Answered How to export ONLY a hair, clothing or assett item as a var file?


Active member
I've been playing around with exporting Looks I've created as .var files so I can hopefully share them here one day. But I'm not clear on how I would export a custom hairstyle I created (or modified from another) as a var that can be shared. The same would go for clothing or assets like furniture. Can someone explain the process for this or point me towards tha answer?
you save the hair as a hair preset, clothing as a clothing preset. then you just add the presets (.vap) in the var. the presets are in /custom/atom/person/hair & clothing. for assets they are in /custom/atom/<atom type>

when you'll add the presets to a var and hit Prep Package vam should detect if there are references (like the actual hair addons) and will include those as dependencies
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Step 1: make a hair/clothing/whatever preset
Step 2: add that preset in Package Manager to make a VAR

If you don't know how to do:
  • step 1: it's a tab in the person atom called hair/clothing/something preset, write a name and save
  • step 2: see the FAQ (in this forum) packaging section
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