• Hi Guest!

    Please be aware that we have released another critical security patch for VaM. We strongly recommend updating to version using the VaM_Updater found in your installation folder.

    Details about the security patch can be found here.

Disable mouth morphs in a plugin


New member
There's this free plugin by @JustLookingForNothin Breathe_Deluxe_Standalone_V1_3.
I want to disable all the mouth morphs.
Can someone please help?
Here is the script.


using System;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using SimpleJSON;

// Breathing Deluxe V 1.3.1
// Original "Breathe.cs" Script from Dollmaster by u/VAM Deluxe
// Adaptations for breathe standalone use, added idle motions and expressions by u/JustLookingForNothin

namespace DeluxePlugin
public class BreatheStandalone : MVRScript
public float breath = 0.0f;
private float breatheCylce = -0.1f;
private float breathLerp = 0.16f;
private float MouthOpenVal = 0.0f;

private DAZMorph breatheMorph;
private DAZMorph moMorph;
private DAZMorph NoseMorphPinch;
private DAZMorph NoseMorphTilt;
private DAZMorph MouthMorphSH;
private DAZMorph MouthMorphAA;
private DAZMorph MouthMorphLUD;
private DAZMorph MouthMorphLBI;
private DAZMorph MouthMorphMCD;
private DAZMorph FaceMorphBrowsArch;
private DAZMorph EyesMorphEyesClosedL;
private DAZMorph EyesMorphEyesClosedR;
private DAZMorph EyesMorphEyesRound;
private DAZMorph FaceMorphBrowsIU;
private DAZMorph FaceMorphBrowDR;
private DAZMorph TongueMorphIO;
private DAZMorph TongueMorphCu;

private FreeControllerV3 chest;
private FreeControllerV3 neck;
private FreeControllerV3 head;
private FreeControllerV3 lArm;
private FreeControllerV3 rArm;
private FreeControllerV3 lHand;
private FreeControllerV3 rHand;
private FreeControllerV3 lThigh;
private FreeControllerV3 rThigh;

public JSONStorableFloat intensity;
public JSONStorableFloat chestmove;
public JSONStorableBool invertChestBool;
public JSONStorableBool UseHeadControlBool;
public JSONStorableBool EnableIdleMotionsBool;
public JSONStorableBool EnableExpressionsBool;

// Idle motion variables
protected JSONStorableFloat periodJSON;
protected JSONStorableFloat quicknessJSON;
protected JSONStorableFloat motTntensityJSON;
protected JSONStorableFloat targetValueJSON;
protected JSONStorableFloat targetValNxJSON;
protected JSONStorableFloat targetValNyJSON;
protected JSONStorableFloat targetValNzJSON;
protected JSONStorableFloat targetValSyJSON;
protected JSONStorableFloat targetValHxJSON;
protected JSONStorableFloat targetValHandsJSON;
protected JSONStorableFloat targetValHandsXJSON;
protected JSONStorableFloat targetValThighsJSON;
protected JSONStorableFloat targetValExpJSON;
protected JSONStorableFloat currentValueJSON;
protected JSONStorableFloat randomizeTimerJSON;
protected JSONStorableFloat lowerValueJSON;
protected JSONStorableFloat upperValueJSON;
protected JSONStorableString targetNameJSON;
protected JSONStorableFloat currentValNxJSON;
protected JSONStorableFloat currentValNyJSON;
protected JSONStorableFloat currentValNzJSON;
protected JSONStorableFloat currentValSyJSON;
protected JSONStorableFloat currentValHxJSON;
protected JSONStorableFloat currentValHandsJSON;
protected JSONStorableFloat currentValHandsXJSON;
protected JSONStorableFloat currentValThighsJSON;
protected JSONStorableFloat currentValExpJSON;
protected JSONStorableString jstring;

//protected string _receiverTargetName;
private float motionTimer = 0f;
protected float motionTimerNX = 0f;
protected float motionTimerNY = 0f;
protected float motionTimerNZ = 0f;
protected float motionTimerSY = 0f;
protected float motionTimerHeX = 0f;
protected float motionTimerHaS = 0f;
protected float motionTimerHaX = 0f;
protected float motionTimerTX = 0f;
protected float mirrorRNDS = 0f;
protected float mirrorRNDH = 0f;
protected float expressionTimer1 = 5f;
protected float expressionTimer2 = 0f;
protected float Nod_initialVal = 0f;
protected int expressionID = 0;
protected int expressionStart = 0;
protected int expressionDone = 1;
protected int RevExpression = 0;
protected int HeadNod = 0;
protected int CurrExprID = 0;
protected JSONStorable autoBl;
protected JSONStorableBool autoBlEnabled;

//Idle Motion settings
//Head Drive X {min value, max value, period, smoothness}
float[] HeadDriveValuesX = { -15.0f, 15.0f, 10.0f, 1.0f };

//Neck Drive X {min value, max value, period, smoothness}
float[] NeckDriveValuesX = { -30.0f, 15.0f, 3.4f, 0.8f };

// Neck Drive Y {min value, max value, period, smoothness}
float[] NeckDriveValuesY = { -35.0f, 35.0f, 4.3f, 0.6f };

// Neck Drive Z {min value, max value, period, smoothness}
float[] NeckDriveValuesZ = { -20.0f, 20.0f, 5.4f, 1.5f };

// Shoulder Drive Y {min value, max value, period, smoothness}
float[] ShoulderDriveValuesY = { -20.0f, 10.0f, 7.4f, 0.9f };

// Thighs Drive X {min value, max value, period, smoothness}
float[] ThighsDriveValuesX = { -30.0f, 30.0f, 14.0f, 1,1f };

// Hands Position Spring {min value, max value, period, smoothness}
float[] HandSpringValues = { 900f, 2500f, 6.4f, 1.5f };

// Hands Drive X {min value, max value, period, smoothness}
float[] HandDriveValuesx = { -40.0f, 40.0f, 20.0f, 0.9f };

Dictionary<string, float> CurrentMorphsValues = new Dictionary<string, float>();

public override void Init()
JSONStorable js = containingAtom.GetStorableByID("geometry");
if (js != null)
DAZCharacterSelector dcs = js as DAZCharacterSelector;
GenerateDAZMorphsControlUI morphUI = dcs.morphsControlUI;
if (morphUI != null)
breatheMorph = morphUI.GetMorphByDisplayName("Breath1");
moMorph = morphUI.GetMorphByDisplayName("Mouth Open");
NoseMorphPinch = morphUI.GetMorphByDisplayName("Nose Pinch");
NoseMorphTilt = morphUI.GetMorphByDisplayName("Nose Tilt");
MouthMorphSH = morphUI.GetMorphByDisplayName("SH");
MouthMorphAA = morphUI.GetMorphByDisplayName("AA");
MouthMorphLUD = morphUI.GetMorphByDisplayName("Lip Upper Depth");
MouthMorphLBI = morphUI.GetMorphByDisplayName("Lip Bottom In");
MouthMorphMCD = morphUI.GetMorphByDisplayName("Mouth Corner Depth");
FaceMorphBrowsArch = morphUI.GetMorphByDisplayName("Brows Arch");
FaceMorphBrowsIU = morphUI.GetMorphByDisplayName("Brow Inner Up");
FaceMorphBrowDR = morphUI.GetMorphByDisplayName("Brow Down Right");
EyesMorphEyesClosedL = morphUI.GetMorphByDisplayName("Eyes Closed Left");
EyesMorphEyesClosedR = morphUI.GetMorphByDisplayName("Eyes Closed Right");
EyesMorphEyesRound = morphUI.GetMorphByDisplayName("Eyes Round");
TongueMorphIO = morphUI.GetMorphByDisplayName("Tongue In-Out");
TongueMorphCu = morphUI.GetMorphByDisplayName("Tongue Curl");


// Auto-Blink
autoBl = containingAtom.GetStorableByID("EyelidControl");
if (autoBl != null)
autoBlEnabled = autoBl.GetBoolJSONParam("blinkEnabled");
if (autoBlEnabled == null)
SuperController.LogError("Could not find 'enabled' param in 'Auto Blink'");
SuperController.LogError("Could not find 'AutoBlink' storable. Load plugin onto Person atom");

chest = containingAtom.GetStorableByID("chestControl") as FreeControllerV3;
if (chest != null)
chest.jointRotationDriveSpring = 60.0f;
chest.jointRotationDriveDamper = 1.0f;

neck = containingAtom.GetStorableByID("neckControl") as FreeControllerV3;
if (neck != null)
//neck.jointRotationDriveSpring = 60.0f;
//neck.jointRotationDriveDamper = 1.0f;

lArm = containingAtom.GetStorableByID("lArmControl") as FreeControllerV3;
if (lArm != null)
//lArm.jointRotationDriveSpring = 60.0f;
//lArm.jointRotationDriveDamper = 1.0f;

rArm = containingAtom.GetStorableByID("rArmControl") as FreeControllerV3;
if (rArm != null)
//rArm.jointRotationDriveSpring = 60.0f;
//rArm.jointRotationDriveDamper = 1.0f;

lHand = containingAtom.GetStorableByID("lHandControl") as FreeControllerV3;
if (lHand != null)
//lHand.jointRotationDriveSpring = 60.0f;
//lHand.jointRotationDriveDamper = 1.0f;

rHand = containingAtom.GetStorableByID("rHandControl") as FreeControllerV3;
if (rHand != null)
//rHand.jointRotationDriveSpring = 60.0f;
//rHand.jointRotationDriveDamper = 1.0f;

head = containingAtom.GetStorableByID("headControl") as FreeControllerV3;
if (head != null)
head.RBHoldPositionSpring = 3000.0f;
head.RBHoldRotationSpring = 100;

lThigh = containingAtom.GetStorableByID("lThighControl") as FreeControllerV3;
if (lThigh != null)
//lThigh.jointRotationDriveSpring = 60.0f;
//lThigh.jointRotationDriveDamper = 1.0f;

rThigh = containingAtom.GetStorableByID("rThighControl") as FreeControllerV3;
if (rThigh != null)
//rThigh.jointRotationDriveSpring = 60.0f;
//rThigh.jointRotationDriveDamper = 1.0f;

intensity = new JSONStorableFloat("Breath Intensity", 0.1f, 0, 1, true, true);
intensity.storeType = JSONStorableParam.StoreType.Full;

chestmove = new JSONStorableFloat("Chest Movement", 15, 0, 30, true, true);
chestmove.storeType = JSONStorableParam.StoreType.Full;

jstring = new JSONStorableString("Info", "" +
"\n* Breath Intensity: breathing animation speed/strength \n\n" +
"* Chest Movement: +/- breath effect on the chest \n\n" +
"* Idle Motion Period: pause between playback of the same animation \n" +
"(Higher value = longer pause) \n\n" +
"* Idle Motion Move Speed: adjusts the quickness of the motions \n\n" +
"* Invert Chest Synchronization: inverts sync between chest & belly \n\n" +
"* Use Head Control for Idle: ctrl the head for more intense movements \n" +
"(Keep disabled when using the gaze script.) \n\n" +
"* Enable Idle Motions: untick if motions do not fit to your anim \n\n" +
"* Enable Expressions: untick to use other expression plugins \n");
UIDynamic dtext = CreateTextField(jstring);
dtext.height = 930f;

// create random value generation period
periodJSON = new JSONStorableFloat("Idle Motion Period", 1.0f, 0.1f, 5.0f, false);
CreateSlider(periodJSON, true);

// quickness (smoothness)
quicknessJSON = new JSONStorableFloat("Idle Motion Move Speed", 1.0f, 0.1f, 5.0f, true);
CreateSlider(quicknessJSON, true);

lowerValueJSON = new JSONStorableFloat("lowerValue", 0.2f, -20f, 20f, false);
upperValueJSON = new JSONStorableFloat("upperValue", 0.6f, -20f, 20f, false);

currentValueJSON = new JSONStorableFloat("currentValue", 0f, 0f, 1f, false, false);
currentValNxJSON = new JSONStorableFloat("currentValNx", 0f, 0f, 1f, false, false);
currentValNyJSON = new JSONStorableFloat("currentValNy", 0f, 0f, 1f, false, false);
currentValNzJSON = new JSONStorableFloat("currentValNz", 0f, 0f, 1f, false, false);
currentValHxJSON = new JSONStorableFloat("currentValHx", 0f, 0f, 1f, false, false);
currentValHandsJSON = new JSONStorableFloat("currentValHands", 0f, 0f, 1f, false, false);
currentValHandsXJSON = new JSONStorableFloat("currentValHands", 0f, 0f, 1f, false, false);
currentValThighsJSON = new JSONStorableFloat("currentValThighs", 0f, 0f, 1f, false, false);
currentValSyJSON = new JSONStorableFloat("currentValSy", 0f, 0f, 1f, false, false);
currentValExpJSON = new JSONStorableFloat("currentValExp", 0f, 0f, 1f, false, false);

targetValueJSON = new JSONStorableFloat("targetValue", 0f, 0f, 1f, false, false);
targetValNxJSON = new JSONStorableFloat("targetValNx", 0f, 0f, 1f, false, false);
targetValNyJSON = new JSONStorableFloat("targetValNy", 0f, 0f, 1f, false, false);
targetValNzJSON = new JSONStorableFloat("targetValNz", 0f, 0f, 1f, false, false);
targetValSyJSON = new JSONStorableFloat("targetValNy", 0f, 0f, 1f, false, false);
targetValHxJSON = new JSONStorableFloat("targetValHx", 0f, 0f, 1f, false, false);
targetValHandsJSON = new JSONStorableFloat("targetValHands", 0f, 0f, 1f, false, false);
targetValHandsXJSON = new JSONStorableFloat("targetValHands", 0f, 0f, 1f, false, false);
targetValThighsJSON = new JSONStorableFloat("targetValThighs", 0f, 0f, 1f, false, false);
targetValExpJSON = new JSONStorableFloat("targetValExp", 0f, 0f, 1f, false, false);

randomizeTimerJSON = new JSONStorableFloat("randomizeValue", 0f, 0f, 1f, false, false);

// targetNameJSON = new JSONStorableString ();
targetNameJSON = new JSONStorableString("targetName", "");
targetNameJSON.val = "None";

//Dictionary<string, string> TargetNameJSON = new Dictionary<string, string>();
//TargetNameJSON.Add("NeckX", "neck.jointRotationDriveXTarget");
//TargetNameJSON.Add("NeckY", "neck.jointRotationDriveYTarget");
//TargetNameJSON.Add("NeckZ", "neck.jointRotationDriveZTarget");

invertChestBool = new JSONStorableBool("Invert Chest Synchronization", false);
invertChestBool.storeType = JSONStorableParam.StoreType.Full;
CreateToggle(invertChestBool, true);

UseHeadControlBool = new JSONStorableBool("Use Head Control for Idle", false);
UseHeadControlBool.storeType = JSONStorableParam.StoreType.Full;
CreateToggle(UseHeadControlBool, true);

EnableIdleMotionsBool = new JSONStorableBool("Enable Idle Motions", true);
EnableIdleMotionsBool.storeType = JSONStorableParam.StoreType.Full;
CreateToggle(EnableIdleMotionsBool, true);

EnableExpressionsBool = new JSONStorableBool("Enable Expressions", true);
EnableExpressionsBool.storeType = JSONStorableParam.StoreType.Full;
CreateToggle(EnableExpressionsBool, true);

catch (Exception e)
SuperController.LogError("Exception caught: " + e);

public void Update()
// #### Breathing ####
float iv = intensity.val;

chest.jointRotationDriveSpring = (chestmove.val *2);

breath += (iv - breath) * Time.deltaTime * breathLerp;
breath = Mathf.Clamp01(breath);

breatheCylce += Time.deltaTime * Mathf.Clamp((0.8f + breath * 7.0f), 0.0f, 20.0f);
if (breatheMorph != null)
float power = Mathf.Clamp(breath, 0.4f, 0.6f);
float cycle = Mathf.Sin(breatheCylce) * power;
if (invertChestBool.val)
cycle = cycle * -1;

breatheMorph.morphValue = cycle;

if (chest != null)
float power = Remap(breath, 0.0f, 1.0f, 4, 14);
float cycle = Mathf.Sin(breatheCylce + 0.4f) * power;
chest.jointRotationDriveXTarget = cycle;

if (moMorph != null && NoseMorphPinch != null)
float cycle = Mathf.Sin(breatheCylce);
float MouthOpenVal = (breath * 1.2f) - (cycle / 15);
moMorph.morphValue = MouthOpenVal;
NoseMorphPinch.morphValue = (breath * 0.20f) + (cycle / 20);

// #### IdleMotions ####
if (EnableIdleMotionsBool.val)

// #### Expressions ####
if (EnableExpressionsBool.val)
if (expressionStart == 0 && expressionDone == 1)

// Test a defined Expression
// expressionID = 9;

if (expressionStart == 1 && expressionDone == 0)


public void IdleMotions()
// IDLE HeadX
if (UseHeadControlBool.val)
motionTimerHeX -= Time.deltaTime;
if (motionTimerHeX < 0.0f)
motionTimerHeX = HeadDriveValuesX[2] * UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.7f, 1.3f) * periodJSON.val;
targetValHxJSON.val = UnityEngine.Random.Range(HeadDriveValuesX[0], HeadDriveValuesX[1]);
//SuperController.LogMessage("motionTimerHX RESET " + motionTimerHX);
currentValHxJSON.val = Mathf.Lerp(currentValHxJSON.val, targetValHxJSON.val, Time.deltaTime * (HeadDriveValuesX[3] * UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.7f, 1.3f) * quicknessJSON.val));
//head.transform.Rotate(0, currentValHxJSON.val, 0);
head.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 0, currentValHxJSON.val);

// IDLE NeckX
motionTimerNX -= Time.deltaTime;
if (motionTimerNX < 0.0f)
motionTimerNX = NeckDriveValuesX[2] * UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.7f, 1.3f) * periodJSON.val;
targetValNxJSON.val = UnityEngine.Random.Range(NeckDriveValuesX[0], NeckDriveValuesX[1]);
//SuperController.LogMessage("motionTimerNX RESET " + motionTimerNX);
currentValNxJSON.val = Mathf.Lerp(currentValNxJSON.val, targetValNxJSON.val, Time.deltaTime * (NeckDriveValuesX[3] * quicknessJSON.val));
neck.jointRotationDriveXTarget = currentValNxJSON.val;
neck.jointRotationDriveSpring = ((currentValNxJSON.val * -1) + 20);

// IDLE NeckY
motionTimerNY -= Time.deltaTime;
if (motionTimerNY < 0.0f)
motionTimerNY = NeckDriveValuesY[2] * UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.7f, 1.3f) * periodJSON.val;
targetValNyJSON.val = UnityEngine.Random.Range(NeckDriveValuesY[0], NeckDriveValuesY[1]);
//SuperController.LogMessage("motionTimerNY RESET " + motionTimerNY);
currentValNyJSON.val = Mathf.Lerp(currentValNyJSON.val, targetValNyJSON.val, Time.deltaTime * (NeckDriveValuesY[3] * quicknessJSON.val));
neck.jointRotationDriveYTarget = currentValNyJSON.val;

// IDLE NeckZ
motionTimerNZ -= Time.deltaTime;
if (motionTimerNZ < 0.0f)
motionTimerNZ = NeckDriveValuesZ[2] * UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.7f, 1.3f) * periodJSON.val;
targetValNzJSON.val = UnityEngine.Random.Range(NeckDriveValuesZ[0], NeckDriveValuesZ[1]);
//SuperController.LogMessage("motionTimerNZ RESET " + motionTimerNZ);
currentValNzJSON.val = Mathf.Lerp(currentValNzJSON.val, targetValNzJSON.val, Time.deltaTime * (NeckDriveValuesZ[3] * quicknessJSON.val));
neck.jointRotationDriveZTarget = currentValNzJSON.val;

// IDLE ShouldersY
motionTimerSY -= Time.deltaTime;
if (motionTimerSY < 0.0f)
motionTimerSY = ShoulderDriveValuesY[2] * UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.7f, 1.3f) * periodJSON.val;
targetValSyJSON.val = UnityEngine.Random.Range(ShoulderDriveValuesY[0], ShoulderDriveValuesY[1]);
mirrorRNDS = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.8f, 1.4f);
//SuperController.LogMessage("motionTimerNZ RESET " + motionTimerNZ);
currentValSyJSON.val = Mathf.Lerp(currentValSyJSON.val, targetValSyJSON.val, Time.deltaTime * (ShoulderDriveValuesY[3] * mirrorRNDS * quicknessJSON.val));
rArm.jointRotationDriveYTarget = (currentValSyJSON.val * mirrorRNDS);
lArm.jointRotationDriveYTarget = (currentValSyJSON.val * -1);
//SuperController.LogMessage("currentValSyJSON.val " + currentValSyJSON.val);

// IDLE Hands Spring
motionTimerHaS -= Time.deltaTime;
if (motionTimerHaS < 0.0f)
motionTimerHaS = HandSpringValues[2] * UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.7f, 2.0f) * periodJSON.val;
targetValHandsJSON.val = UnityEngine.Random.Range(HandSpringValues[0], HandSpringValues[1]);
mirrorRNDH = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.8f, 1.4f);
//SuperController.LogMessage("motionTimerNZ RESET " + motionTimerNZ);
currentValHandsJSON.val = Mathf.Lerp(currentValHandsJSON.val, targetValHandsJSON.val, Time.deltaTime * (HandSpringValues[3] * mirrorRNDH * quicknessJSON.val));

rHand.RBHoldPositionSpring = currentValHandsJSON.val;
lHand.RBHoldPositionSpring = currentValHandsJSON.val;
//SuperController.LogMessage("currentValSyJSON.val " + currentValSyJSON.val);

// IDLE Hands Rotate X
motionTimerHaX -= Time.deltaTime;
if (motionTimerHaX < 0.0f)
motionTimerHaX = HandDriveValuesx[2] * UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.7f, 1.3f) * periodJSON.val;
if (UnityEngine.Random.Range(1f, 4f) < 1.5f) { motionTimerHaX = 2.5f; }
targetValHandsXJSON.val = UnityEngine.Random.Range(HandDriveValuesx[0], HandDriveValuesx[1]);
//SuperController.LogMessage("motionTimerNZ RESET " + motionTimerNZ);
currentValHandsXJSON.val = Mathf.Lerp(currentValHandsXJSON.val, targetValHandsXJSON.val, Time.deltaTime * (HandDriveValuesx[3] * quicknessJSON.val));

rHand.jointRotationDriveXTarget = currentValHandsXJSON.val;
lHand.jointRotationDriveXTarget = currentValHandsXJSON.val;
//SuperController.LogMessage("currentValSyJSON.val " + currentValSyJSON.val);

// IDLE ThighsX
motionTimerTX -= Time.deltaTime;
if (motionTimerTX < 0.0f)
motionTimerTX = ThighsDriveValuesX[2] * UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.7f, 1.3f) * periodJSON.val;
targetValThighsJSON.val = UnityEngine.Random.Range(ThighsDriveValuesX[0], ThighsDriveValuesX[1]);
//SuperController.LogMessage("motionTimerTX RESET " + motionTimerTX);
currentValThighsJSON.val = Mathf.Lerp(currentValThighsJSON.val, targetValThighsJSON.val, Time.deltaTime * (ThighsDriveValuesX[3] * UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.7f, 1.3f) * quicknessJSON.val));
rThigh.jointRotationDriveXTarget = currentValThighsJSON.val;
lThigh.jointRotationDriveXTarget = (currentValThighsJSON.val * -1);
rThigh.jointRotationDriveZTarget = Remap(currentValThighsJSON.val, -30.0f, 30.0f, -50.0f, 10.0f) * -1;
lThigh.jointRotationDriveZTarget = Remap(currentValThighsJSON.val, -30.0f, 30.0f, -5.0f, 50.0f) * -1;
//SuperController.LogMessage("currentValSyJSON.val " + currentValSyJSON.val);

public void ExpressionRandomize()
// SuperController.LogMessage("ExpressionRandomize");
expressionTimer1 -= Time.deltaTime;
if (expressionTimer1 < 0.0f)
// delay to next expression start.
expressionTimer1 = 8 + UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.0f, 10.0f);
expressionID = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 9);

// check if same ID again
if (CurrExprID == expressionID)
expressionID = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 9);
CurrExprID = expressionID;
expressionStart = 1;
expressionDone = 0;
//SuperController.LogMessage("expressionID = " + expressionID);


public void Expressions()
if (expressionID == 1)
// Expression 1 (Lips)
// ExpressionDriveValues {StartValue, MaxValue, smoothness}
float[] ExpressionDriveValues = { 0.0f, 0.7f, 4.0f };

if (RevExpression == 0)
currentValExpJSON.val = Mathf.Lerp(currentValExpJSON.val, ExpressionDriveValues[1], Time.deltaTime * ExpressionDriveValues[2]);
MouthMorphLUD.morphValue = currentValExpJSON.val;
MouthMorphLBI.morphValue = currentValExpJSON.val;
//SuperController.LogMessage("currentValExpJSON.val " + currentValExpJSON.val + " - " + ExpressionDriveValues[1]);
if (currentValExpJSON.val > ExpressionDriveValues[1] - 0.0001f)
RevExpression = 1;
if (RevExpression == 1)
currentValExpJSON.val = Mathf.Lerp(currentValExpJSON.val, ExpressionDriveValues[0], Time.deltaTime * ExpressionDriveValues[2]);
MouthMorphLUD.morphValue = currentValExpJSON.val;
MouthMorphLBI.morphValue = currentValExpJSON.val;

if (currentValExpJSON.val < ExpressionDriveValues[0] + 0.001f)
expressionStart = 0;
RevExpression = 0;
expressionDone = 1;

if (expressionID == 2)
// Expression 2 (BrowsEyes)
// ExpressionDriveValues {StartValue, MaxValue, smoothness}
float[] ExpressionDriveValues = { 0.0f, 0.8f, 6.0f };

if (RevExpression == 0)
currentValExpJSON.val = Mathf.Lerp(currentValExpJSON.val, ExpressionDriveValues[1], Time.deltaTime * ExpressionDriveValues[2]);
FaceMorphBrowsArch.morphValue = currentValExpJSON.val;
EyesMorphEyesClosedL.morphValue = currentValExpJSON.val * -0.3f;
EyesMorphEyesClosedR.morphValue = currentValExpJSON.val * -0.3f;
EyesMorphEyesRound.morphValue = currentValExpJSON.val * 1.4f;

//SuperController.LogMessage("currentValExpJSON.val " + currentValExpJSON.val + " - " + ExpressionDriveValues[1]);
if (currentValExpJSON.val > ExpressionDriveValues[1] - 0.01f)
RevExpression = 1;
if (RevExpression == 1)
currentValExpJSON.val = Mathf.Lerp(currentValExpJSON.val, ExpressionDriveValues[0], Time.deltaTime * ExpressionDriveValues[2]);
FaceMorphBrowsArch.morphValue = currentValExpJSON.val;
EyesMorphEyesClosedL.morphValue = currentValExpJSON.val * -0.3f;
EyesMorphEyesClosedR.morphValue = currentValExpJSON.val * -0.3f;
EyesMorphEyesRound.morphValue = currentValExpJSON.val * 1.4f;

if (currentValExpJSON.val < ExpressionDriveValues[0] + 0.001f)
expressionStart = 0;
RevExpression = 0;
expressionDone = 1;

if (expressionID == 3)
// Expression 2 (EyesClose)
// ExpressionDriveValues {StartValue, MaxValue, smoothness}
float[] ExpressionDriveValues = { 0.0f, 1.0f, 4.0f };

if (RevExpression == 0)
autoBlEnabled.val = false;
currentValExpJSON.val = Mathf.Lerp(currentValExpJSON.val, ExpressionDriveValues[1], Time.deltaTime * ExpressionDriveValues[2]);
EyesMorphEyesClosedL.morphValue = currentValExpJSON.val;
EyesMorphEyesClosedR.morphValue = currentValExpJSON.val;

if (currentValExpJSON.val > ExpressionDriveValues[1] - 0.01f)
RevExpression = 1;
if (RevExpression == 1)
currentValExpJSON.val = Mathf.Lerp(currentValExpJSON.val, ExpressionDriveValues[0], Time.deltaTime * (ExpressionDriveValues[2] * 1.3f));
EyesMorphEyesClosedL.morphValue = currentValExpJSON.val;
EyesMorphEyesClosedR.morphValue = currentValExpJSON.val;

if (currentValExpJSON.val < ExpressionDriveValues[0] + 0.001f)
expressionStart = 0;
RevExpression = 0;
expressionDone = 1;
autoBlEnabled.val = true;

if (expressionID == 4)
// Expression 2 (Eyes Wink)
// ExpressionDriveValues {StartValue, MaxValue, smoothness}
float[] ExpressionDriveValues = { 0.0f, 1.0f, 15.0f };

if (RevExpression == 0)
autoBlEnabled.val = false;
currentValExpJSON.val = Mathf.Lerp(currentValExpJSON.val, ExpressionDriveValues[1], Time.deltaTime * ExpressionDriveValues[2]);
EyesMorphEyesClosedR.morphValue = currentValExpJSON.val;
FaceMorphBrowDR.morphValue = currentValExpJSON.val / 2f;

if (currentValExpJSON.val > ExpressionDriveValues[1] - 0.01f)
RevExpression = 1;
if (RevExpression == 1)
currentValExpJSON.val = Mathf.Lerp(currentValExpJSON.val, ExpressionDriveValues[0], Time.deltaTime * ExpressionDriveValues[2]);
EyesMorphEyesClosedR.morphValue = currentValExpJSON.val;
FaceMorphBrowDR.morphValue = currentValExpJSON.val / 4f;

if (currentValExpJSON.val < ExpressionDriveValues[0] + 0.001f)
expressionStart = 0;
RevExpression = 0;
expressionDone = 1;
autoBlEnabled.val = true;

if (expressionID == 5)
// Expression 2 (Mouth Shh!)
// ExpressionDriveValues {StartValue, MaxValue, smoothness}
float[] ExpressionDriveValues = { 0.0f, 0.7f, 1.5f };

if (RevExpression == 0)
currentValExpJSON.val = Mathf.Lerp(currentValExpJSON.val, ExpressionDriveValues[1], Time.deltaTime * ExpressionDriveValues[2]);
MouthMorphSH.morphValue = currentValExpJSON.val;

if (currentValExpJSON.val > ExpressionDriveValues[1] - 0.01f)
RevExpression = 1;
if (RevExpression == 1)
currentValExpJSON.val = Mathf.Lerp(currentValExpJSON.val, ExpressionDriveValues[0], Time.deltaTime * ExpressionDriveValues[2]);
MouthMorphSH.morphValue = currentValExpJSON.val;

if (currentValExpJSON.val < ExpressionDriveValues[0] + 0.001f)
expressionStart = 0;
RevExpression = 0;
expressionDone = 1;

if (expressionID == 6)
// Expression 2 (Mouth Corner)
// ExpressionDriveValues {StartValue, MaxValue, smoothness}
float[] ExpressionDriveValues = { 0.0f, 2.5f, 1.6f };

if (RevExpression == 0)
currentValExpJSON.val = Mathf.Lerp(currentValExpJSON.val, ExpressionDriveValues[1], Time.deltaTime * ExpressionDriveValues[2]);
MouthMorphMCD.morphValue = currentValExpJSON.val;

if (currentValExpJSON.val > ExpressionDriveValues[1] - 0.0001f)
RevExpression = 1;
if (RevExpression == 1)
currentValExpJSON.val = Mathf.Lerp(currentValExpJSON.val, ExpressionDriveValues[0], Time.deltaTime * ExpressionDriveValues[2]);
MouthMorphMCD.morphValue = currentValExpJSON.val;

if (currentValExpJSON.val < ExpressionDriveValues[0] + 0.001f)
expressionStart = 0;
RevExpression = 0;
expressionDone = 1;

if (expressionID == 7)
// Expression 2 (Tongue)
// ExpressionDriveValues {StartValue, MaxValue, smoothness}
float[] ExpressionDriveValues = { 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.3f };

if (RevExpression == 0)
currentValExpJSON.val = Mathf.Lerp(currentValExpJSON.val, ExpressionDriveValues[1], Time.deltaTime * ExpressionDriveValues[2]);
MouthMorphAA.morphValue = currentValExpJSON.val * 1.3f;
TongueMorphIO.morphValue = (currentValExpJSON.val * -0.9f);
TongueMorphCu.morphValue = (currentValExpJSON.val / 3f);

if (currentValExpJSON.val > ExpressionDriveValues[1] - 0.01f)
RevExpression = 1;
if (RevExpression == 1)
currentValExpJSON.val = Mathf.Lerp(currentValExpJSON.val, ExpressionDriveValues[0], Time.deltaTime * ExpressionDriveValues[2]);
MouthMorphAA.morphValue = currentValExpJSON.val * 1.3f;
TongueMorphIO.morphValue = (currentValExpJSON.val * -0.9f);
TongueMorphCu.morphValue = (currentValExpJSON.val / 3f);

if (currentValExpJSON.val < ExpressionDriveValues[0] + 0.001f)
expressionStart = 0;
RevExpression = 0;
expressionDone = 1;


if (expressionID == 8)
// Expression 2 (Nose tilt)
// ExpressionDriveValues {StartValue, MaxValue, smoothness}
float[] ExpressionDriveValues = { 0.0f, 0.6f, 4.5f };

if (RevExpression == 0)
currentValExpJSON.val = Mathf.Lerp(currentValExpJSON.val, ExpressionDriveValues[1], Time.deltaTime * ExpressionDriveValues[2]);
NoseMorphTilt.morphValue = currentValExpJSON.val * -1;
MouthMorphAA.morphValue = currentValExpJSON.val * 1.3f;
FaceMorphBrowsIU.morphValue = currentValExpJSON.val * -1;

// Head nod

if (HeadNod == 0)
Nod_initialVal = targetValNxJSON.val;
targetValNxJSON.val = currentValNxJSON.val + 20.0f;
HeadNod = 1;
currentValNxJSON.val = Mathf.Lerp(currentValNxJSON.val, targetValNxJSON.val, Time.deltaTime * 3.5f);
neck.jointRotationDriveXTarget = currentValNxJSON.val;

//SuperController.LogMessage("currentValExpJSON.val " + currentValExpJSON.val + " - " + ExpressionDriveValues[1]);
if (currentValExpJSON.val > ExpressionDriveValues[1] - 0.1f)
RevExpression = 1;
if (RevExpression == 1)
currentValExpJSON.val = Mathf.Lerp(currentValExpJSON.val, ExpressionDriveValues[0], Time.deltaTime * ExpressionDriveValues[2]);
NoseMorphTilt.morphValue = currentValExpJSON.val * -1;
MouthMorphAA.morphValue = currentValExpJSON.val * 1.3f;
FaceMorphBrowsIU.morphValue = currentValExpJSON.val * -1;

// Head Nod
currentValNxJSON.val = Mathf.Lerp(currentValNxJSON.val, Nod_initialVal, Time.deltaTime * 1.5f);
neck.jointRotationDriveXTarget = currentValNxJSON.val;

if (currentValExpJSON.val < ExpressionDriveValues[0] + 0.0001f)
expressionStart = 0;
RevExpression = 0;
expressionDone = 1;
HeadNod = 0;


if (expressionID == 9)
// Expression 2 (Mouth Open)
// ExpressionDriveValues {StartValue, MaxValue, smoothness}
float[] ExpressionDriveValues = { 0.0f, 0.8f, 1.2f };

if (RevExpression == 0)
currentValExpJSON.val = Mathf.Lerp(currentValExpJSON.val, ExpressionDriveValues[1], Time.deltaTime * ExpressionDriveValues[2]);
MouthMorphAA.morphValue = currentValExpJSON.val * 0.9f;
FaceMorphBrowsIU.morphValue = currentValExpJSON.val * 1.3f;

if (currentValExpJSON.val > ExpressionDriveValues[1] - 0.001f)
RevExpression = 1;
if (RevExpression == 1)
currentValExpJSON.val = Mathf.Lerp(currentValExpJSON.val, ExpressionDriveValues[0], Time.deltaTime * ExpressionDriveValues[2]);
MouthMorphAA.morphValue = currentValExpJSON.val * 0.9f;
FaceMorphBrowsIU.morphValue = currentValExpJSON.val * 1.3f;

if (currentValExpJSON.val < ExpressionDriveValues[0] + 0.001f)
expressionStart = 0;
RevExpression = 0;
expressionDone = 1;



private float Remap(float x, float x1, float x2, float y1, float y2)
var m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1);
var c = y1 - m * x1;

return m * x + c;
DAZCharacterSelector dcs = js as DAZCharacterSelector;
GenerateDAZMorphsControlUI morphUI = dcs.morphsControlUI;
if (morphUI != null)
breatheMorph = morphUI.GetMorphByDisplayName("Breath1");
moMorph = morphUI.GetMorphByDisplayName("Mouth Open");

NoseMorphPinch = morphUI.GetMorphByDisplayName("Nose Pinch");
NoseMorphTilt = morphUI.GetMorphByDisplayName("Nose Tilt");
MouthMorphSH = morphUI.GetMorphByDisplayName("SH");
MouthMorphAA = morphUI.GetMorphByDisplayName("AA");
MouthMorphLUD = morphUI.GetMorphByDisplayName("Lip Upper Depth");
MouthMorphLBI = morphUI.GetMorphByDisplayName("Lip Bottom In");

MouthMorphMCD = morphUI.GetMorphByDisplayName("Mouth Corner Depth");
FaceMorphBrowsArch = morphUI.GetMorphByDisplayName("Brows Arch");
FaceMorphBrowsIU = morphUI.GetMorphByDisplayName("Brow Inner Up");
FaceMorphBrowDR = morphUI.GetMorphByDisplayName("Brow Down Right");
EyesMorphEyesClosedL = morphUI.GetMorphByDisplayName("Eyes Closed Left");
EyesMorphEyesClosedR = morphUI.GetMorphByDisplayName("Eyes Closed Right");
EyesMorphEyesRound = morphUI.GetMorphByDisplayName("Eyes Round");
TongueMorphIO = morphUI.GetMorphByDisplayName("Tongue In-Out");
TongueMorphCu = morphUI.GetMorphByDisplayName("Tongue Curl");


My first guess is you delete the highlighted lines from the section i quoted. However this could result in the whole thing not working, bugs/etc so just try that out and see what happens, save a version elsewhere or copy paste this one back in if it blows up.

I had a similar need for a scene I was working on. I modified it and uploaded it to the hub here...

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