Hi! I'm starting to learn how to write plugins in VAM, but I couldn't find any documentation, just trying to figure out some things reading other plugins :/
Does somebody know how can I list all the female morphs? (I'm adding the plugin to the person)
I was trying this (recommended by gpt4) but I get this error:
Does somebody know how can I list all the female morphs? (I'm adding the plugin to the person)
I was trying this (recommended by gpt4) but I get this error:
Type DAZCharacter' does not contain a definition for morphBank' and no extension method morphBank' of type DAZCharacter' could be found
if (containingAtom == null)
SuperController.LogMessage("No atom.");
var characterSelector = containingAtom.GetStorableByID("geometry") as DAZCharacterSelector;
if (characterSelector == null || characterSelector.selectedCharacter == null)
SuperController.LogMessage("no valid DAZCharacterSelector.");
var character = characterSelector.selectedCharacter;
var morphBank = character.morphBank;
if (morphBank == null || morphBank.morphs == null || morphBank.morphs.Count == 0)
SuperController.LogMessage("No morphs.");
SuperController.LogMessage($"total morphs: {morphBank.morphs.Count}");
foreach (var morph in morphBank.morphs)
SuperController.LogMessage($"Morph: {morph.morphName}");