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Importing CUA - Transparency do not work


Active member
Hi, there is very nice model on sketchFab(1 on screen) : https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/alpha-werewolf-8eb41176dece43998661b8fa14c1da33

I downloaded it and open in unity. Extracted materials from FBX, Join texttures with materials and though body material seem ok , fur seem broken. I set is as Shader: standard, Rendering mode Transparent and in Unity it seem like (2) :

and then in VAM :


Probably problem is with texture: TX_Crinos_Fur_ORM@channels=G.png , i do not know what to do with that, to which property of material shouuld i link it ? it seems like AO but do no help, or mayby some Trasparency texture but where can i link it ?

Or maybe i should check Transparent in Albedo texture (TX_Crinos_Body_ALB.png) property in unity ?
Or i do everything ok and its just unity version that work incorectly with that model ?
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please have a look at the fur texture. Does it have an alpha channel?
Some texture sets with transparency have external alpha-maps as an additional texture file for masking,
some others have the alpha-map included in the main texture as an additional color channel.

From my experience, this Unity version has sometimes issues with importing such textures:
If the main texture has an alpha-channel, it sometimes will delete this (change file format).
And if it is an external additional alpha-map, it won't bake it in the main texture as alpha-channel automatically.
In this cases you have to add the alpha-channel to the main texture manually.
If you don't see an external black&white alpha-map texture in the original texture files:
Please select the main albedo texture in your Unity project's texture folder.
Please check the texture informations that are showing up.
Does it says DXT1 or DXT5 in the lower part?
If it is DXT5, the texture has most likely alpha informations.
If this is the case, go to the material and select the color picker next to the albedo texture entry.
At the lower part of the color picker menu you will find the slider for the alpha transparency.
Is it set to 100%? Move it around.
If you don't see an external black&white alpha-map texture in the original texture files:
Please select the main albedo texture in your Unity project's texture folder.
Please check the texture informations that are showing up.
Does it says DXT1 or DXT5 in the lower part?
If it is DXT5, the texture has most likely alpha informations.
If this is the case, go to the material and select the color picker next to the albedo texture entry.
At the lower part of the color picker menu you will find the slider for the alpha transparency.
Is it set to 100%? Move it around.

Hi, thank you for help.

I dont see any description if file Details Tab that shows DXT1 or DXT5 (trhere is only info about Dimiensions and depth). But there is another texutre in folder which is eactlry black and wihite (and it also have @chanell in name so probably thats it) but i do not know what to do with that texutre ? i see no separate place on material in unity to add alpha texture .

so how to add that alpha texutre to material ?
how to set material ? Shader: (Standard or Metalic Roughnes )? how to set Render : Transparent ? Opaque ? )?
How to set albedo alpha in color picker : to 0 or 255 ? of if i choose somehow texture with map it should automaticaly block possibility to change it ?
if you see that b&w texture, there is a big chance that this is like I have mentioned it above.
Can you see if this texture fits to the main albedo texture? Every area that is black at the b&w image will be transparent in the main texture.

For 90% of all materials you can use IMHO the standard-shader in Unity. If you are more advanced, you can decide if you want to use some others. The only custom shader you will most likely need is a double-sided shader, but lets keep that aside.

If you use the standard shader, unfortunately there is AFAIK NO simple way to put it in a texture slot like normal maps, and others!

AFAIk you need to add an alpha-channel to the main albedo texture.
If you are used to Photoshop (or similar tools) it is quite simple and very fast:

-Load the b&w texture, select all and copy it to clipboard (CTRL&A, CTRL&C)
-Load the main texture.
-Open the "channel" tab.
-You will see the three RGB channels.
-Click on the small options-icon and select "add channel"
-Now you will have an additional empty color channel. Select it.
-Now insert (CTRL&V) the copied b&w image into this empty color channel.
-Save everything as full .png or .tiff image to your project's Unity texture folder. JPEG doesn't work.
(if you are unsure, re-open the saved texture and check if you still see the additional channel).

In Unity add that newly edited main texture to the material like usual and select "transparency" (you can also try out the other two options except "opaque").

Now open the color picker next to the main albedo texture slot and move the alpha slider. You will instantly see the difference. Most likely you will need to move it to the far left, but it is up to you.


If you are not used to Photoshop (or similar tools), there might be other ways which I don't know about.
If you can't figure it out, I can do this for you. But there will be more textures of this kind in the future, if you keep doing CUAs.
OK, I just tried out a methode without Photoshop. It is not as elegant, but it works:

-In Unity, select the b&w texture. At the texture options, select Apha source: "From grayscale" and click "alpha is transparancy".
-Now simply use that b&w texture as main albedo texture (standard shader).
-Play with the color picker alpha-slider, and maybe you want to use "fade" as transparency for better transitions.
-Your fur is pure white now.
-Use the main fur color texture as secondary map detail albedo texture.
-Maybe you want to adjust the color a bit with the color picker on the first albedo main texture.
TToby could you upload and send link to that werwolf cua made with way you crate it with photoshop ? i try with second one and still i have that rectangular plate for hairs. Coul you upload also end unity project for this.

And Thank you for your time :D
TToby could you upload and send link to that werwolf cua made with way you crate it with photoshop ? i try with second one and still i have that rectangular plate for hairs. Coul you upload also end unity project for this.

And Thank you for your time :D

Sorry, I don't have that Werewolf.
I have tried this with some similar (hair) textures.
I have not much time at the PC till new year (only writing from an Ipad).
If you may send me the single Albedo main texture and the corresponding b&w texture, I can do the quick Photoshop part for you (I guess this would not violate the copyright too much).
Please maybe PM a Mega download-link for that.

whole CUA is free . :) but if youd rather me to sent just that two textures ill send you, but id rather understand what i need to do to have it work . couse as you describe it seem better but still in vam that rectangles with hair are visibile (as well as hair but end effect is not good). so the first thing is is it working as you describe in this case :)
Hi, @rabbit1qaz .
I don't have a Scetchfab account. My English is not that good and I didn't exactly get if you still want me to do the Photoshop editing. If this is the case, I would ask you to please send me the textures by uploading them to maybe Mega, or by just attaching them to this thread. Merry christmas!
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