Yes this also happens to me, all the UI buttons disappear in VR after I click the "come closer" button.
UI buttons should come back after a little while (the time for a few animations to run) after clicking on a button switching position (green buttons).
If it's not the case and/or if nothing moves anymore like Case reported, then it's a bug.
Note that it's particularly long for the first buttons to come back after clicking the "Get closer" button.
The first looping animation doesn't bring up any, and it can randomly loop back to this one any number of time - low probability, but it could take a little while if you're really "unlucky"
But this button starts the Cowgirl animations, so it's at the same point as
@Case. There's definitely something fishy at this step! ?
@Case, couldn't reproduce so far.
But out of the hundreds runs of the scene when making & testing it, I think it might have happened to me too a couple of times. But as I was tweaking it, I dismissed it as a wrong click somewhere. Maybe it wasn't.
No luck so far on finding the cause of this:
- I let the scene run for a long while on the cowgirl position: it just keeps going and going ^^'
- Did the same after resetting a few times. Nope, it keeps going. Still running on the background as I'm writing this...
- Might have be related to low FPS somehow - which could explain I have trouble seeing it and it would be more frequent on VR or lower config. I've been running it with all lights & shadows at max quality, TV on & playing a movie and two 4096px mirrors with all options on. Got down to 15 FPS and it still won't stop...
- Double-checked all the animations: they all have the intended transition to the next one.
- Double-checked the name of the camera animations: all different names compared to the characters' ones; no way it could have any influence on them.
- Double-checked the timing of Guy's animation: they all match with CZ's ones (a shorter animation time on another character will cause the animation to stop).
My only suspect is having kept the "Loop" option on for Guy, on Cowgirl animations. It shouldn't make a difference as CZ's Timeline is the Master, so it wouldn't take the loop into account when reaching the end: it'll play whatever CZ's Timeline says (which will be a random Cowgirl animation).
Maybe, just maybe, it could slightly get out of sync in some rare cases and break havoc.
Not convinced I've got the culprit, though: it could prevent the buttons to appear if it happens straightaway (which seems to be the case for @bboyneko) but wouldn't make the buttons disappear.
I'll do an update with that, but it's a shot in the dark.
Aaaaaaah! Yeah, that's probably it - the other (inactive) instance of Embody interpret my "button-press" as a signal to go active, while the active instance shuts down. Acid probably envisioned Embody as a "single-instance per scene" plugin, and hence, never consider it necessary to add a check for other active instances.
Yep, my guess exactly. I'd say it could even toggle *all* embody instances: toggling off male POV and toggling on female POV and cam POV - but it has to pick one... and for some reason it's the cam one?
I'm curious! You could try to delete Embody plugin on the cam and see if it activates female POV when you exit male POV using your "button-press". For science's sake