Question How to change backgound color from default black?


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Hi. Been away for a while so starting with a simple one :) How do I get flat colour backgrounds instead of the default scene black? I don't want to add any objects/walls to do this or any skydome. Just a simple colour change from black. Thanks
I don't think that's a "background color" per se.Isn't it black because it's actual void?
With no lights and no objects to illuminate (with said lights or ambient light). :unsure:

So you have to add something, either CUA (and recolor it) or atoms (maybe emissive panel if you don't wanna add lights?).

Strange question, but I would also like to hear if there's a way to change it, without adding anything.
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(I think) or am pretty sure You cannot change color/tone without additional programs or, as RandomVAMuser writes, you must use script etc. or assets like Blazedust's (Dilldoe) Neutrol-environment color unity, simple but useful. Understand what you mean by flat color background, but "flat color" is largely excluded with VAM, or rather not appropriate, because of how important light and shade are to VAM.
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That background color is tied to the camera. Documentation is here.

I can create a simple Plugin for that. Already got it working ... let me just add a color picker + test + pack it to a var and uploaded it.
The only requirement is that the skybox is disabled in the [Scene Lighting]-tab.

Guess this could be very useful for video editing too (chromakey stuff).
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That background color is tied to the camera. Documentation is here.

I can create a simple Plugin for that. Already got it working ... let me just add a color picker + test + pack it to a var and uploaded it.
The only requirement is that the skybox is disabled in the [Scene Lighting]-tab.

Guess this could be very useful for video editing too (chromakey stuff).
That would be awsome!! Yeah it would be great for simple character editing to be able to see different coloured backgrounds to make sure the lighting looks good.
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Before I upload to the Hub for everyone, could you test it in VR please?
(assuming you have VR hardware?)

I doubt it, but it's possible that VAM could use a different camera-object for VR.

Unfortunately I do not own any VR hardware to test.

The color should be saved per scene and I do reset it back to default black if the Plugin is "destroyed" - hopefully that should always reset it back in case a new scene is loaded.

Some parts of the UI, like the preview-screenshot thingy, will still show the default black.
That's because they use another camera object for that part of the user interface.

Edit #2: It's on the Hub now here. Discord confirmed it works in VR too.

Here is the (old V1) code and the VAR-file is attached:
(edit: update to restore saved color more reliable)
using UnityEngine;

public class CameraBackgroundColor : MVRScript
    private Camera mainCamera;
    private JSONStorableColor jColor;

    public override void Init()
        mainCamera = CameraTarget.centerTarget.targetCamera;
        mainCamera.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.SolidColor;
        jColor = new JSONStorableColor("Color", HSVColorPicker.RGBToHSV(0f, 0f, 1f), SetColor);

    void Start() { SetColor(jColor.val.H, jColor.val.S, jColor.val.V); }

    private void SetColor(float h, float s, float v) {mainCamera.backgroundColor = Color.HSVToRGB(h, s, v); }

    void OnDestroy() { mainCamera.backgroundColor =; }


  • Sally.CameraBackgroundColor.1.var
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