• Hi Guest!

    Please be aware that we have released another critical security patch for VaM. We strongly recommend updating to version using the VaM_Updater found in your installation folder.

    Details about the security patch can be found here.

Missing resource that isn't missing


New member
I keep getting an error that Vamurai.Panic_Room.Latest is not installed. But when I look it says Vamurai.Panic_Room.4 is in the library, I can see the var file in the AddonPackages folder too. I can load the scene. There are other things too which it complains about but I figure if I learn what I am doing wrong with this I might be able to solve the others. When I check the integrity of the VAMX files I get a message that they need fixing, I run repair, check again and it all ok. Then I go into the program and come straight back out and check integrity again and it says it needs repairing. Do I need to reinstall everything? Or is the something obvious I am missing?
Paste the error log here.

Thanks for the reply, here's whats in the error log

!> Missing addon package CosplayX.V_jumper.latest that packageDamarmau.Bianca.3 depends on
!> Missing addon package YameteOuji.Preset_Skirt_002Pleated_Mako.latest that packageDamarmau.Bianca.3 depends on
!> Exception during process of meta.json from package huaQ.KBLYQ_103.1: System.Exception: JSON Parse: Too many closing brackets
at SimpleJSON.JSONNode.Parse (System.String aJSON) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at SimpleJSON.JSON.Parse (System.String aJSON) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at MVR.FileManagement.VarPackage.LoadMetaData () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
!> Missing addon package Vamurai.Panic_Room.latest that packagenilo.VAM_I_S_S__BoomBoom_Lapdance_Level_003.1 depends on

These errors appear when I open the program. When I open the default scene I also get :-

!> Missing morph deltas file AddonPackages\ascorad.asco_Expressions.9.var:\Custom\Atom\Person\Morphs\female\asco - Expressions\asco - Ugh.vmb. Cannot import

I appreciate that two of these errors are probably due to two resources not being on the hub (the CosplayX one and the Skirt) so they did not get down loaded. But the panic room appears to be in the library.


I am assuming the error saying theres too many closing brackets means theres a syntax error somewhere though I don't know how to fix it
And as for the Expressions resource I see a .9 and a .12 in my AddonPackages.
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The package huaQ.KBLYQ_103.1 has issues with the JSON structure. My advice is to fix the JSON structure if you know how to or delete the VAR. It may be breaking the scanning process and possibly the reason why other clothings are not showing.
EDIT: Just re-read your post and noticed you use VamX - don't know whether replacing your default.json with normal Vam's default won't cause other problems. At least back up your current version before replacing!

When I open the default scene I also get :-

!> Missing morph deltas file AddonPackages\ascorad.asco_Expressions.9.var:\Custom\Atom\Person\Morphs\female\asco - Expressions\asco - Ugh.vmb. Cannot import

Means that the package ascorad.asco_Expressions.9.var is missing one part of the morph "asco - Ugh" (morphs have two parts - the .vmi contains info about what's in the morph, while the .vmb part is the actual morph). And actually, there most recent version of that package is version 12, and it doesn't have any errors (https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/ascos-facial-expression-morph-pack.28684/).

That's not your problem, though - your problem is that somehow, your default scene contains an "exact" reference to a custom package. It's a problem for several reasons:

* Your default scene shouldn't contain references to anything custom. It's default, afterall. (Unless you reallyreally want it that way & know what you're doing).
* None of your scenes should have "exact"-type references to resources - except when those resources are plugins. Or when you reallyreally want it that way. Normally, any references to resource (except plugins) are "latest". So VaM always picks the highest version number for that resource - on the assumption that "latest version is likely better", which is generally true. Plugins are an exception bcs plugins may not be backwards compatible.

Your post suggests you don't want it that way and that you accidentally overwrote the initial version of your default scene that VaM writes to your drive upon installation/update. And when you overwrote your default scene, your model had that morph active for some reason.

The fixing strategy would depend on what you want - do you want to keep the current version of the default scene for some reason? (eg. because you've made other custom edits that you want to keep?).

- If not, you can go to [Vam_root]\Save\Scene\ ... move the file default.json somewhere else - then start the Vam_Updater and it'll write an fresh version of the default scene to your drive.

- If you want to FIX that version of the scene you have ... more work is required. The fact that you say you don't know how to edit .json files & that you have no idea why your default scene says it needs a broken morph from an outdated package that it shouldn't even know about in the first place suggests that this will be ... WORK.

Up to you - let me know.
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You need to download v3 (or older) or manually fix references.
Because creator name was changed (Vamurai > vamurai).
A common mistake many creators do around here when it comes to posting updates.
Using same package version or renaming package to something "custom" (in process breaking all links to package meta or hub update path).

Just delete version 9 and download most recent one (from link above).
Looking at updates (v10) it had issue with "Ugh" morph (filename with extra space "Ugh ").

Obviously broken after manually editing meta.json, a great example of what not to do.
Delete that package or manually fix meta (requires empty dependecies section to fix error).
You need to download v3 (or older) or manually fix references.
Because creator name was changed (Vamurai > vamurai).
A common mistake many creators do around here when it comes to posting updates.
Using same package version or renaming package to something "custom" (in process breaking all links to package meta or hub update path).

Ooops - didn't catch that. Actually, the referencing package doesn't even need Vamurai's scene (neither version 3, nor 4). It's the infamous old "OpenXXL"-morph issue. If you open the scene-file in "nilo.VAM_I_S_S__BoomBoom_Lapdance_Level_003.1" package, there's a reference:

"uid" : "Vamurai.Panic_Room.latest:/Custom/Atom/Person/Morphs/male_genitalia/AUTO/AG2_M_OpenXXL.vmi",
"name" : "OpenXXL",
"value" : "8.285203E-05"
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Ooops - I missed that he has v9 and v12 installed.
in any case:
It has todo with preload morph "cannot import" error that happens as soon as person atom is loaded.Looking for asco - Ugh.vmb that it doesn't exist in v9.

just to be sure: I downloaded v9 and v12 on clean client (with empty default scene). When I added person atom:
!> Missing morph deltas file AddonPackages\ascorad.asco_Expressions.9.var:\Custom\Atom\Person\Morphs\female\asco - Expressions\asco - Ugh.vmb. Cannot import
Deleting v9 package should fix it, if morphs use same name and nothing was removed.

I think you are right about panic room.
For some reason only v3 package have AG2_M_OpenXXL morph included (1, 2 and 4 don't have it).
Didn't VaM v1.21 fixed the issue with hidden builtin morphs and references? It is 1.22 package, so how is this still a thing? :rolleyes:
Either way if v4 package renaming didn't happen, than this v3 reference wouldn't be an issue. Right?
EDIT: Nevermind, it appears only package name is case sensitive, creator name is not.
Vamurai.Panic_Room.1 can find vamurai.Panic_Room.4 as update, but Vamurai.panic_room.1 can't find any updates. Good to know.
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Ooops - I missed that he has v9 and v12 installed.
in any case:
It has todo with preload morph "cannot import" error that happens as soon as person atom is loaded.Looking for asco - Ugh.vmb that it doesn't exist in v9.

just to be sure: I downloaded v9 and v12 on clean client (with empty default scene). When I added person atom:

Deleting v9 package should fix it, if morphs use same name and nothing was removed."

I'm not familiar with "preload morph "cannot import" error"? And I do a lot of hand-editing json files and then forget about it & sometimes, I go bezerk with DnGrep when I'm really annoyed ... so the fact that I don't have the issue doesn't mean that other don't ...

Anywhoo - I don't understand why the default scene (with default model loaded) on a virgin install should have a reference to an outdated custompackage? Ok, it's a morph-pack, and asco likely set the preload flag to true (not sure about that - I also habitually mess with preload flags and then forget about it). But if you have both packages ANDIF you have "show only latest" in your morphtab set, then the only way that VaM picks v9 over v12 would be that the default scene has an "exact" reference to v9, right?

And I don't get how that could happen with your clean install? (I don't disbelieve you - I just don't understand why. And it doesn't happen on my install. And I'm a bit short on diskspace for a clean install atm ...)

EDIT: Could you try setting the preload flag on v9 to false?

I think you are right about panic room.
For some reason only v3 package have AG2_M_OpenXXL morph included (1, 2 and 4 don't have it)."

Didn't VaM v1.21 fixed the issue with hidden builtin morphs and references? It's 1.22 package, so how is this still a thing? :rolleyes:
Either way if v4 package renaming didn't happen, than this v3 reference wouldn't be an issue. Right?

Ufffh - I'm still reading up on the "virus morph" issue myself. What I remember is that the morph can now be zeroed out, so it it no longer forces itself into every package created on an install it has "infected".

But I remember DJ saying that scenes that had the reference still have it. Which obviously also means scenes in packages on the Hub. I'm not sure what that means for that weird "auto-propagation", where VaM would include references to packages that the creator never included bcs the "virus morph" was active in their scene, and VaM looked into its cache & found that a copy of that "custom" morph's file was included in that other package. Also not sure whether the fix cuts of propagation by"nested referrences" (dependencies of dependencies).

TL;DR - There's so many ways that VaM enables and maximizes human stoopid - and there's SO MUCH human stoopid to go around ...?
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THank you Atani, Random and Case - I'll work through all those steps ... and hopefully will emerge with a clean error log. Thanks again
THank you Atani, Random and Case - I'll work through all those steps ... and hopefully will emerge with a clean error log. Thanks again

- Please do back up your default.json before you alter it - my advice was for regular VaM. I don't use the Steam-version VamX.

- Ummmh ... actually, I've NEVER had a clean errorlog ... The goal is to have an errorlog that includes less than 100 items, and only "MissingPackage"-errors ... the "Exception" stuff is really the pressing issues. Getting the "missingpackage" errors to zero ... there's loads of really badly packaged .vars on the Hub from the olden times when .vars where new. And there's loads of good scenes ´.vars on the Hub that reference those old, bad packages,. So you have a choice between having crap on your install that slows it down or deleting good stuff that references that crap. Or living with the missingpackages errors, as long as there's not too many (I currently have 51, with 5000 installed packages. And that's with copious hand-editing)

You could hand-edit those references ... but your time is finite, and human stoopid is not, and VaM is very (!) good at amplifying hooman stoopid ...
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Thanks again everyone, a clean log file at last :).
Downloaded the two off hub resources from the links Random posted - 2 errors gone.
Deleted the default scene, the updater recreated it and it did indeed have the same error. I deleted version 9 from my AddonPackages leaving only 12 and that fixed it.
I editted the json for huaQ.KBLYQ_103.1, removing the extra 3 close brackets, and tidied up the dependencies section. It then revealed there was a dependency which the messed up json was hiding, the package manager found it on the hub, downloaded it and no more errors.
This left Panic Room. I tried a few things, involving changing some of the references and paths to capitalise vamurai's name, finally just renaming the file itself seemed to work. So no errors ... at the moment. Next I'll get DnGrep as Case suggested and check for that OpenXXL thing.
Thanks again for all your help. And yes been caught before with my pants down... um I mean without a backup so I know thats the first step when changing anything.
For those worrying about the OpenXXL morph replicating to any scene forcefully, this does not happen anymore from VaM 1.21 onwards as Case mentioned. There's actually 2 OpenXXL morphs, and the fault earlier was the the "bad" one was part of the core VaM instead of the "good" one, or something like this, don't recall now.
The "good" one is still part of VaM and is used when you check "Auto Male Genital/Anus morphs". If unchecked it goes away, unlike the "bad" one. You guys don't have to worry about it anymore :)
EDIT: Could you try setting the preload flag on v9 to false?
Sure (for testing purpose), if I uncheck preload on v9 package it also unchecks it on v12.
ascorad.asco_Expressions.prefs (not ascorad.asco_Expressions.9.prefs) is created inside AddonPackagesUserPrefs.

Than when I add person atom, same error, but morphs are not loaded (so that works).
Like I said, empty scene no person atom (basically blank scene saved as new default), on v1.22.0.3. Restarting or hard reset same result.

Why error keeps showing when preload is disabled?
Idk, maybe "Ugh.vmi" is tripping over "Ugh .vmb" so error persists. ?‍♂️ Odd that you don't get error when v9 is installed. :unsure:
But if you have both packages ANDIF you have "show only latest" in your morphtab set, then the only way that VaM picks v9 over v12 would be that the default scene has an "exact" reference to v9, right?
No, scene files do save exact reference version for morphs (not latest). By default morphs tab shows "latest only" (most recent/highest package version).
Reason why you don't get popup saying "you are missing X package version" is because used morphs are not missing from "latest" package you have installed.
And when you have both "latest" and exact packages installed, scene is using exact version instead of latest (even if latest only is checked).
That reason why I like to keep only latest packages, unless it is special case where I have to keep legacy version (when creator breaks package or adds stuff I don't care about).
Obviously different story when package has "exact" reference, at that point it doesn't matter, it's gonna show error, even if same morph is inside "newer" package.
I keep getting an error that Vamurai.Panic_Room.Latest is not installed. But when I look it says Vamurai.Panic_Room.4 is in the library, I can see the var file in the AddonPackages folder too. I can load the scene. There are other things too which it complains about but I figure if I learn what I am doing wrong with this I might be able to solve the others. When I check the integrity of the VAMX files I get a message that they need fixing, I run repair, check again and it all ok. Then I go into the program and come straight back out and check integrity again and it says it needs repairing. Do I need to reinstall everything? Or is the something obvious I am missing?
I'm sorry you're having issues with v9 of my expressions. I have no earthly idea why they continue to pop up as a dependency when they've been superceded. It happens to me too and it's very annoying. It's very easy to fix, and I reached out to the mods asking if I could re-upload a fixed version of v9 specifically (since you can't normally do that because the package already exists) and they said it wasn't something I would be able to do. If you run into that issue again in the future, it's a really simple fix. All you need to do is open up the var file and remove the space at thru end of the "ugh" vmi file. Really silly typo on my part that has led to a lot of frustration :D

Hope that helps!
Excuse me ... they said WHAT? I mean ... we've all suspected that the Hub's secondary function is to make every single one of us suffer from all our collective's past sins, foreverandever (probably for the noble goal of teaching us collective responsibility, right? RIGHT?), but to actually know?
I apologize, I misspoke. I can upload a new version 9 apparently. I don't know how I read this the other way but it was the middle of the night when I saw it so cut me some slack XD
So, what meshed said was that it can be done, however it won't help very much because it's not going to affect the local version 9 that people who are having the issue have, so ultimately he said he wouldn't recommend doing it because it won't really solve anything. I suppose it could still help as whatever is out there calling that specific version instead of latest would no longer cause issues and anyone who runs into the issue can just delete/re-download and it'll be fixed. I think it's worth doing honestly, so I'll reach out and verify how to do that the right way, as I'm sure there's something they'll need to do on the back end in order to prevent the "duplicate upload" error.
I apologize, I misspoke. I can upload a new version 9 apparently. I don't know how I read this the other way but it was the middle of the night when I saw it so cut me some slack XD
So, what meshed said was that it can be done, however it won't help very much because it's not going to affect the local version 9 that people who are having the issue have, so ultimately he said he wouldn't recommend doing it because it won't really solve anything. I suppose it could still help as whatever is out there calling that specific version instead of latest would no longer cause issues and anyone who runs into the issue can just delete/re-download and it'll be fixed. I think it's worth doing honestly, so I'll reach out and verify how to do that the right way, as I'm sure there's something they'll need to do on the back end in order to prevent the "duplicate upload" error.

Stay gold, Ponyboy ... !

Man, I deleted that post bcs I was venting. Meshed is right that there are far bigger "landmines" hidden on the Hub. Otoh ... "wouldn't help much" doesn't mean "wouldn't help at all". Who knows - you might start a trend. You're not nobody.
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