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    Please be aware that we have released another critical security patch for VaM. We strongly recommend updating to version using the VaM_Updater found in your installation folder.

    Details about the security patch can be found here.
Industrial apartment

Environments Industrial apartment


Well-known member
Featured Contributor
Hello @Nial ,

There is some odd incompatibility between your assetbundle and the assetbundle (shaderbundle) for @Eosin VR rendering plugin.

Load a room prefab first in a custom asset atom and the VRRender plugin won't load
!> Error during attempt to load assetbundle Eosin.VRRenderer.15:/Custom/Scripts/Eosin/VRRenderer.shaderbundle. Not valid

Attach the VRRender plugin to an atom first and the custom asset atom can't load.
!> Error during attempt to load assetbundle Nial.[Assets]_Industrial_apartment.2:/Custom/Assets/Nial/industrial apartment.assetbundle. Not valid

I've never run into anything like this before. Any idea what it is and a workaround?
no idea why this can happen

Thanks for the responding!

I'll drop a message to @Eosin and head over to Discord and see if one of the plugin gods knows a workaround.

The one possible clue I got from googling was that the error can happen if there is a collision in names or GUIDs. There isn't a name collision but I don't know where/how asset GUIDs live.

If I figure something out I'll respond back here.
no idea why this can happen

Hey @Nial I actually figured it out!

You can replicate the problem also by trying to put your Industrial Apartment and Bathroom in the same scene. (Yes there's no reason to do that but it replicates the problem). The older office asset can go into the same scene as either of those.

That gave the hint I needed.

TL;DR: Inside the asset bundles there is a non-unique file naming. VAM's asset loader sees ""CAB-9919b51e695690d36770ef35b12f67b9" again as a filename and barfs on it.

The attached screenshot shows what it looks like if you open the VR Renderer, Industrial Apartment, and Bathroom in the Unity Asset Bundle Extractor. You'd expect "CAB-9919b51e695690d36770ef35b12f67b9" to be some kind of intentionally unique hash but nope. Whatever is deciding what that hash name uses some deterministic algorithm.

As a workaround I renamed the VR Renderers assetbundle using the UABE tool.

Older assets of yours like the Office appear to be packaged differently and don't have the naming conflict.

I'm surprised more people haven't run into it. I'm not a Unity user at all so I don't know "the right way" to make the naming guaranteed unique.

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