Note that the mobile version of the 3060 is not the same as a proper 3060, which is some 30-40% faster due to higher clock rates and twice the memory. Same with CPUs, laptops are build for size/mobility and low power usage, they can't deal with heat either. As a rule of thumb, a Desktop PC is somewhat 2-3x faster for the same money. Only go with a laptop when you don't have the space or need to be mobile.
And yes, have a look at the benchmark thread (and run the benchmark yourself), so you kind of know what to expect.
This is 100% correct, but I want to add something. Due the fact that laptop's can't deal with heat that well, I would recommend a extra fan underneath the laptop. You have those desk stands with a extra fan underneath.
I had multiple gaming laptops, and they all died within 2 to 2,5 years. All of my Desktop machines survived atleast +5 years, without issue's.
I also worked in a hardware shop, many years ago. We had many laptop's with heat issue's, especially the one's with a dedicated GPU.
Laptop's need more heat care. I'm always baffled how many people use their laptops. Using it in bed and put it on a blanket. ? Always keep it open underneath the laptop.
Not long time ago, a guy died close by where I live. His laptop got overheated in the night and bursted in to flames. He burned alive in his sleep.
A ex-girlfriend of mine was also playing a video game. When she was done, she placed my laptop on my bed and while she was searching for something in my room, she also throw a blanket over my laptop.
When I came back from the toilet, like around 10 minutes, I notice the laptop underneath the blanket. That thing was so warm, that I couldn't touch it. Thank god it didn't started a fire and it survived. But it definitely got beaten up. Not long after, it still died.
Some many people use laptops irresponsible.
Heat can also decrease performance significant.
So yes, for VaM I would definitely recommend a desktop PC. Cheaper, more performance, better heat management and it will probably survive longer. Downside, it's not mobile.