UserPrefs, there is a Preload Morphs option. You can configure for every VAR whether you want to load the morphs by default or only when needed for a scene.
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THIS! As someone who doesn't creates much VARs, I absolutely did not know this! This was driving me insane! I have to test this out!
Vielen Dank für die schnelle Hilfe!
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